I guess it’s true that even the broken clock is right twice a day. This is something I never thought I would see, Stew Peters knifing Marjorie Taylor Greene. I would love to know what provoked this display of right-wing treachery. Ahhh, it’s so funny when the Republicans start eating each other. It truly is. This is classic.

He made one comment I disagree with. He said, “She knows how government works.” No, she doesn’t. She knows how Donald Trump made politics into reality TV and that’s exactly the playbook she follows. That’s what she knows about government and she believes that’s enough. And who can blame her, she sees how far Trump got with it. Greene may be aware on a pragmatic level that if you don’t have the votes you don’t have the votes, and even Mitch McConnell came out a few days ago and said cool it with the impeach Biden nonsense. But she won’t stop because she wants the limelight.

If we are lucky, if we are very very lucky and if the cards fall the right way and we all work hard, we can see Greene and her compatriots Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert be one term congress members and vanish into obscurity.

Boebert is going to have a hell of a time. If you haven’t heard, her district is being reconfigured to include Boulder and she will not hold up in that liberal enclave. She managed to ride the Trump wave with the guns and the skimpy outfits and all that, but she was upsetting a lot of people in her district and they’ve built an organization to defeat her. Now, with the redistricting, I believe she’ll be toast.

As to Cawthorn, even one of the North Carolina papers did an editorial a few days ago about how out of control and unacceptable he is. His act may get old and they may get the hook and pull him off stage.

And now it would appear that Greene is on the chopping block. Good. I never thought the day would dawn that I would agree with Stew Peters but today I say, preach it Stew, preach it. Tomorrow it’ll be the same old madness, COVID and the 5G towers, etc. But at least for now I can savor the moment.


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  1. It is sad that these people got voted into office in the first place. They have no intention of doing anything to help the people in their districts. And they have no loyalty toward the Constitution and our country.

    • Well, Greene has the Democrats to thank for her election. Granted, she won her GOP primary but the Democratic candidate who actually won his primary (with an actual Democratic opponent, to boot) decided to drop out right of the general election after the last possible day that would’ve allowed the Party to select a replacement.

      Her district was going to vote for the GOPer any way (even the fact that she didn’t live IN the district until after she won her primary didn’t dissuade GOP voters) but she might’ve had a tougher campaign.

      As far this point goes, “If we are lucky, if we are very very lucky and if the cards fall the right way and we all work hard, we can see Greene and her compatriots Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert be one term congress members and vanish into obscurity,” I’d just as soon the three of them be on a bus that takes a wrong turn in Texas and runs into Leatherface and his family. Barring that, let the bus be on a tour of the Grand Canyon and let the bus run off one of the cliffs (or let it be on a two-lane highway running through the Louisiana bayous and have a tire blow out and run off into the swamp). Or, let them be driving through Nevada when the government decides it wants to make sure our nuclear arsenal is still working by testing a bomb.

      Does anyone else think I’m wanting them to not finish out even one term?


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