We’ve all known people who talk a lot but say nothing, but I don’t recall one getting up this high in politics before. The Lincoln Project took it upon themselves to condense down Donald Trump’s latest Iowa speech into ninety seconds. Yes, that was the one where he was in Sioux City, Iowa but said “Sioux Falls” which is in South Dakota.

And that’s a constant with Trump. You may recall a few years back, when Trump was in office and the city of Paradise, California burned to the ground in a wildfire. Tragic event. Trump went there with then-Governor Jerry Brown and began to talk about, “the tragedy in Pleasure.” Brown, Newsom and the rest let it go the first time. The second time he did it, as a Greek chorus they chimed in “Paradise.” And of course it goes without saying that Trump’s favorite Biden put down is that Uncle Joe “doesn’t know where he is.” Righto.

This is Trump’s golden oldie tour. He’s like a tired Catskills comic, the same old material, over and over again. And like said comic, he convinces himself that that’s what the audience is there for, because they love him and they love his greatest hits. Mebbe. Mebbe not.

If you were talking this way, or had an elderly parent who was talking this way, there would be some serious consideration about sending you to assisted living at the very least or perhaps even a lock down ward. But since Trump’s running on the GOP ticket, everything is fine, just fine.

Asa Hutchinson said earlier today that Trump may end up going to prison. That’s a reality that you hear very little about. The MAGAs don’t believe it’s real. It can’t happen to their Mango Messiah.

Now Ron DeSantis believes it’s real. That’s the entirety of what his run for president is built on, Ron To The Rescue. Trump’s going to collapse in the wings, be carried offstage, and voila, the understudy races into the leading role and takes the party to victory. And the only problem with that DeSantis fantasy is that even if it comes true with respect to Trump, there’s still Nikki Haley to contend with.

Haley has done the impossible. She’s making blandness play out as moderation. But that may be good enough to put her on the top of the GOP ticket. Who knows?


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  1. “making blandness play out as moderation”

    And look where that got us with the speaker fiasco.

    There are now, no trustworthy republicans, or moderate ones, just temporarily moderated ones.

  2. All he is, is a failed, failing and continuing to fail bloviator, that uses an intellectually limited and poorly articulated word salad – housed in an echo chamber that’s bereft of facts, honesty, integrity and decency.

  3. He’s mimicking the tired old Catskills comedian’s cadence too. It drives me crazy to listen to his voice. I don’t know how you can do it! But thank you so I don’t have to. Also I just want to slam something when I have to listen to his idiotic word salad. He is truly the antichrist. So evil!!

  4. I was thinking the same thing, an old of Broadway act in the Cstskills, ( great chairs))
    Ursula i think we differ, Avanka has great lawyers,you go last in the land of Liars.
    she’s like I’m good,, Say something Daddy,
    this bus is looking at you
    testify first
    hahaha dare you, I have the last words…

  5. If a video of tRump speaking at one of his recent rallies was played on all of the local six o’clock news shows, including the audio part, every day for at least a week, I doubt if any sane American would ever consider him as a viable candidate for anything.
    In print, he comes across as another choice.
    He’s not. He and his cohorts are crazy.


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