It’s interesting which hills people choose to die on. You can tell a lot about a person from which issue is so burningly central to their being that they simply cannot let go of it. It comes to define them and depending upon their level of obsession, to rule their lives to one degree or another. We’ve all known people like that, that pride themselves on having the fanciest car, best looking girlfriend, biggest bank account, all that. In the case of Donald Trump it’s crowd size and/or ratings, which equal *Attention.* That is his drug. Maybe Adderall, too, but Attention, definitely. He needs attention and he desperately needs to believe that he is commanding attention and is the center of attention.

That’s why the ultimate horror for this man is going to be the day that people just tune him out, like they line birdcages with yesterday’s newspaper. He’s an empty vessel inside. That emptiness is what compelled Trump to create the persona that he has of the mega successful billionaire, the playboy of the western world, the man that other men want to be and all women want. No man who actually knows Trump wants to be anything like him and no woman in her right mind wants anything to do with him — beyond his bank account. I have heard tell that Karen McDougal said she “loved” Trump. If that’s true, I feel sorry for her obvious lack of judgement.

What is killing Trump right now is the lack of MAGAs that have shown up in New York City to protest his trial. He predicted before the trial began, “All hell’s about to break loose.” Not only has any hell not broken loose, let alone all, it would take a lot of exaggeration to characterize the MAGA protest turnout as even a weak heck.

You saw Durrati’s post earlier this morning about Trump lying how the streets were closed down when they weren’t. Reporters Vaughn Hillyard and Maggie Haberman ran stories, (Hillyard ran video) on how it simply was not true that anybody was in the streets and Trump became livid. Right after court he got on Truth Social and called Haberman “Maggot” and doubled down on this lie.

You see what I’m saying? This is the bridge the man chooses to die on. And here is the reality of how many supporters showed up outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse.

And in all fairness, let’s assume that others dropped by later on in the morning. And in an abundance of fairness, New York does have a large Jewish population, perhaps many people meant to drop by to support Trump but they have family commitments and commitments at their temple to deal with and they’ll get to Trump right after the holiday next Tuesday, April 30. Righto. Look for hordes of Trump worshipping Jewish MAGAs to choke the city streets. And flying Jewish elephants will accompany them. (Dumbo will look cute in a yarmulke and tallit.) We’re going out of our way to be fair here.

Trump is disappointed. Trump needed a circus outside, a horde of unpaid extras to be in his latest epic. He’s been trying to frame this epic in Biblical proportions and how can you do that if you don’t have legions of people? Morning Joe picked up on it too. This is Trump’s obsession, the crowds.

Plus, and this is no coincidence, small dollar donations are not exactly flooding in right now. So you put together the two, lack of money, lack of interest, he’s not happy.

And finally, nobody in Trump’s family has come to support him, certainly not Melania. The *logic* behind this is that for the Trump family members to show up would be to dignify the actual seriousness of the proceeding and for them to stay away is a demonstration that none of them actually take the matter seriously. If you buy that rationale, I can get you a terrific deal on a bridge. Trust me.

Here’s Lincoln Project’s take, if you missed it the first time.

Families show up at criminal trials. But not the Trump *family.* And there are Americans who want to vote this travesty back into our White House?

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  1. The lonely friendless loser.

    Reality prevails on Dimwit Donny at last.

    No friends, no family, no acquaintances, once he can’t pay people to be with him, he will be so lonely.



  2. OH MY, oh my,

    Trump without a spotlight, a mic to grab and adjust to his ugly face, no one to point to and smile his fake approval … NO ONE AT ALL?

    He does NOT need a podium, his continued hand movements would be interrupted and we would be short changed if we could not refer to those signals as he spews another lie as usual … His maxim capacity to tolerate being all alone, has to be extremely small, if someone mentions his isolation accidentally, like, “We were here last Thursday, no one was out front by the barriers, we had no problem entering the courthouse with our press passes, and the hallways were only manned by a few cops and SS people”, it seems like you are on your own Donald … 🙂 🙂

    These are the days of Trump on fire, so much pressure to find one friend in the same room, his stoic frozen face pose will dissolve into the crying fool he has always been, a coward with a big show of false wealth and power, lost little boy, no intelligence to survive a winter storm this summer, when the REALLY horrid things he has done in the past come back to haunt the loser’s nightmares …

  3. If I was in NYC I’d make up a batch of cutout in the shape of Star Wars Storm Trooper blasters on white posterboard. At least double the actual size from the movies. And with crayon as close to Trump orange as I could find write “JEWISH SPACE LASTER” on both sides. I’d also make up a big banner to stand in from of, with MTG ugly mug on one side and Trump’s on the other that reads “Jews For Trump. Ready To Use Our Lasers On His Enemies” Maybe a few signs on sticks with MTG’s pic saying “Where Are You Marge” would be a nice touch too!



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