Whelp, someone over at Faux News must have flipped a switch or unplugged Tucker and plugged him back in, because he has suddenly turned on a dime from the position that Kevin McCarthy is the illegitimate spawn of Satan and Mao Tse-Tung to now presenting him as being a chastened and humbled penitent thanks to the repeated ministrations of the spanking paddles of the MAGA mutineers.

And while I agree that the pre-keelhauling Kevin McCarthy was a tremendous pile of teetering shit, I do not share Tucker’s view that what has transpired over the last three days has made him any lesser the pile, but probably quite the opposite.

But you sell it to the rubes, Tucker, that’s what you’re good at…


It had to be hard to choke that out tho.

Boy, howdy.

I’m sure of it.


That’s the play.



Those are hours you can’t get back tho…

Him or Matt Schlapp apparently…🤣🤣🤣


💯 💯 💯

At this point one has to wonder what load of crap Tucker won’t let pass his lips to keep an audience.

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  1. The thing about keelhauling is that the bottom of ships are coated with barnacles. That meant way the hell back when that barbaric punishment was doled out even if a sailor didn’t drown they’d be hauled back up on deck with their body ripped open with a mess of deep wounds. And almost certainly wind up dying of that! In any case, McCarthy probably feels like he’s been proverbially keelhauled – from an aircraft carrier! With all the concessions he’s made to the crazies, even if he somehow gets his grubby dick-skinners on the Speaker’s Gavel he will be politically ripped to shreds, and his political death will only be a matter of time – just like his former pals Ryan & Cantor.

  2. So Rupert wants Kevin to be Speaker? Okay. Maybe Rupert shouldn’t call Tucker, maybe he should call Matt and his buddies.

    And I suppose it’s an effort in futility to ask WTH happened to the “event” that Trump promised? Maybe Trump is hallucinating, finally. “Mr. Trump, is the event in the room with us now?”

    • Quevin will have to suffer his turn in Gaetz’s barrel, that has been ordained. Tucker’s job, like I said, is to sell the end game to the rubes.

  3. I look forward to this pathetic attempt at steering the ship to fail like all the others. Sun Tzu called it: the best way to lose a battle is to chase after victory because you didn’t bother to prepare.

  4. Liar tuck humiliates himself every effing day and it sure as shit hasn’t made him a better person. Not quite understanding his reasoning here.


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