I have predicted that Lauren Boebert will become an evangelical wingnut televangelist (or at least try to) when she gets voted out of Congress and once again, I repeat my prediction. As you know, Bobo is attempting to impeach Joe Biden, in conjunction with Matt Gaetz. Is it a stupid, stupid move. Just as it was not a great move when Al Green wanted to impeach Trump back in the day, because the party as a whole was not ready to move in that direction, right at that moment, so it is a terrible move on the part of Boebert and Gaetz to do what they’re doing. All they are doing is underscoring how rudderless and out of control the House GOP is.

Here’s Boebert’s post-impeachment announcement comments.

And here is a previous Boebert tape (bottom clip), where she’s enthusing about the End Times. The only thing ending definitively is your time in Washington, honey.

Boebert is what she was hired to be, Sarah Palin Lite.

It’s intriguing how people interpret God and Jesus. I have studied both and I have numbered among my friends both Sunday school teachers and authors of religious books. I mention this to let you know that I have taken the topic of religion fairly seriously, almost as seriously as I take politics.

And while I certainly don’t presume to speak for Jesus Christ, I think He would see Boebert pretty much the way you and I do, as a self-aggrandizing phony, using religion as a cover to grift and be a front woman for evil forces. I could be wrong. In His immense compassion, which is certainly greater than mine, no argument there, He may have more forgiveness for her bullshit than I do. But Jesus isn’t going to greet Lauren the way He will greet Mother Teresa, or Gandhi, let’s just say that much. I feel confident in saying that.

Here are some notes from this morning’s Politico Playbook on Boebert’s unwise actions.

Rep. LAUREN BOEBERT (R-Colo.) announced last night that she would force a vote this week to impeach Biden. Not to be outdone, her rival Rep. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-Ga.) told our colleague Olivia Beavers that she, too, would force votes on impeachment resolutions she’s filed against Biden and members of his Cabinet.

Privately, many Republicans are cringing, worrying that the snap impeachment votes are waaay premature and could easily turn the national focus away from allegations of a “weaponized” Justice Department to a divided Republican Party at odds over ousting Biden.

For those of us who covered the House during the Trump years, the wildcat impeachment votes triggered flashbacks to Rep. AL GREEN’s (D-Texas) efforts to oust Trump well before Democratic leaders were ready to proceed down that road. At the time, Democrats joined with Republicans to table Green’s articles, and senior Republicans told Playbook last night that they expect a similar bipartisan dynamic this time around (though some weren’t entirely sure).

What’s certain is that the vote will subject rank-and-file Republicans to an uncomfortable choice: supporting a threadbare impeachment or exposing themselves to attacks from the right — and potential primary threats.

Getting back to Al Green, you may recall that Green was moving in the direction of impeachment and Adam Schiff talked him out of actually going forward. The caucus was moving as one body, under Speaker Pelosi’s direction. It wasn’t a pack of stray dogs, some of them rabid, like you see on McCarthy’s watch.

My prediction is that a lottt of GOPers are cringing and worried about being primaried. The message coming out of the House right now is “out of control.”

And here’s a thought: I wonder whose payroll Boebert might be on. Not doing conspiracy theory here, but I wonder if the powers that be have not decided to offer up Boebert as a necessary pawn in the war. Yes, she’s moving to impeach Biden and she’s fundraising off of it, but it’s a stupid move and I merely speculate if she’s taking dark money from somewhere, knowing that the jig is up. I’m thinking along these lines because this is such a colossally stupid move from any rational perspective, that I wonder if it’s not motivated by something deeper.

Or, maybe it’s Occam’s Razor time and stupid is as stupid does. That works, too.


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  1. A bill for strengthening the boarder? Nope. Any bill that would help Americans? Nope. A bill to impeach Biden – FFS? Yup. The Freedom Caucus are a waste of air in D.C.

    • That is what the Republicans who are going to primary them will be putting in their campaign ads. Maybe you should apply for one of those jobs? :))

      • Ursula, as loathe as I am to change your words, I think it’s appropriate here:

        “That is what the Republicans who SHOULD BE PRIMARYING them SHOULD be putting in their campaign ads.”

