Well, one thing you can say for Alex Jones, when he brings the cray he brings it vast quantities, one may say even if he has to go interdimensional to do it…

Sound less crazy in the original German…

Couldn’t hurt…



Funny, but not fair to Chris…


Still funny tho, especially when you remember he will still have to pay out like $100,000,000…



Amen to that…

Thanks for the yucks, Ron, we can always count on you!

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  1. Sounds to me like he’s trying to pave the way for a new gig as televangelist bible thumper. We all know how much $$$ they rake in from xtian suckers.

  2. Alex…you are one lucky son of a bitch. If you intruded on my grief, grief of my 6 year old shot like a dog…well being sued would be the least of your problems. Your fat head covered with syrup & fire ants while buried up to your neck deeeep in the woods WOULD be a problem. Oh & ranting deep in the woods of Appalachia brings no help. Lucky for you…those poor parents are nicer than I am. You evil piece of shit.


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