Trump’s On Another Run, More Mueller Paranoia


Donald Trump is alarmed by the upcoming testimony of Robert Mueller and well he should be. Here are a few small snippets from page 33 and 34 of the report. Hit Ctrl + to make them readable.

Here’s the other half.

These two snippets plainly show the connections between Trump’s campaign, naming names, Kellyanne Conway, Brad Parscale, Eric Trump, Michael Flynn, and so forth. Further, the interactions between the Trump campaign and Russian trolls pretending to be American citizens on Facebook, are documented as well.

Trump knows what’s in the report and the idea that Robert Mueller himself is going to come forth and testify, apparently is causing him great discomfort, because he tweeted this Sunday.

This is a long long way from being over. Because we live in the culture we do, where everything is sound bites and bottom lines, as opposed to analysis and introspection, Bill Barr and Trump’s other minions at Fox News have done yeoman work in downplaying the Mueller report and minimizing the damnation actually contained in it’s pages. But their subterfuge isn’t going to last forever. The truth will out.

Here’s a hot link to the full report. If you haven’t read it yet, or even glanced at it, you might want to do so, because that, and only that, will prove to you the amazing difference between what Barr & Friends is out there shilling and what’s really on paper.

I’ll endeavor to get more easy to read clips from the report as time goes on. In the meanwhile, it can be confidently said that the Mueller testimony is going to be the watershed moment in the Trump Russia investigation that everyone expected the release of the Mueller report to be.

Yes, the release of the report was a bit of an anti-climax — but the show’s not over yet. And the reason I say that with such confidence is, if things were as Trump depicts them, TOTAL EXONERATION! and NO COLLUSION, why oh why in the world would he be concerned about Mueller’s testimony? Nuff said.

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    • He’s so stupid and so obvious. It’s obvious that he constantly thinks about Mueller because that’s all he talks about. And you know, without any hesitation, that if the Mueller report HAD concluded Trump was as pure as the driven snow, the entire 440 page report would be the New Republican Bible, preached nightly on Fox News, as I have said before.

      No, what is obvious is that, for now, Trump has dodged the proverbial bullet. But what is fact, is that Mueller WILL testify and we will be having a different conversation when that happens.

      I have also said I would give anything to hear Adam Schiff question Mueller, because the engagement of those two first rate legal and governmental minds would be fascinating. I hope I get my wish.

        • Seems to me that I should, Mae. Schiff is Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. I would think he would have first crack, unless there’s some procedural aspect that I’ve overlooked. But in all events, Schiff should be a key player.

      • Boy howdy, a Schiff/Mueller meet up would be epic for sure. What I’m hoping to see live is Maxine Waters asking Mueller the simple questions we all need answered immediately:
        1. Did Individual-1 suborn perjury?
        2. Did Individual-1 commit a prosecutable offense by falsifying loan and insurance documents?
        3. Is Mitch McConnell actively searching for a quick getaway?
        4. What about William “Big Boy” Barr’s soul? Does the FBI have any knowledge of its current whereabouts?
        I could go on, but I bet you catch my drift. Ms. Waters is incomparable when it comes to laying it all out there in her own illimitable way, and I love her.

        • Your questions are all legitimate and are the tip of the iceberg.

          I don’t think that Trump understands, except maybe on some intuitive level, that this is the calm before the storm. He was hoping that Barr would quickly issue his epistle and everything would be done — wrong. All that Barr did was confuse the issue and cause some further delay, and that’s to be expected in a situation like this. Unless I miss my guess, Barr is trying to strategize the situation so that the least damage is done to Trump before re-election time. At this point, I have no idea how successful Barr will be in that quest, but I’m pretty sure that was the initial thought process.

          Of course it goes without saying that we don’t want to see Trump re-elected and this scenario drag on. The best case scenario is that he goes down at the ballot box and then his criminal issues are addressed when he’s a private citizen.

      • Me too … Obviously, in his smooth responses and glib comebacks on the many noises out there from various Repub demons, he will be able, by his full knowledge of the right words to use and careful structuring of his comments, communicate the right strategy to isolate the Dotard in the WH to his failing and falling attempt to be the new King of the USA.

