The saga of Stuart Scheller, the Marine Lt. Col. who lost his command after posting a video on social media criticizing the withdrawal from Afghanistan and then threatened to “bring the entire f**king system down” is getting stranger by the day, but then you probably figured out that was the course it was going to take. I still say he’ll have his own show on Newsmax or OAN by the end of the year, or at the very least be some kind of regular talking head.

Here’s the latest.

“And soon the only friends I’ll have will be cockroaches, sharing with me the remnants of my last Happy Meal, and why was it that I decided it was a good idea to criticize my superiors and then threaten to bring down the whole f**king system, anyway?”

I hate to sound cruel when this guy is in such a bad way, but he put himself there. He did go for a psych evaluation and it was determined that he’s in his right mind, so if he’s able to make decisions like you and me and he’s making these dreadful ones, whose fault is that? If I decide to take every dollar I have in the bank and go down and blow it in a casino tonight rather than pay the bills, will you feel sorry when I cry that I’m hungry and don’t have a place to live?

I’m not sure what this man’s moral stance, if that’s what it’s supposed to be, is about.

Just out of curiosity, any of you veterans know what he’s talking about, putting attachments on medals?

Now we know that whatever Miller Lite smells like in the morning, victory ain’t it.


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  1. So his wife left him and I assume took the kids. Good for her. She will hopefully find a better adult male role model(s) for those kids. His choice to go running off at the suck when he could & should have STFU and quietly completed a “Twilight Tour” to finish out his twenty years so he could THEN start shooting off his mouth was a stupid one and while I feel bad for his family and their lost dependents benefits I have no fucks to give about this guy. His room smelling like stale beer? Here’s an idea – bag those suckers up and set them outside the door for the maids to take to the dumpster!

    Now, regarding his invention for ribbons I’m not familiar with it since it’s been decades since I left active duty. I do know that when it comes to placing various decorations on a uniform troops are always searching for tricks to make it easy to get things exactly right. It sure as hell was the case in the Corps because sometimes in formation they’d spring a surprise inspection. I had a DI who recommended buying a good quality precision metal six inch ruler and stuffing it in a sock, just so when some inspecting Officer/NCO would come along and use some cheap-ass dime store wooden ruler like a grade schooler would have and “gig” you for something not being exactly/correctly placed you could whip that puppy out and request they both recheck and offer to let them use it for the rest of the inspection. Anyway, creating various things like a carefully cut cardboard (or if you really had the right tools plastic) form to fit around and above pockets to place ribbons and badges was something lots of people did. Or having a piece of corkboard that you could place under the half of a shirt or dress blouse to allow you to punch through the pins easily and not risk one or more coming out when you lifted it up to put the “holders” in place. Hell, back in grunt school I learned a lifesaver of a trick from a guy who came from a Marine family for placing rank insignia on a collar. They had to be centered one half inch from each wing of the collar and when you had to do a quick change it could be a pain. The problem was easily and cheaply solved by keeping a roll of clear Scotch Tape in your foot or wall locker. It’s EXACTLY one half inch wide and with very little practice putting a strip along each edge of the collar made a perfect template to center the insignia.

    My point is that this shit matters to troops and I’m sure it’s not limited to jarheads. Little tricks or devices that make getting ribbons, medals, insignia and other doo-dads (in the Corps there was/is thankfully a minimum of the kinds of shit one has to put on their uniforms – in the Corps they like it simple) on your uniform. As for this guy’s invention one can create their own template/mold for precisely centering a metal addition to a ribbon – something that would fit over a ribbon with a cutout for the placement of a metal device and as long as it didn’t cost much troops would buy it. Or, you can just buy the damned things with the extra distinction if you want extras beyond the one you are given at your awards ceremony. I could be wrong but it’s hard to imagine this was a huge money maker for this guy, especially if he had a partner and had to split the profits.

    Of course, given the way in which he just self roto-rootered his financial future he needs all the cash he can get.

    • First it was the Trump fiasco of non-handling of the virus, showing his simple idiocy and leading to thousands of American deaths that are still happening …

      Then the GOP has been bleeding any common sense/intelligence they may have had to the point of maximum stupidity …

      Here is the show of the crazy mob-like intelligence exposed on 01/06, a Marine with everything to gain, blows it all up … FOR WHAT?


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