This is a jam packed week and it’s only Wednesday. We may all need oxygen by the end of it, as fast as events are moving. Donald Trump needs to file a response today to the paperwork filed last night by the Department of Justice regarding the Special Master issue.  Tomorrow Judge Aileen Cannon is having a hearing on the same issue. And Saturday Trump will appear in the Wilkes-Barre area outside of Philadelphia. There he’ll “fight like hell” to use his words to salvage his rapidly deteriorating situation.

To do that, he needs a conspiracy theory and he began cobbling one together in earnest yesterday after a delirious tweet storm on his financially challenged Truth Social platform. Yesterday he posted over 60 “truths” in the morning hours alone.

Trump will show you how he is taking the title Father Of All Lies away from that amateur, Satan, who previously went by that name.

The “FIRING FROM HELL!” refers to the departure of Timothy Thibault, a 25-year veteran of the FBI who resigned last Friday. He is Trump’s new straw man. He will be to the Mar-a-Lago raid what Anthony Fauci was to the COVID debacle. This is the only way Trump can operate, is to find a straw man, demonize him, and get the MAGAs to do their Two-Minute Hate fests all around him.

Trump will stage a Two-Minute Hate (unfortunately, it will be a lot longer) in Wilkes-Barre Township in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, when he goes to bolster up the badly sagging campaigns of Doug Mastriano for governor and Mehmet Oz for U.S. senator.

And there you have his familiar refrain. This is what Trump has to achieve on Saturday night:

  1. Convince the rubes the election was stolen, once again;
  2. Convince the rubes that the FBI and the DOJ are out to get him, with a meritless execution of search warrant, planted evidence, you know the drill;
  3. Convince the rubes that Doug Mastriano and Mehmet Oz are doing really well, because they’re so swell and they’re going to win;
  4. Convince the rubes to open their wallets.

It’s a pretty tall order. Here’s the state of play. Axios:

By the numbers: Luzerne County, where Wilkes-Barre is located, featured one of the biggest pro-Trump swings of any major county between 2012 and 2020. Former President Obama carried the county with 52% of the vote in his re-election, but Trump won 57% of the vote there against Biden in 2020.

  • The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter moved Pennsylvania’s Senate race to “lean Democrat” this month, citing widespread GOP concerns with the state of Oz’s campaign. Rep. Matt Cartwright, who represents Luzerne County in Congress, is only one of five Democrats left holding a district that Trump carried in 2020.

What they’re saying: Bognet, Cartwright’s GOP challenger and a former Republican consultant, has trumpeted his Trump endorsement.

  • “I was proud to work for President Trump in his administration to advance the America First agenda. I’m the only challenger in Pennsylvania endorsed by President Trump, and I’m excited President Trump is having a huge rally in my district this Saturday,” Bognet told Axios.

  • But Bognet scrubbed most of the Trump mentions on his campaign website after winning the GOP primary, according to HuffPost — even though Trump carried the district by three points in 2020.

What’s next: Biden will be back in Pennsylvania on Thursday to deliver a prime-time speech on “the continued battle for the soul of the nation” at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.

  • Next week he’ll be in Pittsburgh for a campaign-style Labor Day parade featuring Democratic and union leaders.

And here’s how Trump began his morning, with pure delusion. This is what you’re going to hear Saturday night as well.

What whistle blowers? Anybody hear about whistle blowers “flooding” congressional offices? And this demonization of former agent Thibault is pure madness. He’s making that one up out of whole cloth. No FBI agent has the power to rig a presidential election except in the fantasy scape that Donald Trump’s mind. Think Salvador Dali on acid painting paranoid images and you have a clue.

I for one can’t wait until Saturday. If Mar-a-Lago is Trump’s Waterloo, Wilkes-Barre might be his Gettysburg.


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  1. Think those morons pillowman and kraken will be there Saturday? I mean make it a real circus-give the people their money’s worth. jeezus fuck traitor tot is pathetic.

    • The tide of public opinion is shifting with the severity of Trump’s criminal activity. The people defending him look more and more stupid. Fox News is saving themselves by pulling away. I give them credit for being able to play both sides of the street insofar as that is possible.

      • Geez Ursula. Do you think a major lawsuit against Fox might play into this? Hmm. Everything there comes from the top…the money guys are getting nervous.

  2. ‘Drain the swamp’

    That’s hilarious! Any fool can see he filled it up with sewage.

    Now, as usual, the Dems have to clean up the mess the R’s have left.

    Time to actually drain the swamp AND clear out the sewage.

  3. Think the magats have a clue how many serpents on trump’s team have been indicted? Who helps these people feed themselves? Rebels without a clue.


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