This is not the first time Steve Bannon has openly mocked something Mike Lindell says. He did it before the disastrous Thanksgiving marathon, when Lindell boasted he would have thirty attorneys general sign his lawsuit and he couldn’t get one, fly around the country on his private jet and beg, as he might.

Bannon spends about 60 hours a week on his right-wing podcast, and Lindell is a frequent guest, precisely because he’s always good for laughs. It’s a win/win situation for Bannon. The hard core Trumpites, who live in the delusion of “reinstatement” and “decertification” will always hang on Lindell’s every word, because he gives them hope. The rest of us are there for the laughs and that includes Bannon.

Bannon usually stops with a snide tone of voice, but not on this occasion. Not when Lindell told him Fox News was in cahoots with Dominion against itself.

Have you noticed that Lindell is always on his plane during these interviews? Is that because:

  1. He’s evading process servers?
  2. He’s still trying to convince attorneys general nationwide to join his cause?
  3. He sold the plane and that’s a room in his house?
  4. Something else, see my comment below.

Meanwhile, news of Mike Lindell’s net worth has changed dramatically in the past few weeks. Lindell used to say he was worth $300 million. Recently that figure was changed to $50 million, which, while still impressive, is quite a smaller figure. 

Lindell also said that he’s spent $25 million on his stolen election fixation which if true, is tragic. That kind of money can build schools, hospitals, finance the performing arts, there’s no end to the good that money can do when prudently dispersed. All Lindell has done is swell the coffers of other con artists and maybe there’s some poetic justice to that.

And finally, Lindell says that he will spend every dime he has to see Trump reinstated. This is beyond dreaming the impossible dream this is financing the unspeakable nightmare, but you’ll never convince Lindell of that.

For a purported man of God, he’s certainly doing Satan’s work in destroying democracy, but of course in his down the rabbit hole world, it’s just the opposite. The tragedy of this is that he’s destroying himself on the lathe of the Big Lie and he’s utterly blind to that fact.

He might end up living in a cardboard box yet. Life has a way of teaching people this stupid some harsh lessons, although money is the great insulator, as the deranged Howard Hughes demonstrated. But Howard was a lot richer than Lindell and one hell of a lot smarter before he got light in his loafers.


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