The GOP standard bearer is gone mentally. Physically, he’s not in the greatest shape, either, being morbidly obese (although he claims to “run fast” and loves “running through the course”) but mentally the guy is losing it more and more on a daily basis. He is truly gone. Listen to the clips below from Mar-a-Lago starting out with an incomprehensible word salad from Donald Trump. And promise me this: if you have any idea WTF he’s talking about, will you please contact us here immediately? I listened to this four times and I can’t make hide nor hair of it.

And this will blow your mind. He’s got a failing Twitter-competitor and now he’s claiming that he *made* Twitter. Terrific. Maybe Elon will sell it to you. And as much as Elon has trashed the platform, you might even have enough money to buy it.

He’s the biggest and the bestest and the most amazing ever ever est ist. Maybe he built Mr. Everest as well, ya spose? It sounds like something he would build, does it not? And yes, it’s gets worse. That is the one constant of Trump world, the one thing you can depend upon like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, it.gets.worse.

Now that’s something you don’t see everyday, a draft dodger being saluted by a civilian. Take careful note of this, you’re not likely to see it again.

The salutes are a bit weird, if you look at all of them and who is saluting whom. Very strange pattern emerges.

Back to the initial clip here, the Letitia *Jones* reference, I’ve been trawling the internet to see if I can find out more about it. We’ll update this post if more context is found. The reactions are what you would expect.

Nobody knows if Trump’s calling Letitia James/Jones a man, or if Trump’s talking about somebody else in the Office of the Attorney General or just what. But his sycophants all titter at the right moments, when he’s mocking the AG. That’s all he cares about, he’s getting a reaction from his cult, nothing else matters.

What doesn’t seem to have dawned in his grey matter is that the cult doesn’t have enough votes in and of itself to get him over the top. It never did. The defectors from Trump in 2020 cost him that election. Now there are even more.

2024 is not 2016. And Trump knows that. Deep down he knows that:

  1. He’s not an iconoclast with a “new” message. He’s the establishment;
  2. He didn’t drain the swamp or do anything else;
  3. He didn’t have the January 6 disgrace in 2016;
  4. He didn’t have four criminal indictments, not to mention a loss of two highly publicized civil suits, in 2016.

Trump is a goner. Now his mind is going the same direction as his campaign and his Truth Social platform, down down down the dark ladder.



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  1. I’ve worked with traumatic brain injury survivors. I’ve run psychiatric assessments and admissions for years. I’ve worked on memory care units with the disabled and the elderly. He’s clearly impaired. The etiology may be unclear, but his behavior and inability to present cogent thoughts are there, indicating he’s in decline. As the stress increases with his trials, and as more time goes by, he will get worse. That is a certainty.

    • Definitely the stress of these trials isn’t helping anything. Also, I notice among people who age, that if you have a solid skill in youth, it doesn’t deteriorate all that much as you get older. For instance, I can still type 100 wpm. And it’s a skill I use everyday. Trump is now called upon to develop skills he never had in youth. He’s asked to reason and put together a cogent argument and he simply can’t. It’s the old dog and new tricks thing. Now Biden, who has been an elected official for half a century, can legislate in his sleep.

      This is what matters. One candidate has been doing the job for decades and knows it back and forth. The other candidate is too busy trying to figure out a way to rationally explain his criminal trials and there is no rational explanation.

      That said, this was the nuttiest, most disjointed word salad Trump has ever delivered.

  2. “Trump is either heavily medicated, high on drugs, or suffering from dementia here”–or (D) all of the above. The guy truly is an embarrassment to the nation but more embarrassing still are the fools who not only voted for him twice but will go on to vote for him a third time. What the f*ck does it take for people to realize this guy IS only a clown and to paraphrase the Turkish proverb, he turned the oval office into a clown car full of rectums. In fact, everything he has anything to do with turns out the same way. Is it by design or accident? Does it really matter? He is one of the most moronic, most foolish people to enter the public sphere and has been for DECADES. The shit about him would fill a set of encyclopedias and it is all out there available for the entire public to see, hear, read. Sweet tap-dancing jeebus magats get a f*cking clue.

    • The madness we are living through now will be the source of many movies in decades to come. Not in our lifetimes, I don’t think. The past four, five years I’ve seen some outstanding dramatizations of the watergate era. Actors will win Oscars playing the characters that you and I read about on a daily basis.

      • I just wish this p.o.s. would go away, permanently, and any and all mention of his later years of his life (2015-present) were considered too asinine to put to paper or film. This is a very bad dream and we never wake from it. F**k I am so tired of him and the filth that worships him.

  3. They’re coming to take me away hee hee
    They’re coming to take me away ha ha
    Hee hee ho ho ha ha
    To the funny farm
    Where people sit and smile all day
    And weave their baskets in the sun

    Sorry, all I remember.

  4. unfortunately Trump’s obvious decline to go along with the rest of his implosion will not get through to the mega heads, hopefully the rest realize the disaster that is Trump

  5. I’m a strong believer in the ancient old meme, “You do the crime, you do the time”, however, in Trump’s case, we can only guess if he will even survive sitting still long enough to hear the Judge intone his sentence, on the first count, 20 years in prison without possibility of parole, on the second count, ….. Someone call in the medics, get his stinking ass out of here …


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