This is a frightening moment in American history. It’s a sad day when a reporter can be present at a presser of the House minority leader and ask a polite question and find himself picked up bodily and removed. Watch this.

Don’t expect McCarthy to see the irony of droning on about how egregious it is for the cops to pick people up off the streets in Cuba, but it’s perfectly fine for him to do exactly the same thing with respect to a reporter whose question he doesn’t want to answer.

It’s pretty obvious that McCarthy gave the order to his thugs to remove anybody asking questions on certain topics. This video is not going to do him any good.

Back in the days of Watergate Carl Bernstein remarked that the remarkable thing about being an American journalist was that he and his partner could cover Watergate without fear of winding up in an alley with their legs broken. I am not sure that that is still the case. This is a little too Victor Orban for me. Orban is well known for beating up journalists. That’s how he keeps his totalitarian rule.

This is who McCarthy is. Take careful note.


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  1. Was this a general presser, as in a scheduled report from the minority leader idiot?

    Hitler’s power schedule allowed Joseph Goebbels to slap down every independent news source, vilify books and newspapers, even radio was censored … everything became the Nazi voice only, even had book burnings on the street intersections …

    Someone should ask McCarthy if he thinks he is more like Goebbels, or Hitler himself …

  2. I have to admit my first reaction was WTF were the Capitol Police thinking? Then I settled down and remembered Congress is in recess so maybe this went down somewhere else. Sure enough, although it took a bit of looking I found out it was NOT Capitol Police who dragged that reporter out. Nope. This happened down in Hialeah, FL where McCarthy had gone to have himself a joint photo op/presser with Ron DeSantis. In a way, that makes the irony of cops dragging a reporter out on orders from the bigwigs even more so. Whether it was state cops or local ones, I wonder how well it will play in the Cuban community to see Florida LE doing what they rail about in Cuba. I doubt it will matter to the older ones, with their ends justifying the means attitudes. But for younger ones who are a couple generations or more distant from any relatives who lived in Cuba when Castro had his iron grip on that country I think it might be a quite different reaction, because as you note the presser focused on Cuban cops up and hauling off Cubans that questioned the current authority there. It also seems a sure bet that the cops had their marching orders before the press was allowed in to haul out anyone who asked inconvenient questions, or got “the sign” from McCarthy or DeSantis. That’s something else that younger people of Cuban ancestry might think about, or will if some specific promotion of this is put in front of their noses.

    • Figured it was Florida, because it doesn’t look anything like a DC place, with the blinds and the outside door.
      What I want to know is, does the room belong to a Cuban emigre society? Because I can’t think of any other reason for a fancy framed map of Cuba on a US wall (that’s the other clue to it being Florida).

    • The reporter should have waited for McCarthy to open the floor to questions instead of taking advantage of a pause in the speech to interject. The removal began with the first words out of his mouth and before he even got to the question. We would applaud security that took similarly swift action if this had been a Pelosi press conference.

  3. Donald’s niece has a new book out that shows the machine of lies and disruption the Republicans have become … it is wondrous that someone so close to the paper tiger Trump has been so calmly taking apart, not only the Orange Shitgibbon, but shows the low that the Republicans have achieved with their unholy bond to D.J. Trump …

    It is a map that shows the difficulty we face to climb out from under the slime of Republican dominance and controls, the power of their money and the radical racism and the old division of haves and have-nots ,,, her interview was so illuminating, I’m going to order the book myself … {The Reckoning: Our Nation’s Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal}

    NOT AN AD, just a suggestion …

  4. Another video that ends too soon. At normal press conferences, when the speaker (in this case, McCarthy), is finished speaking, then the speaker will open the conference to questions and call on someone to ask a question. In this video, although the reporter did not quite interrupt McCarthy mid-sentence, McCarthy was also not finished speaking. You can see that security had already begun moving in before the reporter asked the question, so the response had nothing to do with the question. The reporter was removed because he disrupted the press the conference by interjecting when he should have waited for the Q&A time.

    • Down rating a description of what actually happened in the video rather than down rating the propaganda bandwagon? Great.

    • Sorry, don’t buy it. If McCarthy had really been professional and not s tRump sycophant, he would have said something like, “Sir, please allow me to finish my statement, then I’ll take your questions during the Q&A.” Except Mc doesn’t have a response to a ligament question like was asked by the reporter, so Mc would rather have him removed.

      • Again he was already being removed for the interruption and didn’t get around to his question until he was nearly out the door as the Meidas Touch video clearly shows.

  5. What’s to understand? Let’s review. ” war is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” George Orwell, 1984. Got it? Still think u can reason with this death cult? Study Germany 1930-1945. Except now the oil & gas Nazis will turn us into Venus with the tipping point OF NO RETURN arguably within a decade. 1 2 3…ok heads back into sand.


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