If your immediate reaction to this video is, “Wait, I’ve seen it before,” yes and no. You’ve heard all this before. Yes. This is Trump’s mantra, that the J6 Committee destroyed documentation as part of their nefarious plot and no, of course that did not happen. The only thing that was destroyed and Bennie Thompson said all this many days ago, was non-essential material like transmittal cover sheets, That kind of thing. Many gigabytes of data were turned over to the House committee that requested it.

But what is interesting here, is how Trump is slurring his words. What’s that about? Now it would not be the least bit surprising if he’s taking something for stress, prescribed or unprescribed. If I had four indictments against me, I sure as hell would be.

Dunno. But he’s ingested something. Or had new teeth installed? Maybe both? Now look at this. This is intriguing.

And it goes without saying that the bulk of Jon Cooper’s feed in response to this is MAGAs disparaging Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and the baggie of cocaine found in the White House.

There’s even a tweet (or Xit, whatever we’re calling it these days) that says, “Where is he slurring? You brainwashed liberals are hallucinating.” Hey, maybe we are. Maybe the problem is that the past seven, eight years have been one big acid trip. Maybe an alien race put some hallucinagenic drug in the water supply, just to see what America and the world would do, if it was under a universal delusion that Donald Trump had won the 2016 election and did all the deeds he did in office and thereafter?

Maybe we’re all guinea pigs in some Ph.D. thesis that a psychologist in another galaxy came up with. Nothing would surprise me at this point.


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  1. I didn’t really hear him slurring, either. If he did, it must have been an extremely momentary slip of the dentures. Otherwise, I’m ready to criticize everything TFG says and does.

  2. Whether he reads the teleprompter, riffs his own crap, or talks like a drunken sailor…what difference does it make? He’s a nazi lying child destroyer. FACT.


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