This happened just today, in the latter part of the day even. It’s somewhat of a monumental occurrence in American politics. Of course it’s being drowned out by all the Trump trial news. But take a moment and let this sink in: A candidate for our nation’s highest office has not only been publicly abandoned by his family but that same family has gone on record publicly endorsing his opponent. Have you ever seen such a thing? No, and likely you will not. Here is yet another snapshot into American politics in the year 2024.

This is some day. Well do I recall Jack and Bobby, the heroes of my youth. I was only seven years old in 1960 but there was something different. Jack and Jackie Kennedy were nothing like Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower. They were something fresh and unique. Richard Nixon looked dull, if not downright menacing, next to the vibrant young war hero with the charismatic smile and the uplifting vision for America. Even as a young child I remember being impressed and swept up in it.

The Kennedy assassination was a difficult day, and I remember it with great clarity as well. And then five years later Bobby joined his brother Jack in the same fate. Dr. King also was also murdered that year. It was a time when innocence was lost. The 1950s may have been the joy of post WWII America and a time of invincibility, the 1960s were a time of contrasts, tremendous cultural upheaval yes, but also tremendous growth and change. Of all of the decades of my life and I’ve completed six of them and started on the seventh last year, the 1960’s were the most amazing. Although I must say that the Trump years are in a category all of their own.

Here’s the Lincoln Project’s take on what happened today.

There has been no reaction to this from RFK, Jr. Although he did say this ahead of time.

Here’s the rest of the tweet.

“I hold this as a possibility for America too. Can we disagree without hating our opponents? Can we restore civility and respect to public discourse? I think we can. My campaign, which many of my family members are working on and supportive of, is about healing America — healing our economy, our chronic disease crisis, our middle class, our environment, and our standing in the world as a peaceful nation. But this will only happen if we heal our national conversation, and move from rage and fear into love and respect.”

Somebody may heal the national conversation but it won’t be this anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist. That is a guarantee. And the depth of his lying here in this paragraph is something to behold. His campaign is not about healing. His campaign is a spoiler campaign to get Trump reelected. His own campaign admitted that last week and it was quite the sensation.

Donald Trump depends upon people who pay attention to nothing beyond right-wing media to believe his lies and vote for him and RFK, Jr. depends upon people with the media habits of ostriches to support him.

This campaign is not about healing. Kennedy is a cruel man who ran around on his wife, documented it all in a diary, and then there are two schools of thought about whether he intended for the diary to be found or whether that was accidental. In any event, the actions he took were actions that any woman, upon finding out, would have had a severe emotional reaction to. In the case of this woman, she took her own life.

Kennedy is a toxic man with irrational, unscientific ideas. For him to whitewash his campaign and his family’s reaction to it, and to him, the way he does is a voyage into unreality. Believe his campaign worker. Believe that this is a spoiler campaign designed to elect Trump, just like she said it was.

Kennedy has no path to winning and he doesn’t care about that. Winning is not his goal. Crippling the Democratic ticket is his goal. Electing Donald Trump to a second term is his goal. And he’s fine with destroying America this way. Just like he was fine with destroying his wife. There is something incredibly perverse about this man.

It’s a truly tragic thing that on top of the menace that Trump poses that there’s this toxic third-party campaign going on at the same time. The No Labels threat didn’t manifest, thank God, but this one has. It’s not something to be taken lightly. Biden needs every vote he can get in November and if RFK Jr. was any kind of an American he would not be doing what he is.

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  1. TRUMP committed open Democide by refusing to protect us! Realizing mostly Black & Hispanic were dying in Blue states the stock market & his re-election were prioritized to blame Governors! More than 782,000 American LIVES paid the price! YET HE HASN’T! HIS GENOCIDE! A BLOODBATH!

  2. Screwed around on his wife, huh? Chip off the old block (his uncle Horny Jack, less so his father). JFK would have contests with Hollywood guys to see who could “score” with movie starlets. He usually won. Billy-Jeff Clinton was a Kennedy wanna-be.

    Plus the Kennedys got a lot of their money from old Joe running moonshine.

  3. This is Wife#3. Wife #1 divorced his ass.Ditto Wife #2,who committed suicide two years later. He suffers from Kennedy Male Syndrome: a chronic condition in which the sufferer cannot keep his pants zipped if a marginally attractive woman walks by.
    Also anti-vaxxer.


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