I never thought normalcy would be such a remarkable thing, but then again I never lived through the Trump era before now. Those marvelous mirrors of truth, the Lincoln Project, cobbled together a short :30 montage that will take you down memory lane and then bring you right up to the present and the contrast is unnerving.

If this would go into a time capsule and be dug up a thousand years from now, people are going to say, “WTF is wrong with that guy?” It will be inconceivable to a totally unbiased people of the future that these two individuals were doing the same job or talking to the same audience. Or, maybe the people of the future would conclude that these two beings were simply members of different species and there is a good argument to be made for that.


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  1. The first of, no doubt, many ‘compare and contrast’, ‘before and after’ videos comparing the truth of today with the lies of yesterday.

  2. That was the first thing I noticed that was particularly striking. Just the tone, the attitude, and charitableness. I don’t know her name, but I just marveled that a press conference might project such a civil attitude and not be filled with refrains of “fake news” after every verse.

  3. Have we forgotten the press conferences former prez g. bush held, lying about weapons of mass destruction.
    All the republicans continually lied bout WMD’s too many people didn’t listen closely at the deception.
    I couldn’t believe Congress bought into it.
    What is normal, what we have right now is close to it it’s what we perceive.
    President Obama was too into bipartisanship and failed to realize the Repukes always had the upper hand. We voted for Obama to do the right thing for us it didn’t happen.
    Now let’s hope President Biden hears us completely.
    Progressive ideas here in US are normal aspects of Democratic governments.


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