Grifting is not getting any easier for Donald Trump and he is miffed. I mean seriously miffed, like half a pound of ground Adderall, miffed. And while Trump is miffed, and the lawyers are desperately trying to do damage control on the weekend shows, and Fani Willis is executing her plans, after Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg have executed theirs, things are getting frayed in Trump world.

Ergo, the Lincoln Project has put together another wonderful mashup to give you the sense of it all. Ain’t it a wonder?

There you have it, MAGAs greatest stars, grasping for answers. I love the little whispering Trump voice at the end, “I got indicted.” Yes you did, Donald, three times now and soon it will be four, to give your criminal career a nice solid foundation upon which to sit in the history books for the next six hundred forty-one years at least — the length of your potential prison sentences all added together. And that’s for now. That number could change in an hour as more evidence is unveiled.

I almost forgot. Republican Jesus has chimed in on all this. Here’s what that looks like.

Listen to this drivel. It sounds exactly like MAGA. Fits right in. History rhyming again.

More MAGA madness on Monday. You can depend on it.


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  1. Yep – let’s pray to the white Anglo-Saxon Jesus to strengthen and bless this poor suffering man who hasn’t broken all your Commandments or got others to do it for him (only about 80% of them)
    Covetous – check
    False Witness – check
    Adultery – check
    Kill – check
    Graven images – check
    False Gods – check
    Steal – check
    Take God’s name in vain – check
    Remembering the Sabbath and honouring parents – maybe (he never actually worked on any day so a bye on observing sabbath and he did follow in his crooked pop’s footsteps)

      • I’ve asked some of the Jeebus freak MAGAs why he didn’t just miracle himself down off the cross. And miracled some protective shield around himself that would cause the Centurion’s spears to bounce off him, and prevent them from getting close enough to grab hold and arrest him again. Talking about causing them to sputter! A couple of times after seeing an image of “AR-15 Jesus” I’ve asked why he didn’t miracle himself one and mow down the bad guys with it – and make it like one we often see in movies that NEVER runs out of ammo! Again, you’d think the MAGA’s heads would explose.

  2. Let us pray, Jesus in thy name. It says in our constitution you cannot do that. But more importantly, it says that in the Bible a few times. But I’ve already seen that them old southern babtists and the rest of them ain’t gonna let a few scriptures stand in the way of protecting their false God. That’s about the size of it. Now most of these people are probably done with the clown as president. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t try to protect and defend the clown. And it’s a gimme. Trump ain’t going to abide by any gag order. The only way you going to get him to shut up is to park his ass in a jail cell. But like the documents, you just can’t walk in and cuff the bastard. You gonna have two treat him like a two year old. You can’t do that because the judge said so and she’s the boss. Which will have to happen two or three times. Otherwise his little clown brothers and sisters will get all pissy and hold their breath until they turn blue. And considering a good portion are already on medication it might be a good way to cut the ranks a little. Sorta a Georgetown in reverse. But consider the headlines, large groups of seniors hospitalized after holding breath in protest to their Messiah being jailed over violations of court orders. Well, I thought of another fate but a friend said you shouldn’t do that so I didn’t.


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