Interesting how the titular head of the Republican party regards the police. He certainly doesn’t sound like he’s the head of the party of law and order tonight.

No, he sounds more like the agitators on college campuses that got busted back in the 60’s. They hated the cops, called them “pigs.”

They hated the FBI. Called them a lot of things, too. Tonight Donald Trump called the Capitol police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt a “lunatic.”

I agree wholeheartedly that a lunatic is responsible for Ashli Babbitt’s death. No question. It’s the fat guy you’re looking at, however, not the Capitol police officer.

And as to Babbitt being a victim, look, if I was going to smash my way into the Capitol, I would expect to be shot. Or, at the very least, arrested, thrown in jail, prison, etc. That’s why I would never do such a dumb ass thing. But in MAGA world, they all think they’re characters in a skit and Trump, the great director, will save them.

Trump needs a Deux Ex Machina of his own to save himself. It’s only the first week of January, the wheels of justice are still grinding at the DOJ and everywhere else.


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    • Watched a documentary on MSNBC tonight about the fascists and J6. It was infuriating watching and hearing the filth that is the Republican party. It was a very good documentary narrated by Richard Engle. They took it minute by minute, which gave it all a perspective I had not seen before. It is disgusting watching these evil clowns taking over Congress. Why the hell are the Democrats accepting these ass holes as legitimate. They should be suing them or what ever is legally possible as insurrectionist violating the 14th, etc. Take them to court every five minutes and scream from the house floor that they are illegitimate traitor trash. Not one of the bastards in jail or shot for treason, what kind of shit hole country are we living in?

      • Trumpistan.
        We also have laws that even the President must obey. DoJ followed those laws, plus solid procedure:go after the low hanging fruit, get some to flip, move on to.the next tier. Rinse. Repeat. They likely won’t press charges against the members of college because they weren’t the ones actively involved staking idiots on a tour isn’t a crime even if you know why they wantbit. They need a ton of proof. It might be easier to.take down Donnie and his inner circle for obstruction than the MTGs.

    • Yes, making more martyrs is always a good idea. Always works well for the martyr-makers. And the people supporting the ‘pubes and former guy will see those people as martyrs.


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