The Democrats couldn’t have pulled this off any better if they had written the script themselves. After four long, brutal for the GOP, laughing and joking with each other, bringing bags of popcorn to the floor in s derisive show of ridicule, and cheering longer and longer for Hakeem Jeffries than the GOP caucus did for the next Speaker. And to close the curtain, they stole McCarthy’s ceremonial victory lap speech with a barn burning oratory for the ages.

The old joke goes, You know what really burns my ass? A candle about 3.5 feet high. And last night, in ceremonially turning the gavel over to the GOP, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries was that 3.5 foot candle under McCarthy’s ass. And all you had to do was to look at McCarthy standing there, like a cigar store Indian, while Jeffries roasted not only him but his entire caucus, to know that what Kevin McCarthy most wanted in this world was for Hakeem Jeffries to get terminal laryngitis.

And you could tell it was getting to them, not just McCarthy, but the toadying GOP caucus. At various points they took to their feet to boo and jeer when Jeffries made a point that hit too close to home. And when they did, Jeffries simply turned his head, hit them with a laser frown like Obama did with that dickhead SC GOP congressman who yelled out You Lie at the State of the Union, and went right about demolishing McCarthy and the House GOP.

And you know what? As Jeffries went deeper into his speech, and even I started getting carried away, I had a mental flashback to another young, charismatic, passionate African American politician. I’m referring of course to then Senator Barack Obama in his nominating speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. Obama was already a fast rising star in the Democratic party, but that one speech, with national media coverage, helped him to launch a successful campaign for President two years later.

And that’s what I saw from Hakeem Jeffries last night. With jack shit going on in national news at damn near midnight eastern time, they were all covering the 15th round of voting and the aftermath, Hakeem Jeffries had his perfect Obama 2004 moment, and he played it to the hilt. Jeffries, obviously knowing that when all was said and done, wasn’t going to be Speaker, spent days carefully crafting that speech for national consumption. And he knocked it out of the park.

But hey!, why listen to me? If you really want to know how a politician is doing, don’t look at the public polls, look at his standing in his caucus. And in 15 long and tortuous votes, Jeffries never lost one member of his caucus. In the 1st 13 rounds of voting, Jeffries netted more votes than McCarthy did, and McCarthy had the majority!In a party that loves to fight and quibble over every little thing, Jeffries has total and complete loyalty from his caucus. That should tell you something.

You all know me, I’m a stone Biden man. I started out being a Klobuchar backer, but when she backed out, I went all in for Biden, and have never waivered. And I have backed Biden’s play in whatever he did, even if he ran into trouble. And in fact he has had the most consequential first two years in Presidential history. He promised to work across the aisle, and he delivered, even when nobody thought it was possible.

And as much as I love Joe, I would love nothing more than for him to step aside and clear the field for Jeffries in 2024. Jeffries is already the darling of the younger, more progressive wing of the party that just engineered the change of power in the House to younger leadership. And as much as they love and respect what Biden has accomplished, they are ready to complete the job of turning the party over to the ascendent generation of leadership.

And just look at the upcoming 2024 GOP presidential primary field. Could you imagine a GOP troglodyte like Donald Trump going up mano-a-mano in a debate against Jeffries? How about that sniveling toady Ron DeSantis? Think maybe Jeffries could mop the floor with a pompous ass like Ted Cruz or Mike Pompeo? There is nobody in the current GOP field who could stand a chance against Jeffries, especially when he whips up the base with his rhetoric.

The sole choice of course belongs to nobody but Joe Biden. If Biden announces for President in 2024, then Jeffries, ever the good soldier, will stand back and wait his turn. But if Biden does run again, whatever the outcome, the field is wide open for Jeffries in 2028. Because faced with the inevitable shit show the GOP is highly likely to present us with in the next two years, it is even more likely that if Jeffires doesn’t run in 2024, he will spend at least two, if not four years as House Speaker, a nice resume stuffer. Just stick a pin in this. It looks like we have another Obama on our hands. And thank God.