        The sad reality is that it’s incredibly unlikely Bobo’s going to face any GOP opposition in a primary next year because it’s the base of far-right nutcases that gets out and votes in the primaries. I mean, she defeated a GOP opponent in 2022 by a nearly 2-1 margin; that opponent, Don Coram, was considered a “moderate” (he supports marijuana legalization–not surprisingly, he operates a hemp farm–and LGBTQ+ rights). In the 2020 primary, Boebert got 58,000 votes out of 107,000 cast; in 2022, she got 86,000 votes out of 130,000 cast. Some 27,000 more total votes cast in 2022 and Boebert got pretty much all of them (in 2020, her opponent got nearly 49,000 votes; in 2022, her opponent only got 44,000 votes).

        Boebert’s going to have to do something massively offensive to the MAGAt base (which is then likely to simply find someone even more extremist to satisfy their far-right attitudes).

  2. Some, maybe a lot, of ‘pubes need to worry-they are getting primaried true but those swing districts are slipping out of their hands very quickly. Bobo the Clown and Pizza Gaetz are going to look, as usual, like the fools they are: screaming like idiots and not making a hell of a lot of sense (I’m being way too generous). The republicans in swing districts have a very good picture in their heads and it is horrifying since it shows the braying ass MTG, Comer, Gym Bag, oh hell ALL the crazies frothing at the mouth showing nothing impeachable-nothing even close to impeachable. Yeah, I’d say there are some ‘pubes pissing themselves right now. A H.O.R. full of shit-flinging crazies is not what the ‘pubes from swing districts, and maybe some not so swing districts, want showing on national television ESPECIALLY during election season. Hell, this sort of thing would make some very compelling “vote for Democrats” ads.

    I’d say enough republican H.O.R. folks are very nervous right now and in no mood for Bobo and Gaetz’s nonsense.

    • Gods, with folks like Bobo and Gaetz, we’re not talking “swing districts.” We’re talking districts that are pretty safely “red.” Yes, Bobo barely won re-election, but if you look at the numbers from 2020, you’ll see the REAL reason she won was because too many Democratic voters just stayed home.

      In 2020, Boebert got 215,000 votes out of nearly 420,000 cast. Her Democratic opponent picked up 190,000 and two third-party candidates drew a combined 14,000. In 2022, Boebert got 163,832 out of 327,110 cast. Her Democratic opponent got 163,278. So, some 93,000 fewer total votes cast with Boebert attracting some 51,000 fewer GOPers and the Democratic opponent attracting roughly 27,000 fewer Democrats; the third-party voters presumably stayed home as well. If even half of those stay-at-home Democrats had voted last year, Boebert would be doing whatever Boebert was doing before she 2020 (some blame can, of course, be directed at the third-party voters but, then again, their total in 2020 was just over half the number of 2022 stay-at-home Democratic voters). Interestingly, we COULD presume (based on the primary numbers I posted in response to Ursula’s comment) that most of the stay-at-home GOP voters were those who voted for Boebert’s primary opponent but couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a Democrat.

      But Gaetz is probably safe in his district. Anyone replacing him would be just as horrid. (His district covers the western half of the Florida Panhandle–a region “lovingly” nicknamed both “Lower Alabama” and the “Redneck Riviera.”) And, as with Boebert, any GOP challenger will likely be even more extreme in their views.

  3. Do you think she actually believes in Christ? Does she truly believe the vileness she spews? What about the rest of the “so called evangelical christians”? What makes them think that Jesus would approve of their rancor and vitriol? She has to be an evangelical; intellect has never even been a vague acquaintance of Boebert (or the rest of the lot).

    • None of these God botherers actually believe in anything except in their own ability to casually and cynically exploit the belief systems of others for their own gain. That’s all this religiosity-speak is, political exploitation. Flag waving and bible-thumping, the standbys of the worst of the worst charlatans, hypocrites and fakes.

  4. Bobo needs to start working for her constituents and leave the media whoring to Margie. It may be too late for her, she only won by around 500 votes last time. She did one minor Twitter mea culpa following that election, then went back to grifting and moralizing. Here’s hoping that one of the seats the Dems flip to win back the House is her’s.

  5. How often have we all noticed that every pic of MTG & Bobo are always with their mouths wide open, bellering as usual…. just like Trump. They’re all cut from the same cloth, and it isn’t silk.


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