It’s a good thing for him that only wooden puppets’ noses grow when they tell a lie, or Donald Trump would have a schnoz going from Mar-a-Lago to Portland — not Maine, Oregon.

This is a good four Pinocchios, what you are about to hear. This is pants on fire all the way.

The fact checkers are getting heartburn right now, if they don’t have a stroke outright.

Umm….I don’t think Jack Smith is going to be persuaded. Do you?

And that’s not all. Trump’s just getting warmed up. He is in control of the Republican conference in the House, as evidenced by the ease with which Kevin McCarthy gained the Speaker’s gavel. You do recall that, don’t you? Don’t you? Now don’t be pesky and have a different memory, Trumpty doesn’t like that.

It was starting to look a little bit chaotic, it was starting to look a little bit not good. So I decided to fix it, as I alone can do, and all of my bestest friends, with tears in their eyes, big strong men and women, too, said, “Sir, if that’s what you want we’ll give Kevin the gavel, or a Gucci attache case, or a backrub or whatever you say.” And they did, of course.

See, Trump is totally on top of all of this. He has the entire GOP and the entire country in his pocket and will just cakewalk through the 2024 election and he’ll be riding down Pennsylvania Avenue to his old stomping grounds in a jiff. If only the fake news would stop reporting things he doesn’t want them to report. That’s the only problem. If the people who work for media outlets would just do it his way all would be fine.

Yes, we remember that night well. DT was phoning home, phoning the House in any event, and everybody dropped what they were doing, it was so still you could hear a pin drop and they all hovered on Trump’s every word and said, “Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir.”

This is a good note to end on.

And when an even bigger clown is trying to call the shots, it’s not a circus for long, it becomes a zoo.





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  1. Funny thing is, I imagine President Biden likely welcomes an investigation. I expect it would put him in a fairly good light and cast deep and dark shadows on the orange shit gibbon.

    You know, perhaps some legislation needs to be forthcoming requiring a thorough vetting of everything that leaves the P and VP premises. If there is one already in place, it damned sure needs to be strengthened since it obviously is not doing the job.

  2. NARA,is run by archivists and librarians. As a group,we library folks are all.for intellectual.freedom and free each and providing as many sides to an issue. Archivists at NARA have one job: preserving ALL records of a presidential.administrstion. If Jesus had been president, they would want all his records, period, even embarrassing ones about marrying Mary Magadelene including records for her arrests for prostitution (She wasn’t a prostitute but a,woman from.whom.he cast out seven devils, but right-wing preachers aren’t exactly concerned with accurate interpretation of the Bible).


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