Whoa! Melania Lashes Back, She’ll ‘Watch Any Channel She Wants’


This is comical. Melania’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham pushes back on the New York Times story that Trump has decreed that all television sets shall be turned to Fox News, and reminds us what a serious person Melania is.

NAS is natal abstinence syndrome, wherein a baby is born drug addicted and goes through withdrawal. This is apparently Melania’s new platform, a spin off from the opoid crisis, an issue she was put in charge of after Jared abandoned it. Melania kept it for about a week, then she passed the torch to Kellyanne Conway and now apparently it’s back in her hands. She did a photo op blowing bubbles with the kids diagnosed with NAS at a hospital in Tennessee Tuesday.

My take on it is that the White House communications staff is desperate to depict Melania as doing something important and constructive, while the evidence piling up against her husband becomes more damning by the hour, but then again I’m cynical.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Melania is indeed a social reformer of powerful motivation and compassion, sort of a cross between Carrie Nation and Florence Nightingale and she’s going to go right in and clean this issue up, drug addicted mothers on one hand and bullied kids on the other. Let’s see what actual steps are taken to address these issues besides photo ops and press coverage, which in Trump World is synonymous with success. The truth of the matter is that none of Trump’s relatives are qualified to do much of anything of substance and Melania is the least qualified, and clearly the least concerned of all. This is damage control, nothing more.

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