This is going to be a race to watch. Gloria Johnson, who along with her fellow state representatives, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, protested gun violence on the State House floor and became known as the Tennessee Three, is running against Marsha Blackburn. A Democrat hasn’t been elected to the U.S. Senate from Tennessee since 1995 so it’s high time for the pendulum to swing back in that direction, don’t you think? Here’s what Blackburn’s office had to say:

“It’s no surprise that radical socialist Gloria Johnson decided to jump into the race at the urging of liberals in Washington, joining Marquita Bradshaw and others in the race for the Democratic nomination. State Rep. Johnson is as woke as they come, and she would be a puppet for Joe Biden, the Squad, and Chuck Schumer in the Senate. While Senator Blackburn is working hard to fight back against Biden’s woke agenda, State Rep. Johnson is pushing that divisive, destructive agenda here in Tennessee. Tennesseans deserve a United States Senator who is committed to fighting for our conservative values. Senator Blackburn will continue her record of getting things done and fighting for Tennessee families.”


Exactly the shallow cliche you would expect, right? Marsha Blackburn is not one of the Senate’s, shall we say, deep thinkers. She’s part of the Tommy Tuberville School of Performative A$$holery, as a matter of fact.

Chattanooga dot com is reporting, “The Democratic will be opposing incumbent Representative Marsha Blackburn.” I don’t think they’re too up on basic politics at that outlet.

Knox News says

Johnson is motivated, she said, by the fact that a lot has changed in the past five years under Blackburn, including the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of the constitutional right to an abortion in its Dobbs decision in June 2022. That decision has helped Democrats secure significant election victories in places where Republicans have typically fared well, including Kansas, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

“Republicans and Marsha Blackburn specifically … have taken away equality for women,” she said. “When you take someone’s bodily autonomy away, you have taken away equality.”

Blackburn has been a vocal supporter of a federal abortion ban, introducing a bill to ban family planning grants for entities that perform abortions, including Planned Parenthood. […]

Johnson told Knox News her campaign will be focused on organizing people to vote.

“Sometimes, all the money in the world is not what gets you there. (It’s) speaking to the people, and more importantly, it’s listening to the people and listening to what they need.”

Tennessee’s voter turnout was been weak recently. In the 2022 midterm elections, fewer than half of registered voters cast a ballot, but Johnson said she thinks 2024 will be different.

“I have never seen people so excited in my life, as they are right now, for 2024 to happen,” she said, referencing a time recently at a North Knoxville business when people who hadn’t voted for Democrats in the past told her they were excited to vote for her.

“Some (people), if they’re Republican, will whisper in my ear and say ‘I’m voting differently this year,'” she said.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Donald Trump managed to drag Marsha Blackburn down in 2024? Here’s the link to Gloria Johnson’s website if you want to donate.

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  1. All the comments about what a puppet Johnson would become are quite absurd. This is coming from a person in the party that does not think for themselves, from I can tell. They fall in line, lockstep and spout the party line. I suppose they can express individuality by who can come up the latest ridiculous stunts.

  2. Name recognition is tough to come by and TN is a pretty good sized state. Most people there had no clue who Johnson was. Then the GOPer a$$hats went and made her famous and not just in TN. Now everyone in TN knows who she is and that’s going to matter because instead of spending money to become known Johnson can spend on actually informing voters on issues and why she’s worth voting for and Blackburn is nothing but a bad political performance “artist.”

  3. Down in Ole Tennessee full of whiskey they sing…
    Watch out for woke, they are marching for King.
    Better grab them sheets boys like days of old…
    Them blackies and jews are getting bold.
    Why they’ve disrupted our lives where white is right.
    Time to ride the backroads deep in the night.
    If we fail to keep them woke folks down…
    A decent white woman can’t walk in town.
    In church we don’t holler and dance…
    Like the nigras do, they like to prance.
    We can bend the law, we’ve got God on our side.
    We’ll turn back the clock, we’ll do it with pride.
    So let the homemade moonshine flow…
    We won’t bother you with what you don’t know.
    In the end, we believe we will win…
    Cuz we know white Jesus is coming again.



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