If there is one inside story in Trump world that I would love to have the scoop on, it is the saga of From the Desk Of Donald J. Trump. I have never known of any website that was so feted, which ended up being so fetid — not to mentioned short lived! To hear Trump tell it, he was going to come up with a competitor to Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, you name it, it was going to be grand. Trump sounded just like Mike Lindell did touting Frankspeech, except with his own pompous, faux-billionaire spin.

You may recall last week when the site crashed after Trump published a release linking to a story on massive fraud in the Arizona recount. Watchers of the site concluded that that was it, curtains, but the blog resurrected itself and ran a few more days. But today, it ran aground again, apparently on shoals and rocks that only it can see.

Raw Story reports that they put through a call to From The Desk, and of course hasn’t heard back. If you go over there now, there are no posts to read, only a form if you want to get notifications of new releases from Trump — and by the way, it doesn’t work. At least it didn’t for me, I never got any notifications. But who knows, I may be on some black list and that works fine too.

The site never got any real traffic, mainly because there wasn’t much there. That is the fact that has all the people in the blogosphere who do these things and who know how they are done, completely baffled. What was Trump trying to achieve? Everybody got that he wanted donations and to sell merchandise, that’s a no brainer, but did he honestly expect people to show up like they did to his Twitter feed? Because emphatically, they did not. Trump had a massive presence on Twitter up until the day he didn’t, but after that, he was only sporadically mentioned.

From The Desk Of Donald J. Trump was the product of the big brain on Brad Parscale. People marveled at how simplistic it was, but maybe that’s how Trump wanted it. Maybe he believed that all he needed was a platform where he could do a Twitter thread whenever he wanted to and he would replace Twitter, voila. All he needed was for Parscale to build it, and they would come.

Your guess is as good as anybody else’s. It will be interesting to see if From The Desk revives or stays dead.

He launched it May 4 and it didn’t even last a month. Or, maybe they’re retooling it into something different, who knows? Interesting timing, though, the site goes down again after the big weekend at the Dallas QAnon conference, wherein Sidney Powell talks about Trump being reinstated and Michael Flynn endorses the idea of a coup, and then walks it back. It’s counter-intuitive to take down a website when you’ve had a run of stories that would support that very site, but again, this is Trump world. If it made any sense, it wouldn’t be getting compared to mad tea parties and trips on LSD all the time.



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  1. It says a lot about the incompetence and worldview of T and his minions. Just slap something together and never mind the details.

  2. Maybe it’s not just us anti-tRumpers who are sick to death of the vile bile he spews. I think most Americans are relieved not to have to listen to his BS, lies, excuses, and nonsense day after day. Twitter should have kicked him to the curb years ago, best thing they ever did.

  3. “Feted” and “fetid”? That’s Murfster-quality wordsmithing for sure! Kudos to Ms. Faw, and thanks for ironing out the online glitches. I couldn’t do without my daily dose of Politizoom…


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