        Goebbels-2, Miller will just have to find another baby Hitler to promote …

      • With respect, Ursula, I think Mr. Tangerine Man dodged a bullet the same way a Death Row inmate dodges the gas chamber by getting a temporary reprieve. The final event is still on in both cases. All that’s changed is the timing.

        • It’s not over until it’s over. What Mueller said was spot on. The Barr letter mischaracterized the report and mis-led the media — and that was deliberate, that’s who Barr is. When Mueller testifies, the conversation will change rapidly, watch. For one thing, actual facts and evidence will be discussed. It won’t be self-serving innuendo and conclusion from Barr any more.

  1. WOW, if everything Barr WAS an attempt to obstruct during his interview in the Senate, (It was), he has failed at this point, it appears to stymie the truth to be known on the 15th of May, 2019 …

    His bumbling answer that he had not read any of the evidence files, lied about not seeing Mueller’s letter or understand Mueller’s position on his maciated version generated in the mind of Barr himself …

    Boom, let’s impeach Barr NOW, take him away from the DOJ and Trump’s secret meetings …

    Draw a well planned and implemented bead on Trump after all the REAL REPORT and what Mueller has concluded using the full language he perceived as beyond his limited powers, via the DOJ …

    Impeach Trump, will remove him from office powers and force Republicans to defend him, only to be removed from the very offices THEY hold, simply because overnight shifts are starting to make DJT the ultimate deep sea anchor tied to those freaking bad Repubs, like McConnell, L. Graham, and even our own Grassley in Iowa …

    I truly believe DJT has reached the end of his free to say anything to anybody about anything rope … his feeding his narcissism instead of being a REAL POTUS has been cut pretty thin in the WH, the next levi to fail will be the implosion of the Trump swamp, all his useless and dangerous dept., Secretaries and the drivel they spew … come on, give us a break, the whole world’s supply and distribution of radioactive fuel components and power plants, and their security …. by a man that did not even know what someone in his job does .. and he can’t say OIL, but rather OLLLLL, because that’s what a Texas millionaire OIL man does ….

    I have to quit holding my breath, but by the end of the 15th day of May, WE HAVE to get it right … you did good with this post Pal …

    • You make a solid point here, that after Mueller testifies, it will be a different ball game — we just don’t know the nature and the extent of the difference at this time.

      Right now my interest is piqued on what portions of the Mueller report will be the opening source of questioning. It’s a huge report, and I’ll be curious to see what the powers that be decide to hone in on first — and then where it goes from there. There are some first rate prosecutorial minds addressing this issue now, and how they decide to lay it all out is something I’m second guessing in my head. Going for the Trump campaign connection to Russia is an obvious start, but they may go for Trump’s business connections first. I’m dying to find out, I really am.

      Thanks for dropping by, Darrel. Fasten your seat belt, it’s going to get real bumpy!!

  2. I’m increasingly getting the sense that we’re heading into the main event. I’m also getting the impression that Donnie Boy doesn’t have the slightest clue how to get out of this. I’m convinced that was the REAL reason he called up Russia: begging for help on this.

    • That exact same thought crossed my mind as well, that that is why Trump called Putin. I thought that the day of the call. And it always comes back to this one point: if everything is so cool, there’s no collusion, no obstruction, just like Falwell says — then what’s the big deal? Mueller will ratify all that on the 15th and the matter will be concluded, right? And we’ll know Trump is innocent, right? Wrong, and they know it.

  3. Now they want to keep Mueller from talking to the House committees, claiming it’s a closed matter.
    Well, if it’s closed, why shouldn’t he be able to talk? It just makes his answers more valuable: what happened, and why?

    • What we’ve had with Trump, since he came on the political scene is “Gaslighting 101.” Frankly, I think McConnell is delighted with Trump. I’m sure he wishes Trump wasn’t quite so far out there, but I think McConnell likes all the disinformation and manipulation. It shows him just how stupid the American public is — as he always suspected.

      • Current headline at SFGate:
        “Trump Campaign Blasts Scammers ‘Filling Their Own Pockets’ Off His Name”

        My first thought was “Of course – they don’t like the competition.” (It’s about David Bossie’s group.)


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