“When the law’s on your side, argue the law. When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When neither are on your side, holler.” — legal adage

Kevin McCarthy is bound and determined to block Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act, so he launched into a lengthy talk about any and everything from the floor of the House. He started talking at 8:40 p.m. and was still talking at 11:00 p.m. Nancy Pelosi’s office issued a statement referring to McCarthy’s comments as a “temper tantrum” and ripping the Republican leader for doing “everything he could do avoid talking about the deficit reducing, inflation crushing Build Back Better Act”.

“But he did make unhinged claims about what the American people want and need,” the Speaker’s office continued. She linked to polls showing wide spread support for various provisions of the bill.

Unhingery rules the night. Here’s a sampling.


McCarthy is trying to do a Mr. Smith Goes To Washington filibuster, but he ain’t no Jimmy Stewart. Any more than Paul Gosar is Alexander Hamilton, an allusion Gosar made yesterday when he mentioned somebody had tried to censure Hamilton back in the day. Not for posting a threatening image of murdering a colleague they didn’t.



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  1. The San Joaquin Valley doesn’t have many cattle ranches in McCarthy’s district, or at all. It also isn’t lawless, and McCarthy knows that.


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