If you live long enough you see it all. I remember toddling around the house when Dwight Eisenhower was in office. Then that handsome young president got his head blown off in Dallas and then that awful man who originally ran against the handsome young president ran again and he got elected — and then disgraced himself and had to resign.

Then a B-movie actor became governor of California and while that was a ridiculous thing at the time, it was nothing compared to what we would come to see in later decades when he became president and we won’t even talk about the talk show host who succeeded him in that endeavor.

Then we saw a talent agency spawning female GOPers like Lauren Boebert, Candace Owens, Mellissa Carone and Emerald Robinson. We thought that was getting beyond the pale, but no, somebody had to come along and top it.

Voila. Ambition is naked and so is this candidate. Meet Sarah Stogner, who is leaving nothing to the imagination, shall we say?

She’s sitting on her groceries, as it’s been put.

She may in fact have “vision, energy and tenacity” but right now what she’s selling is a hefty cup size. Which is certainly up to her. Be careful what message you send, you may have to live with it later on.


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  1. The original Godilfu rode naked to get taxes REDUCED for the poor – her party wants to keep taxes low for the uber-wealthy and stiff the poor

  2. I sure hope this doesn’t give the other traitors similar ideas. Please Lindsey. Keep ur shit covered. & mtg…no I don’t want to watch u roll around naked on a bearskin. As a man I’ll admit AOC would catch my eye, but Ted Cruz covered in oil, like the greased pig he is, holds no allure. And we all know getting naked around gymbo & his rapist friend is risky at best. U won’t remember it cuz Kavanaugh slipped u a drug in ur drink, &, well…gymbo never remembers anything. 1/6??? Uh. I think I was. No. I doubt it was. But then again maybe cuz I’m an air breathing mammal. I believe. I’ll have to check my records. Right. Keep ur pants zipped zippy.

  3. Remember how horrified Republicans pretended to be about Michelle Obama wearing a (stylish and classy) dress that reveale…OMFG! Her BARE arms!

    Give me a fucking break. Which is exactly what a caucus room full of GOP guys will be trying to drag her into – a literal “fucking break” out in the cloakroom. Considering the men in her Party I don’t think she thought this through. Look, I’ve got nothing against attractive people with physically striking bodies flaunting them if they so choose but the fact is it often comes with repercussions. And, as I said in her case being alone on a regular basis with powerful men (men used to getting away with a lot of shitty behavior, especially towards women) she will probably regret this. Because she’ll be hanging out with guys of whom a large, large percentage think that he flashing her rack like that means she’s “easy” and will readily fuck them, and will be mightily pissed if she doesn’t.

    • Yeah. Good pt. Who’s she gonna run to when the pussy grabber does his thing? I’m sure he is busy getting her invite to Florida to her asap.

    • I suppose you’re correct that some of them do. However, I think the majority don’t, at least not the way your comment suggests. Lots of them appreciate physical beauty in women they find attractive. (Different people have different things that attract them) but, and this is a big but they hate THEMSELVES for being attracted. From an early age they’ve been conditioned to believe sex and sexuality is unnatural, dirty and even vile and/or disgusting – a shameful sin. So they hate themselves and project that hatred on to women to give themselves an excuse for their own desires. There’s also another big chunk of them who are simply liars. They love women’s bodies and the “hotter” the better but theirs is the Party of “Family Values” so they lie their asses off.

      • Sorry. After 12 years in GA I can say with conviction that they may like women’s bodies, but they regard women as dangerous creatures to be completely controlled because these guys get hard-ons.
        The young woman in the apartment across from us was a,dancer. The customers at the strip club who didn’t tip and expected free lap.dances were lawyers, judges, doctors and preachers. Typical Republicans. “Do as,I say,not as,I do.” She was a,sweet kid. I.liked her a lot. Much nicer than the evangelical Christian Young Earth Creationist ho.e schooling Trumpie antivaxxing Qunt who is the,Niece From Hell. Glad to be a two days drive away from her and the other in-laws for many readons, but she is the worst of the lot.


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