Even a bass wouldn’t get into trouble if it just kept its big mouth shit!   Old fishing axiom

One of my favorite things in the normally shitty job of residing in Trump’s head is when he gets blindsided. I have written endlessly about His Lowness’ complete lack of impulse control, his hair trigger rage, and his quest for immediate vengeance on the person who struck out at him.

The reason it’s so much fun is that his lack of impulse control, fiery rage, and revenge thirst tend to lead him to lashing out at people without actually Thinking about what he’s saying! And never has this been more apparent that in Trump’s response to the letter that his longtime accounting firm, Mazars released, in which they stated that since 2011, they couldn’t verify the accuracy of their own work, since they never actually audited Trump, and apparently bullshit was his coin of the realm.

As I wrote recently, this letter was a neutron bomb for Trump, simply because most loan contracts have a quit clause. If the lender finds you misrepresented your assets, they can call in the loan in as little as 30 days. And this letter lets all of Trump’s lenders over the last decade investigate to see whether they should cashin their chips.

Of course Trump had to respond. Of course he did. But since he’s banned from social media, he had to release a long, rambling, moistly incoherent letter in response. And when you strip away all of the bluff, bluster, and hyperbole, his actual response is stunningly short and to the point;

I’m a dumb fuck. And I dunno nuffin’!

Actually, this is not a new or novel defense for Trump. Whenever he’s questioned over some possibly criminal irregularity or other, his response is basically, Hey! Don’t look at me. I’m a big picture guy. I only hire the best, and I trust them to run the departments efficiently and legally. You have any questions, ask them, not me. Don’t take my word for it, you’ve already seen it yourself. When the Stormy Daniels payoff scandal broke, just remember how quickly Traitor Tot dumped everything into Michael Cohen’s lap.

But not content to just be a dumb fuck, but having to be a stupid dumb fuck, Trump just couldn’t resist talking about his own brilliance. And on more than one occasion, Trump claimed ignorance, he couldn’t resist going down the rabbit hole into a long, granular, detailed explanation of his innocence that showed only too well how much he understood the operation he was professing ignorance to.

I’m not the only one who is thrilled with Trump’s rash response. NY AG Letitia James has already sent a letter to the judge, showing how Trump, in his letter about Mazar’s, directly contradicted comments he has already made, on the record to the court. He may be a very stable genius, gut he still can’t have it both ways.

This is what does these dipshits in every time. As the nephew of a former Bunco cop, the standing rule is that A con man’s first and best mark is himself. They are so sure of their own brilliance, and quick wits that nothing and nobody can catch them. Me? I like the old rejoinder, Give these jokers enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves. 


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  1. It’s got to be driving him bat-shit insane that the almost diarrhea consistency cow pie that Durham dropped isn’t DOMINATING the news 24/7. With the crackpots like Rudy G., Sidney Powell an Lin Wood no longer able to lawyer for him, even his second rate lawyers probably want to keep him drugged to near unconsciousness. Or maybe not. The more turds he shits into the legal stew he’s in the more billable hours for them – assuming they had the stones to demand serious upfront retainers to bill against. Anyway I think we will be getting plenty more of this particular brand of entertainment.

    • Once an indictment or two actually drop, I’ll indulge in enjoying the circus. I tend to be an impatient person, but his open criminality has been going on for years. They have the obstruction case Mueller put together, that the statute of limitation is about to run out on, they could charge right now.

    • Guaranteed Denis…At this point ..Right now, he doesn’t know whether to shit, go blind, or wind his watch…His EFO tells him that he can’t be wrong, but he has barbarians at the gates on every side about to bring him down…Just look at his day…The NY AG investigation…The Manhattan DA investigation…The GA voter fraud investigation…The J6 committee incestigation, possibly spawning federal charges…And all of this with a bunch of third rate shitheels lawyers to cover his ass…He is literally drowning, and at the same time, the GOP is trying to take their party back!!!

  2. All the fools who followed now have fooled themselves.Educated Americans should know right from wrong.
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