We Have Met The Enemy, And They Are LIARS!


When you look at the remaining party of Der Gropenfuror, keep one thing in mind. It is bullshit. It was never anything but bullshit, and it will never be anything but bullshit.

Linda Beigel Schuelman was a woman on a mission. Her 35 year old son, Scott Beigel, had been shot and killed at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High school by an insaniac. An she was haunted by the fact that reigning Trombie conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene, considered the shooting, along with the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut, as false flag operations.

She wanted to speak with Greene, and she wanted to do it personally, one on one. She asked hew representative to try to help to set it up. And she succeeded. A meeting was set up for Saturday, one on one.

Schuelman was gracious. She wasn’t out for a gotcha moment, she wanted to talk to Greene personally, woman to woman, mother to mother. And going in, she swore to full and complete confidentiality. She would keep their conversation to herself.

When Schuelman met with Greene, she laid her cards on the table. She would keep their conversation confidential, but she was appearing on MSNBC the next morning. At the end of the conversation she would ask what she could relay to the media. Greene readily agreed.

She went straight to the heart of the matter. She described how her son died, heroically, and then looked Greene in the eye, and asked her if she, as a woman and a mother, honestly believed that the tragedies at Sandy Hook and Parkland had been a false flag operation? And an answer there came

No, of course not, I don’t believe that at all

Schuelman was stunned. In disbelief she asked Taylor Greene if she would come on to MSNBC with her the next morning and say the same thing. Greene politely declined. Schuelman reminded Greene of their confidentiality agreement and her intention to hold to it, and asked her what she could tell MSNBXC the next morning about the meeting and its contents. To which Greene replied, tell them whatever you like. It’s fine.

Welcome to the Republican party in the post Trump era. A totally unqualified, far right wingnut conspiracy theorist gets elected to congress on the back of mass school shooting tragedies. And when pressed by a still grieving mother, admit that she doesn’t believe any such thing, it was all just politics. Welcome to politics in the party of Trump.

But here’s the truly horrific part of this, and the part that no American should ever forget. It was all bullshit. She never believed a word of what she was actually saying, she just said it for the votes. And here’s the most offensive part of all.

It doesn’t matter to Marjorie Taylor Greene, or to Kevin McCarthy, or Bitch McConnell, that’s just the way that the GOP rolls now. Tell the suckers whatever they want to hear, and then just sit back, watch the votes roll in, and fuck all of the grieving survivors who just had the raw scab ripped off again. I so cannot wait for this party to collapse under the weight of their lies and bullshit! There is a special place in hell for these pricks.

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  1. I just love reading your articles. We need more people exposing the truth amongst the many lies. Keep telling it like it is. Say hi to Ursula for me. I so look forward to receiving Politizoom.

    • I agree. I can’t believe she’s such an idiot that she would even admit the truth like that, to someone from the “other side”.

  2. Anyone who’s paid attention to my writings knows I’m not a person of faith. I became agnostic decades ago. Things like this piece about Greene and the larger point about the GOP and it’s foundation being one built of lies, with the support structure and especially the WALLS made of flat out lies with BLATANT lies for the trim on the exterior accents like doors, window frames & shutters and so on tells me something significant. It should tell everyone else the same thing. The GOP’s wrapping itself in god and Christianity is complete bullshit, as is the “Christianity” preached by those right-wing tee vee megachurch preachers with their prosperity gospel crap that contradicts everything their Jeebus is reputed to have said in their bible. Which also contains a certain LIST they go on, and on and on ad nauseum about – you know the one. Those Ten Commandments they want displayed everywhere! One of them says Thou shalt NOT bear false witness, which in regular people talk means DON’T LIE.” These people lie. Sometimes a LOT. For some lying comes as naturally as breathing. Worse, a substantial percentage of all this lying they do does a great deal of harm to people whether it’s on tax policy, getting rid of regulations (that say help keep workplaces safe, food safety, the air we breathe and the water we drink clean, the climate that sustains human life and so on) and so many other things. You can add your own lies to the list.

    This tells me something important. That these people don’t believe in god or their Jeebus being his son any more than I do. Think about it. And form your own way of expressing yourself on the point for when you interact with these people.

  3. Sometimes it is best to eat breakfast and drink coffee. And let the brain wake up. Because facing and reading such cray cray wrapped in stupidity with moral indifference is hard. Nope haven’t broken out the whiskey yet. That is for emergency medical use. The Loon will sweep the Republican primaries with no mercy nor remorse.

    Just wondering before then if Capitol Police have to yell “please, mam, put down the AK!!” That was bad writing in the olden days. Now. Fudge.

  4. Politicians lying to get votes?
    I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya!
    Next you’ll tell me that bears do their business in the woods.

  5. I mean, ok, she won so that’s evidence that the lie was effective, but I still have a hard time believing that particular lie could be. Whatever…she needs to be expelled.

  6. It’s obvious to those of us with working brain cells that these bald-faced liars do it for whatever benefits they can garner from the stubbornly stoopid masses. Whether it’s the school shootings, denying the Holocaust, inauguration attendance, or any number of things we’ve all witnessed with our own lying eyes, these people know no honor. Even tRump knew damned good and well he’d lost the election, but spent months lying about it, and getting all his stooges to lie along with him to undermine our government. They all know they’re lying and only care about getting their way, regardless of the consequences to America or Americans. The more people wrap themselves in the flag (especially the morons with the REALLY big flags!) and thump the bible, the more obvious it is that they are nothing more than liars and fakes. Besides the Big Lie, we also have the lie about it being unconstitutional to convict tRump of his latest impeachment, when there’s no such thing in the Constitution. Another lie by the repugs is that $1.9 trillion is too expensive, we can’t afford it. I know where we can get $1.5 trillion of it. Rescind those rich, white guy tax cuts!! So many lies, so little time.

  7. Obama was correct. He said these people were all about god and guns, and he got reamed for painting with an awfully wide brush. Greene tweets herself with a gun, says awful things about all sorts of topics, and rejoices that she is saved by Jesus all without any self-awareness.


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