It is not, I repeat not, a good day in Trump world. Just as the fish rots from the head down, so do the Trumpies all freak when their fearless leader is losing it. Alina Habba is not exactly the female Clarence Darrow to begin with, but she has had better days than today. Listen to her completely make an a$$ out of herself.

Once again, you can’t make this stuff up. No screenwriter could write a funnier scene.

I’m glad to know that going to court and going to prison are synonymous. I never learned that in law school. What I think is going on here is that Habba is worried that if some of these other cases that her wonderful client is involved in go the way that this one does, that Trump might go to prison. I think that this is a possibility which is finally dawning on these people.

Now take a look at Trump freaking out. He is completely discombobulated here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him quite this unhinged.

He keeps lying that he has no idea who E. Jean Carroll is and what is hysterically funny about that, is that there is so much documentary evidence on them at least being acquainted, being in the same room talking, socializing, and so forth. If you recall his video testimony he acknowledged knowing Carroll’s husband, even, said he “was a nice guy.” It’s inconceivable that Trump thinks he’s actually going to sell even the MAGAs on this story, that he’s been blindsided by this total stranger — but evidently that’s what he’s trying to do.

They’re both freaked. This is one of those times when it truly would have been a better idea just to say nothing. Sometimes letting things die down and taking a little time before you react is the way to go. Both Habba and Trump are burying themselves here.

I hope Mary Trump weighs in on this. This, to me, is how people act when they’re guilty as hell and they’ve been caught. This is prima facie hand in the cookie jar time, on steroids.


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  1. jeebus tap dancing christ. You lost. Get the fuck over it, accept it like rational adults. If you cannot do this just shut the fuck up.

    You know, as much as the shit gibbon has lost in his life, you’d think he’d be able to deal with this better. Losing is such an old friend to him.

  2. The malicious megalomanic mango is losing it in so many ways. He will be an over-ripe fruit for the picking at CNN’s town hall, and a rich source of material for the Lincoln project and Biden’s campaign team.

    • Sadly and scandalously, Roger, the new-look CNN is loading the town hall audience with GOPers and “Trump-sympathetic independents.” It’s not a meeting with the people at all, as the town hall label suggests. It’s a Trump fluffery evening and CNN should be ashamed of what’s happening to it in its search for better ratings.

      • Well, maybe, a message from enough viewers out there that are not happy with the CNN march into GOP hell, would tell them that it is simply not worth losing most of the viewers like you and others with continued kiss-ups to the GOP lizards …?

        Sometimes, internal jackasses with the, “latest”, new-ways-new-waves methodology, are dead wrong, and can convince older white haired men of money, but no real handle on reality, that the GOP is such a winner, even if they insist on playing with loaded guns …

        There ARE truck loads of money being spent on installing Republican YES people in every State, We, in Iowa, have been gifted with two Senators, having little confidence in reality of Democracy, plot and vote Party as dictated by all the nay Sayers from McConnell down to Ted Cruz and Gym Jorden …

        Seeing all the shootings and deaths of the kids, I think of Cruz, in that instance, because he gets over $700,000. from the NRA, cooks bacon on the hot barrel of his AR-15 … the yearly NRA payments to Congress critters exceeds their Government salary amounts …

        Stopping dirty money from the NRA, could speed up control of military style weapons …

  3. “I don’t like losers and I never lose. If I lost that would mean I don’t like me so it’s impossible for me to lose. If I don’t win, it’s not because I lost – it’s because I WUZ ROBBED!!!!”


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