Wow! Fox Fans Attack Network for Admitting Roseanne’s Tweets Were Racist


Fox and Friends took the bold view this morning that, yes, actually Roseanne’s tweet was racist, by way of twitter. Via Rawstory.

In a Thursday morning tweet, “Fox & Friends’” Twitter account wrote that, “Roseanne Barr apologizes for racist tweets after her ABC show is canceled.”

Yes, well, don’t go out on a limb, there, Fox – focus on the apology more so than the tweet or cancellation.

Regardless, tolerate it, many Fox fans did not, firing back on Twitter, by way of example:

A “poorly delivered political joke”? How funny. Get back to “focus[ing] on the left destroying America.”

The way I see it, Fox fans are unable to distinguish between being critical of someone’s ideas, or actions, and being critical of someone’s race, or ethnicity – something someone just happens “to be.”

And that’s a huge problem.


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