Late Thursday we reportedĀ on a poll where Nikki Haley was statistically tied with Donald Trump in New Hampshire. You might want to check out the story to find what he’s ranting and raving about Friday morning, because indeed that’s the case. The hollow shell that Trump is only exists if a poll or a rating tells him he’s important. He is television’s child, a creature that only lives if there’s a camera in the room and only then, when the camera switches on. When that red light switches off, so does this man’s soul.

In any event, as the rest of us settle in for a long Christmas weekend, to count our blessings and focus on the year’s joy or comfort one another for the year’s losses, all that Trump can do is fixate on one of his opponents and attack her. The woman’s “crime” is that a poll came out in her favor.

Happy Friday, Donald, pass the eggnog. Can you imagine living with this creature right now? It makes complete sense that Melania is off in separate quarters with her parents and her son, not that I needed to have that one explained before. Here’s what he’s referring to.

Four points is a statistical tie and Trump can’t handle it. That’s why it’s FAKE and he’s SCREAMING ABOUT BIRDBRAIN and his enemies at FOX NEWS. It never stops.

That’s not the kind of a resume that most normal people boast, definitely. No wonder he talks about Al Capone constantly. Capone is one of the few people that ever lived who would approve of this crime spree, having been a master of the genre himself.

The problem we have now is two fold: Scientific polling is not what it used to be. The availability of people for polls isn’t the same in an age of digital phones where we screen calls as they come in and don’t pick up calls from unrecognized numbers. So the polling samples are difficult to obtain. That sets up the system for skewed results from the get go.

Secondly, of the polls that are out there, a lot of them do poll averaging, which throws the results off even further. There’s only one kind of a poll which is representational of anything and that is a poll with these elements:

  1. The people polled are likely voters;
  2. The likely voters are of a certain age, income, other identifying characteristics;
  3. The poll of people is large enough, several thousand is great, to where you can actually identify a trend from talking to a sample of people.

Good luck in putting all those factors together. If you’ve got a method, Jay Silver will take your call, the folks at FiveThirtyEight want to hear from you, you will have no lack of attention if you can figure out a 2023 way to do this.

Additionally, a lot of fake polls do show up on social media and Donald Trump should know, nobody posts them more religiously than he does. So between skewed polls, averaged polls and out and out fake polls, it’s more difficult than ever before to know what’s going on in the country.

And finally, we are more polarized than we’ve ever been. We’re at each other’s throats. And that is only going to continue to manifest throughout 2024 as Trump continues to gin up the hysteria.


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  1. I get what you’re saying about how difficult getting reliable polling results has become. However, I think Trump’s reaction is telling and here’s why. Campaigns do their own polling. Trump would have simply made a dismissive insult upon seeing this in the news, EXCEPT (I believe) some unlucky staffer from his polling operation drew the short straw and had to tell him their internal polling showed the same results. THAT would account for his wigging out like heā€™s done.

  2. I have to agree, Denis …

    Trump has the blood pressure of a first class big red pumper truck down at the corner fire station … It, to me, IS a miracle, that he has not yet blown one of his tested arteries …

    It IS lovely, how quickly he collapses from the huff-and-puff dragon against everyone and everything, with his Hitler posture showing, going down to the bawling kid in the alley looking for his HUGE shooter marble some big kid stole from him and threw it down that alley …

    In Trump’s state of mind, he knows ONE thing, his freedom from prison hangs on one little thread, one like used in the 500 count bedsheets … if the SCOTUS does the RIGHT thing per MR. SMITH, Trump as foolish and down right stupid as he is, knows that little thread will snap and he may be going somewhere else from home, to, “got you NOW!!”,.

    Trump will receive his sentence, be carried to a changing room to don his new orange outfit, then, instead of the usual comment coming out of the court room, he will be escorted out the back door to the Courthouse, and hustled into a caravan headed to a local holding cell …

    The screaming and boo-hoos will be pathetic, and well deserved … Too bad, the GOP will lose the ONLY TOP voter-bait they had … AND the rest of us will convey our disappointment to our own Republican Senators, that they, (All the Republicans in Congress), having been complicit in the support and promotions of one Donald Trump, the most vile, criminal, and cruel man EVER in the Oval Office … Ignoring ALL the evil transgressions, his total stupidity, along with his personal mistakes that killed a million people, his possible, even probable treasonous actions that killed our best warrior troops in a trap set for them when they were entering the fight against Putin’s poison gas canister-carrying jets, then some-how, after delivering a bunch of missiles against a small airport that had been a distribution point for the jets and the cylinders of gas, after the smoke cleared, a miracle, all the jets were gone and the gas canisters had been removed … How would Putin have known to clear that airfield before the missal launch? How did Putin know the Seals were going to land where they did to get to their start position?

    Trump cannot suffer enough, he was guilty of treason near the first day in the Oval office as he blabbed top secret info to two Putin agents, that SHOULD have been the biggest RED FLAG to the GOP, but what did we see from the GOP … More back slapping praise for his good deeds … And on his treasonous actions, NOT A DAMN THING!!

    Then, and here is the BIG ONE, Trump crawled into a very private meeting with Putin, came out to the International TV audience, claimed he believed Putin over our own intelligence people, Trump said Putin had told him that, “Putin had nothing to do with those gas attacks”, and other nefarious actions, Trump took Putin’s words for the truth … A lot of home TV screens were abused at that moment …

    Another, room-sized RED FLAG, STILL no actions to stand trump in courts with charges of treason … The GOP is crooked as hell about virtually everything …


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