Telemundo did an exclusive interview in Miami with Donald Trump and it was a doozy. Turns out Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the word “ambidextrous” plus he doesn’t realize that Barron turned 18 in March. That’s a little hard to forget. 18 is the new 21 and has been for some time. It’s a milestone in a person’s life but not in Trump world, apparently. There it’s only known that Barron is somewhere in that age range.

In the interview, Telemundo’s Marilys Llanos asked Trump about his reaction to Barron Trump, his youngest son, being selected as a Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention.

“To me, that’s very cute, because he’s a very young guy and he’s graduating from high school this year,” Trump said. “He’s a very good student, very smart, and I think that’s great.”

“I think it’s very interesting too,” Trump added. “But he’s pretty young, I will say — he’s 17.”

17, 18, somewhere in there. Donald is too busy to notice such trivia.

“But, uh, if they can do that, I’m all for it,” Trump continued. “I think, I’m all for it. And he probably would be, knowing him, he’d probably be for it, too.”

Trump’s comments came after he told Llanos he’s “able to put [aside]” his legal problems when it comes to his family.

“I’m able to put it aside and to think about other things,” Trump said. “I’m very ambidextrous, so to speak. I can do a lot of things at one time.”

Ambidextrous means “the ability to use one’s left hand and right hand equally well.” Or, maybe Trump means he has the ability to use the right side and left side of his big brain equally well — and we believe that. Neither side works.

In addition to describing himself as “very popular in the Republican Party and very popular in the country,” the former president dismissed reports he’s fallen asleep in court during Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s ongoing hush money trial against him.

“ I don’t fall asleep, I close my eyes sometimes,” Trump said. “You know it’s very bright in that court, actually.”

“It’s also very cold,” Trump added, telling Llanos he’ll sometimes “sit back close [his] eyes” in court.

“At some point I may fall asleep, but I’ll let you know when that is,” Trump quipped.

Steven Cheung told NBC News that the outlet suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome when they asked him about Trump not knowing Barron’s age. I say let’s look at this from a glass half full vantage: at least Trump knows Barron’s going to graduate this year. That is major right there.

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  1. For shame, Ursula. Resorting to clickbait headlines.

    We don’t actually have the context of what NBC News said or any mention beyond “Steven Cheung told NBC News that the outlet suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome when they asked him about Trump not knowing Barron’s age.”

    WHERE is the coverage of THAT point? We get all the interview stuff from Telemundo (where Trump brain-farted over Barron’s age) but absolutely nothing more until Steven Cheung’s accusation of Trump Derangement Syndrome (which doesn’t exactly read as “snarls” as the headline claims). A link to the video of that talk or just a more detailed account of Cheung’s encounter would’ve been helpful.

    • Barron turned 18 in March. Even my father was able to remember my birthday in his last year of life, and HE had moderate dementia. What it shows,is how little Trump.thinks about his 3d son. Trumplethinskin, in fact, has a fundraiser scheduled for the day of Barron’s graduation bayou know, that graduation he whined he’d have to miss to be in court,,and which the judge graciously gave him leave to.attend.
      He knows the names of his first 3 children:Junior,,Eric,,and Princess Ivanka. He remembers Barron because Melanie forces him ttoe, but I doubt he remembers,Tiffany –you know NotIvanka.

  2. The fact he’s a malignant narcissist, a soulless evil son of a bitch, and a moron, isn’t really news after all we’ve seen and heard since 2015, is it? Nope!

    • Actually lots of us know way before 2015 that he was a big ole’ phony. I remember when he finally married Marla, after Tiffany was born, some famous person said they’d gotten an invitation to his wedding, and they’d never met him. In other words, he was wanting to brag about famous people being at his wedding. And I remember when radio personalities would laugh about the Don calling into their shows pretending to be someone else, bragging on himself. He’s always been a dunce.

  3. Hmmm. Unless someone he’d actually pay attention to dares to correct him and explain what ambidextrous actually means I’m betting we have what will be Trump’s new buzzword until some new fancy sounding word takes up residence in the empty space in his head. Only ten percent of us are left-handed, and while I don’t know the actual percentage I’m pretty sure those who are by nature ambidextrous is far, far lower. Now, as a natural lefty and especially as old as I am (for those who don’t know senior citizen) I can tell you I’m far from the only one who, growing up in a right-handed world wound up being “functionally” ambidextrous.
    I mention my age because while my first grade teacher was unusually severe in her punishment I got physical punished for instinctively using my left hand to print or write! Plus, my P.O.S. grandfather (yeah, the evil man I’ve talked about making this part particularly ironic) made me eat right handed at their table because being a lefty was a “sign of the devil.” Some left handers doggedly refuse to do any adaptation but like I said it’s a right handed world and life’s a lot easier in ways most of you don’t realize so we learn to use our “other” hand pretty well. In my case there are few things I can’t do damned near, if not outright as well right handed as left handed. (FYI my penmanship, whether printing or writing has always sucked!)
    I could go on with examples, but the point is that while there are studies suggesting left-handed people have greater tendency to be of above average intelligence the fact is it’s not by all that much. And to make the point particularly fine, left or right handed or being truly ambidextrous is a PHYSICAL trait! Trump is too much of a dumbass it seems to know that. He just heard a word and thought it sounded impressive so he applies it to himself

  4. Barron, who seems smarter than his parents, declined to.serve as a delegate.
    And if you believe Trump listens to the kid’s opinion on politics,,I have a very overpriced apartment building in Manhattan you might like to buy. The huge top 3 floors are done in Trailer Trash Versailles but some paint should remedy that. I strongly suspect he wouldn’t recognize Barron if the young man wasn’t trotted out by Melania to walk to Marine 1– and I’d bet that’s the only time Donnie Donuts spends with him.

    With luck, Barron will turn out more like the Obama girls or Chelsea Clinton or Amy Carter,,and will want nothing the GOP. It would be wonderful.if he turns out to get arrested protesting some of his father’s policies.

    • Oh yeah, on the apartment building. If you go by the loan description the top three floors have to over hang the main building several feet. Seen a movie the other day. Guy had a swimming pool that hung out over the edge of the building. I guess he liked looking down while he did laps. Of c he was a bad guy. Someone paid for his demise. Had to be an accident. Well this guy concocted a chemical to eat a hole in the glass bottom of said pool. When guy went for a swim, here’s my man drilling hole 🕳 in the glass and squirting chemical in hole. About this time guy noticed and tried to swim to shore, so to speak and well he didn’t make it and he was about a hundred floors up. I think you get the picture.

  5. I seen a story about Baron and this election thing. Now the one and only thing you have to remember is that anything in Trump realm is his to do as he pleases. That includes Baron. It is just simple economics. It’s all for sale. Now Baron as a delegate was a good idea but Trump needs him elsewhere apparently. Someone else already wrote a check. Now what cracks me up is that Trump has a riot or whatever he calls his get togethers the same day as Barons graduation 👨‍🎓. Makes you wonder which one the Orange turd 💩 is going to. I was watching MSNBC with Morning Joe. They had this clown on there saying it was all wrong for them to have Stormy testify. Well like the judge said. They opened the door when they said no sex occurred at the beginning of the trial. You can’t have it both ways. Obviously, Trump didn’t give her 130,000 dollars for a ham sandwich. And Stormy took the defense to lawyer school I hear. Good for her. Now this clownis saying Michael Cohen shouldn’t testify. I’m wondering if this guy is getting two checks. One from MSNBC and one from FOX 🦊 NEWS. His name is Danny Cevallos I think. Don’t really care. Just would like to e able to walk up to the clown and say STF! Unabbreviated and out there. Peace and love, vote Blue!


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