What you’re about to see is pure balls. I don’t know who this gal is, I don’t even know at this point if she is alive or headed to the gulag or what her fate is. All I do know is that I admire this kind of personal courage more than I can possibly say.

She broke onto the set of one of Russia’s most watched news programs when it was going out live.


I sure wish somebody at Fox News had the moxie to do this.

Putin’s house of cards may be coming down sooner than we know. There are some courageous souls in Russia and absolutely there are many in Ukraine, and we have been hearing from a few of them in the past few weeks.

I hope to see more of this. As we’ve said here from the beginning, this Ukraine War is about far more than military logistics. It’s a war of Truth v. Lies. That is as basic as it gets.

UPDATE 1:20 p.m. PDT

As Dan Rather would say, this is a story that is moving faster than a hummingbird’s wings.

The heroine of our story posted a video before she rushed the set with her sign. She is an employee of Channel 1, Russian state media, and is currently being held by police for “questioning.” Here’s her video.

Twitter informs us that the last thing she says here is “they can’t put us all in jail.”

Again, my hat is off to this lady. Balls of steel.

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  1. At last report, FSB is “questioning” her, which means she’s being put through the “Repent, Harlequin!” routine by the Tick-Tock Man (bonus points to anyone who recognizes the reference). May she hang on through whatever they throw at her, which will likely be horrific.

  2. A) Can’t put them all in jail? Don’t bet on it–the gulag is a big place.
    B) I have a bad feeling this brave lady’s days are numbered…in the single digits.

    Of course were there more brave souls like her in Russia I’d say we might not have to wait very long to be rid of Russia’s donny dimwit.

    • In many ways, I admire your unwavering faith in the ultimate triumph of evil, Spike. In others, I find it as naive as the opposite opinion. If Ukraine has proven anything, it’s that the world is rarely so simple.

  3. Putin will sentence her to a horrible death with glee … his well-known history of butchering whole communities of ordinary citizens, including the youngest babies with all-out attacks of his military, “Might”… With the on-going killing of Ukrainian citizens, in-mass, targeted bombings, to make the biggest kills possible, his uncaring self interest, mirrors the total lack of caring for ANYONE other then himself, that drives Trump to kill with the virus, free of any responsibility in his own words …

    I fully believe that if Putin publicly sets this brave young lady up for execution or many years of captivity, there will be a probable suicide assignation of Putin, maybe with a threat to HIS family to shake him up first …

    It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person …


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