Another body goes through the revolving door that is the West Wing. Donald Trump has had more firings and resignations from administration members in his 2.5 years in office than any other president has had in eight. The most recent White House casualty is personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout, who reportedly quit unexpectedly, but now information has come to light that she was fired, because a reporter published her unflattering account of Trump’s relationship with his daughters. Politico:

Madeleine Westerhout, who left her White House job suddenly on Thursday as President Trump’s personal assistant, was fired after bragging to reporters that she had a better relationship with Trump than his own daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany Trump, and that the president did not like being in pictures with Tiffany because he perceived her as overweight. […]

Westerhout also jokingly told the journalists that Trump couldn’t pick Tiffany out of a crowd, said one of the people. “She had a couple drinks and in an uncharacteristically unguarded moment, she opened up to the reporters,” the person said.

One of the reporters present was Phil Rucker of the Washington Post. Rucker is taking heat for revealing Westerhaut’s comments. Donald Trump Jr.’s friend, Arthur Schwartz, got on Twitter and blasted Rucker for “burning” Westerhout in what was supposed to be an off-the-record dinner. Interesting that Schwartz didn’t deny Trump thought Tiffany was fat, he just denounced Rucker for reporting it.

Westerhout was already depicted interestingly by another reporter, in his book.

POLITICO’s Tim Alberta reported in his recent book, “American Carnage,” that Westerhout was observed crying on election night because she was unhappy that Trump had won. But she found her way into a top job at the White House, having previously worked at the Republican National Committee.

During the transition period, Westerhout was known as “elevator girl” or “greeter girl” because she was often photographed escorting guests to see the then president-elect at his office at Trump Tower in Manhattan. She was previously an assistant to Katie Walsh, a top RNC official who also joined the White House, only to resign just months into her tenure as deputy chief of staff.

Elevator girls and coffee boys don’t do too well, apparently, in the “Age of Trump” as the Meglomaniac in Chief likes to refer to his tenure. Intriguing that Westerhout was depicted as crying when Trump won, That’s what Michael Wolfe reported that Melania did. Must have been one hell of an election night party in Trump Tower, with women crying while Michael Cohen was pondering running for Mayor of New York City and Don Junior pondered running for Governor — and of course Jared and Ivanka purportedly discussed which one of them should run for president first. Bottom line, Westerhout should look on the bright side. Robert Mueller didn’t name her in his report and she’s not headed to jail.

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  1. Rucker shouldn’t have burned this woman. Most journalists understand that these people are human, and she would definitely lose her job. He should have been very clear – as experienced as he is – to verify that it was on the record (he knew it wasn’t).
    Plus, as a completely practical matter, that is how to develop a real source, for something that matters – unlike Tiffany’s weight. She could have been developed to talk to someone she could trust, so she had an out if it got problematic. Rucker could have taken her off the record stuff and try to confirm it with others, and then publish with independent corroboration.
    Strange that such an experienced guy would make a mistake like this. I kind of feel for her.

    • I see your point and I agree, insofar as developing her as a source is concerned. I don’t know enough details to know what he published or broadcast to whom, or when. Until I know that, I’m not making a final determination. But I follow your train of thought.

  2. Of course it goes without saying the Supreme Irony of the orange annus’, blotus’ fork-face von clownstick’s pointing out Tiffany’s weight….

  3. A couple musings of why we are toast the longer DJT pretends the office of POTUS …

    The Obama family has every sign of people that love one another … surely there have been growing pains for the daughters, determinations of order and damn, I miss the firm grip on reality displayed by both President and the first Lady Obama, beautiful people with high levels of intelligence. President Obama invited makers to the WH, listened to explanations of how their robot worked and was always willing to learn things, promoting future expansion of renewable resources, not tied to the big money oil and gas companies …

    The Obama family WAS/IS intelligent and actually have hearts that care for others.

    – In the case of the orange shitgibbon in the WH – phiiittt

    And, Obama had, not one personal link to ANY Despot from another country, was welcomed into any International meeting of the minds … would NEVER have a private meeting with Kim OR Putin, would ALWAYS follow protocol AND the Constitution …

    Sorry to hang this blurb here, but the World is collapsing while Trump is always sure to burn more millions of our tax money to play golf instead of his REAL JOB.

    As an aside … I sure hope Obama IS given a chance, under oath, to reveal EVERY detail of the information he received from intelligence about Russia/Putin and the election … a huge dump on MoscowMitch …


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