You’ve probably seen news about former AG Bill “Bilirubin” Barr having endorsed Trump, or at least making it clear publicly he’s going to vote for the Mango Maniac. Oh, and of Trump going Jeff Sessions on him. Already! That’s right. Trump isn’t wasting any time heaping humiliation on Barr who should really take a hard look at what Trump put Jeff Sessions through. Why I’m writing however is I saw a short article by The Hill. In it Barr is whines that people are taking Trump literally, thinking he might actually do some of the crazy stuff he’s talked about doing.

Gee Billy Boy, I’d say given what he did in his first term, especially at the end there where he incited a riot that took over the Capitol and caused a large number of injuries and even deaths maybe we SHOULD take Trump seriously. Not to mention other lesser things Trump promised to do and in some cases did, or in some instances like getting us out of NATO (per Putin’s wishes) didn’t quite pull off but he weakened the hell out of it.

Barr however insists we all are worked up over non-existent threats of a second Trump Presidency.  The Hill cites his interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins where she pressed him on Trump having called for the execution of leaking information he’d gone to a bunker during the George Floyd protests. She went on to ask if he’d made other such comments:

Collins pressed Barr, asking if Trump would say things like that on other occasions.

“I think people sometimes took him too literally and you know, he would say things like, similar to that, in occasions, to blow off steam, but I wouldn’t take him literally every time he did it,” Barr said.

The former attorney general said he wouldn’t take Trump’s threats literally because “at the end of the day, it wouldn’t be carried out.”

Again, my response is during a debate when Trump was pressed about groups like the Proud Boys and replied they should “Stand Back and Stand By.” Then all the messages calling on his MAGAs to come to DC and that day itself telling them to march down to the Capitol and fight like hell or you’re not going to have a country anymore.  Up until that set of speeches on the Ellipse the morning of Jan. 6, Barr was I’m sure among others who thought Trump would tone it down when his turn came to address the crowd. But he did exactly what he said he’d do which was amp them up. And we saw what happened next.

Trump says he’ll be a dictator. But only for a day. You know what? It would be one long, long never ending f**king day! Will he carry through on his promise to pardon those convicted of J6 crimes?  He sure as hell would. Would he implement loyalty tests, as in loyalty to him instead of the Constitution? Again, hell yes.  There is ample reason to believe Trump will do his damndest to carry out many of the things he’s promising, threatening to do.

Worse, there’s a small army of conservative intellectuals creating a detailed plan on a complete makeover of the government (supposedly just the Executive Branch but we all know it won’t stop there) and the America we knew will be gone. You’ve probably heard of Project 2025 and if not I urge you to take a look at this. As bad as it looks in the link it’s even worse I assure you. You’re eyes might glaze over when you hear pundits mention it but it should be a nightly focus of news outlets.  THAT is what is at stake this fall. Project 2025 is all about a systematic dismantling of institutions and norms WITH a specific plan and the right people (who know how to carry out the various parts picked and ready to go as soon as the election is called) to hand King/Dictator like power over to Trump.

Barr wants us to believe that like the first time around Trump will have a set of “adults in the room” to control his worst excesses.  Someone should strap him in the chair like the Alex character in A Clockwork Orange and force him to read the whole damned Project 2025 guide. AND the people already picked to lead the various components as well as their staffs/underlings, and so many others likely to be assigned formal roles. The whole point of Project 2025 is to NOT have any “adults in the room” to rein in Trump!

Barr is a despicable man for all manner of reasons. ONE proper action, albeit a significant one of refusing to play along with the insurrection doesn’t excuse his past. Or what  he’s doing now. I’m not about to give him props for doing his damned duty to stand up for the rule of law one particular time.  Maybe he thinks that if he grovels enough he can be part of a second Trump administration.

If so, he should be careful what he wishes for. Jeff Sessions is a name I’ll bet you’d forgotten. Barr should be so lucky, especially since he’s got a son in govt. to be as forgotten as Sessions. He was largely forgotten by Trump other than someone to utters some stock throwaway lines at rallies about.  Barr should have left it at that. Now that he’d chosen to put himself back on Trump’s radar he, and I suspect those close to Barr are going to regret it.

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  1. OOOPS! Someone should reign in Trump? Don’t want to rain on your thoughts but to reign is to be an absolute ruler, as Emperor DJT would wish to be. To rein in is to control as in horse riding. Consider an old swayback nag called Donald wanting its his own way. You and I would rein him in. Of course K Noem has other methods with recalcitrant animals…….

  2. We have to assume he means what he says. As Maya Angelo said, when someone SHOWS you who they are, believe them. He actually DID what he said he would do if elected. He banished reporters who asked anything but softball questions. He wanted out the military for his stimp.across Lafayette Park to the Episcopal church. He sent people out in vans to pick up peaceful protesters. He clapped when police used water cannon on mothers at protests in the N.W. The only reason he died murder anyone is because the head of the Joint Chiefs wouldn’t have obeyed an unlawful.order.
    We can’t let reelected because he will do worse and turn this into Cuba under Fidel.Castro.


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