It’s the weekend and the last few days of the second quarter, so Donald Trump is furiously begging the rubes to finance his cause. Yes, he’s a billionaire, we are told, but he needs small dollar donations from MAGAs living on minimum wage. So, naturally, he’s got to give them some bang for their buck and here’s the latest conspiracy theory.

It’s complete nonsense, but right underneath it is this, so the connection is clear and obvious.

And the first reply to Trump’s Watergate claims are from a QAnoner, who is going to “reveal the truth” in “the next 12 hours.”

Again, the reason we monitor all this obsessively around here, like we do, is because the MAGAs are living in an alternate reality. 73 million people voted for Trump in 2020. That is the horrifying fact that draws me to the keyboard day after day after day.

Trump is a complete joke, yes. But vigilance is the price of liberty and we don’t want to see him on the 2024 ticket (which is how it looks so far) in a narrow race with Biden, and No Labels making waves and threatening to bleed votes away from Biden and possibly restore Trump to the White House.

Those are the stakes. So, yes, we want to know what Watergate idiocy Trump is telling his troops to get the money, to keep his insane democracy-eating political machine going.


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  1. Over 900 souls drank poison and gave it to their children so they could see Jesus. Your efforts are noble but I’m afraid the rubes are a lost cause. Anyone who hasn’t realized BY NOW what a putz this maniac is…is beyond hope. Somehow the rational crowd members who were too goddamn lazy to vote should be on the menu. Time to scare the sh*t out of that crowd so they’ll get off their arses and VOTE! The good news? All you have to do is TELL THE TRUTH

    • I don’t expect the MAGAs to come over here to read — although a lot of them do show up. We get a piece that goes high enough in MAGA search engines from time to time to attract them. You’ve seen this phenomenon, when we’ve had trolls ripping us up here in the comments. And it’s amusing for a time.

      What I learned the hard way in 2016, was that IF I had been looking at places like Right Wing Watch and paying attention to the crazies, I would have seen the path being paved for the coming of one such as Trump. I vowed never to get blindsided like that again. Trump didn’t just come down the escalator one day. The groundwork was laid for a very, very long time. Eight years of Obama and over twenty years of trashing the Clintons, to be precise.

  2. The horror of our times isn’t just donald trump, it’s those 73 millions votes. When he’s removed from the ballot some of those votes will go reluctantly to a far less charismatic candidate like Ron DeSantis, or will peel off to the No Labels candidate, or will just not be cast. So, I’m confident Biden will win again, if his health holds up. But since presidents age in dog years and Biden doesn’t have much head-room, we should be prepared with an alternative if he doesn’t make it to and through the next election. Adam Schiff would be my choice.

  3. To be fair, I don’t believe ALL those 73 million votes in 2020 came SOLELY from the MAGA “Walking Dead” (and, they certainly are zombies)–maybe half at most since we keep hearing that Trump only has a “lock” on about a third of the GOP vote. The rest of those votes came from the “I’ll die before I vote for a Democrat” brigade. Yes, there’s likely a great deal of crossover between those two groups but, rather than a standard Venn diagram showing an overlap, the picture would be more like a bullseye where the circle of MAGAts is inside the larger circle of GOP “die-before-I-vote-for-a Democrat” voters.
    If we could just manage to get the non-MAGAt GOPers to consider voting for a third party rather than being a “yellow-dog GOPer,” there might be a chance for the old-line GOP to recover. But, that ship probably sailed when the mainstream GOP and the Republican National Committee caved in to the teabaggers in 2010.

    • There’s an even worse, and larger element in that bloc of 73 million voters. Tens of millions who detested Trump, found him repulsive and were disgusted by his antics. People who wouldn’t want to have him as a regular in THEIR social groups any more than NYC high society wanted Trump showing up at “Beautiful People”/”Masters of the Universe” events. For them, every bit as much as you and me they found that as bad as it was feared Trump’s antics would be, and the damage it would do to our standing in the world be damned they held their noses and voted for him AGAIN! Why? Sure, many suburban Republican women didn’t like abortion restrictions but hell, in their toney enclaves they also knew that despite the inconvenience and expense access to abortion would ALWAYS be available to them and theirs via a little “medical tourism.”

      No, what it boiled down to was pure selfishness. They wanted their goddamned tax cuts! And judges and Justices that would help the conservative goal of rolling back regulations. That’s why so many would vote for him again if he were to be the nominee. Oh, they WANT it to be someone else, a Trump without the baggage but if the original article is what they get at the top of the ticket a distressing number of these selfish A$$HOLES will hold their noses and vote for Trump. AGAIN!

  4. Let us see. Hitler killed himself in 1945. Fat Donnie was born in 1946. Hmmm. It is possible that he is Hitler’s reincarnation. A rush job so it explains the continued stupidity and refusal to.listen to.experts because there was no time for Evil.Genius to consider his options and maybe improve a bit?

    • I have long considered this as a strong possibility. I don’t think dark souls pause for reflection and absorbing lessons, they just keep cycling.

  5. “(It) is because the MAGAs are living in an alternate reality. 73 million people voted for Trump in 2020. That is the horrifying fact that draws me to the keyboard day after day after day.”

    They’re not leaving in an alternate reality. There is only one reality, and they’re not living in it, we are though.

    They’re living in a fantasy framed for them by RWNJ media. Fix that and the fantasy is over.

  6. There you go rubes. The mango moron gives you another chance to empty your bank accounts in order to contribute to his grift. Don’t let us down now–go for it.


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