This is getting decidedly strange, the way that Donald Trump is dealing with the Georgia senate runoff in the last week leading up to election day. One thing that is radically different from the Georgia senate runoff this year is that Trump is not a ubiquitous presence in the Peach State in the final days of the campaign. In 2021 Trump travelled twice to Georgia, once for Kelly Loeffler and again for David Perdue. Now, the Georgia Republican party has made it clear that they don’t want him around.

But that’s not stopping Trump from getting involved, because nothing ever will.

He’s now watching the booming early voting in the State of Georgia and he’s terrified — with good cause — that Herschel Walker is going to go down in flames and then of course it’s yet another loss for himself. So he’s singing the old stolen election refrain and in the middle of the night no less. And he is obsessed with this. Note that he makes his first declaration one day ago and then doubles down on it eleven hours later.

That’s weird enough, but we know why he’s doing it. He knows he’s going to get blamed for Walker’s loss. But take a look at this recent post. He talks as if he’s on the ballot himself.

Whuuuut is he talking about? This is getting seriously strange. The election cycle for 2022 is over and the GOP got trounced. That’s history already. So is he talking about this last election in the cycle as being like 2016? Because this is it, once this race is decided, it’s a wrap for Election 2022 — except of course for the stolen election blather, should Walker choose to participate in that. And he may. We won’t know until it’s over. And the chances of him doing so, if he gets soundly trounced, may not be large.

Or, Walker may follow the lead of Kari Lake and show up at Amfest next month, in the event he loses, which is the most likely scenario at this point, and start a career as a right-wing provocateur. Or, maybe Walker will end up with his own show on Newsmax. Who can say?

What we do know is that voting in Georgia is breaking records and that is what is sending Trump screaming in all caps to social media. Axios:

Georgia has seen record-breaking early vote turnout ahead of its Dec. 6 Senate runoff between incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) and Republican Herschel Walker.

Driving the news: The Peach State set a new record for daily turnout during early voting on Tuesday, after setting the previous record on Monday.

What’s happening: While the state’s general election had three weeks of early voting, this shortened four-week runoff just has one week.

The big picture: As of Tuesday evening, more than 800,000 Georgians had voted in the runoff — which will define whether Democrats expand their Senate majority with a pivotal additional seat or whether the 50-50 majority remains for the remainder of President Biden’s term.

  • Turnout in November nearly hit 4 million ballots cast.

Trump is howling in the wind on this one. It was reported just today in the Hill that, “A growing number of influential GOP leaders and operatives say the party needs to more aggressively compete with Democrats when it comes to early and mail voting, fearing that a failure to do so could cost the GOP in future elections.”

That’s the size of it. And Trump’s asinine declarations are falling on deaf ears. Just one more bad idea of his that has cost the GOP dearly and they’re finally waking up to it.

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  1. At the end of Psycho Norman Bates had finally snapped and his dead mother took over. Watching him be paranoid & delusional was entertaining for a minute of screen time. This bag of pus has been on screen over 6 years & I have ZERO tolerance for his malignant narcissism. ZERO.

  2. That one post of his does disturb me, though. He alludes to this being like 2016, where they were all mean to him — until he won. What’s he going to win now? The GOP nomination again? What?

  3. I’ll be the first to agree with the premise that Georgia Republicans don’t want Trump in the state. Or even close to it! However, this is Trump we are talking about and HE does whatever the hell he wants. If he wanted to hold one of his patented rallies in GA then he wouldn’t give a shit what anyone else in the GOP said or wanted. He’d show up and soak up some love from the goobers. He NEEDS that fix like a crack junkie needs to hit that pipe.

    It’s my belief that Trump is afraid to show up in Georgia, knowing that even if Walker has to “wash his hair” or some other lame-ass excuse to not appear on stage with him that Walker’s loss will get hung around his neck. (It’s going to in any case but Trump wants to rationalize) Trump is flat out scared. I still think it might be close, but given how early voting is going I suspect Democratic enthusiasm will “run through the tape” and the GOP’s dreams of a big election day turnout overtaking the early vote tally will go poof. What Trump is truly terrified of is what some people think will happen (I sure hope so!) and that Walker gets his (and Trump’s) ass handed to him.

    So, just as the news of Trump’s dead weight on the GOP holding back the Red Wave the GOP hoped for there will be still more stories about another hand-picked and boosted Trump candidate losing! Only a relative handful have had the stones to blame the midterms on Trump publicly but you can be sure lots of conservatives look at him negatively already. Walker losing, and (for Trump) even worse losing big will cause more to speak out. Maybe, just maybe enough to start snowballing.

    Trump thinks Walker, and therefore HE is going to lose next week. So as you say he’s setting up the ole “stolen election” strawman. However I think he’s also, knowing how many know the GOP has begged and even prayed for him to stay the hell away from Georgia will have left himself an out. He can and surely will try to counter the “Trump cost us another Senate Seat” criticism with a “If you had listed to me and welcomed me to help Walker he would have won” narrative. Complete bullshit of course. However much Walker might lose by Trump in Georgia campaigning on his behalf would make the margin of defeat even larger. But that’s not how Trump will spin it. Or, more to the point (for him) spinning it that way will help him fundraise.


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