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  1. We have a much deeper bench. There are governors and senators who stand a much better chance, should Biden decide not to run again. Jeffries has a much more important role in the House and as Speaker would leave a much better legacy. The country, as a whole, is not ready for another African-American as President, hence Joe Biden’s presidency. Hakeem Jeffries will be a consequential Speaker, which may happen in the next two years depending on resignations and deaths.

    • I agree…But from where I’m sitting, Jeffries just has that MAGIC, that populist touch that Obama rode to the White House…

      • I totally agree with you. I saw him talking and I said on a YouTube thread this is another Obama. I don’t see him trying to upstage Joe. He’s been around a little longer and he knows there’s always another election. But I do see him going for it at some point. He’s the first black mn to make it to where he is. And to be the first black speaker would be something to tell the grandkids about. He almost made it this time and the clowns in the House just might still make it possible. The last snippet I believe it was either Raskin or maybe Garland that said they were going to follow the evidence and go after anyone that the evidence led to. And they were discussing the people in the House. Like they say it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

      • Some people have no vision. I see it happening. Right now you have the best president in 40 years with a woman VP. That has to play out and I don’t think he will do anything to disrupt that. But lookout for 28.

  2. Murf I have to agree with you. When I saw Obama’s speech you referenced I knew he would one day be president. As I was watching Jeffries it was same recognition with him. I too admire & respect all that Biden has accomplished and the way he has accomplished it. However he’s my age & there starts a decided decline in physical health. Let a new young lion have his chance. Too many old white men rule our lives now!

    • “Too many old white men rule our lives now!”

      Sharla, your words mark you as ageist, sexist, and possibly racist as well. And this 75-year-old white, with all her wits about her, doesn’t like that one bit!

      • I’m an old white woman too and I believe Sharla’s statement may be ageist, sexist and possibly racist but it’s the truth. That’s why this country is in such a mess. We need younger, more progressive and diverse leaders who recognize the sentiments and demographics of this country has changed and will know how to govern for ALL of us.

      • Hate it all you want, Daisy. Proof is in the pudding and if we’re being honest with ourselves, we both know it. Back when Obama was running for the first time in 2008, I had a mother of a student (white, of course) talk about her concerns on him getting elected. What I told her then applies here now: “I’ve seen what them white boys can do. Can’t say as I’m impressed.”

    • I agree. My husband walked in the door hallway through that Obama speech. I told him to shush because I was looking at the next Dem president.He agreed.

  3. My wife thought his oratory was better than Obama. He had me fired up, but the way I look at this sort of thing is that Obama, Clinton and Biden all do/did a good job getting their point across. Comparison is just another example of the pointless competitiveness in this society/country. Getting the best results possible for the person and the situation is all we should expect. Jeffries would make a good President, but the unfortunate reality is that we live in one of the most racist countries on Earth. Any Democrat would make a good President as far as I am concerned, as long as we have super majorities in the Senate and Congress.

  4. That moment you had, Murf? Think I know what kind of message. Way back in 2004, I had a similar one on Election Night. I don’t need to tell anybody who was alive and aware then what a depressing night that was, do I? I was at a student of mine’s place (well, his grandmother’s, really, but you get the point) watching CBS give back the Presidential election returns. But it kept cutting back to a victory celebration of this junior Senator from Illinois with an unusual name…one Barack Obama. I watch it long enough and I suddenly blurt out to my student “We’re looking at the next President of the United States.” (exact quote)

    If you do not believe me, I do not blame you. I barely believe it and I was there. There may well be something to Jeffries no one else has figured out about him yet. They will.

  5. The real.problem is that Hillary was fat better prepared and did much better in the debates than Fat Donnie did.but it didn’t matter as long as we have the electoral college. We need to amend the electoral college out of exit. The Gop want because it is the only way they can win the White House.In other words, the same reason we have the Senate: appeasement of the conservative South.

    • I get your point. The last two republicans didn’t win the election. They stole their elections by that stupid college crap. I’m an old dude and I see Jeffries to. But I also see another thing that’s been around. One great speech doesn’t make a president. I see that to. Do I think Jeffries would make a great president. Hell yes! Do I think he will be the next president. Not really. Obama caught a hole. Jeffries, unless something happens will have to wait his turn. Just the way i see it.


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