I was expecting an explosion and I was not wrong. But the explosion is tangential, me thinks. The story leading the news cycle is the flipping frenzy down in Fulton County as the week grinds to an end, but what does Donald Trump find to explode about? His former Secretary of Defense and Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Yes, indeed. That’s the lay of the land. Here goes the schoolyard name calling — he didn’t get it out of his system with the excommunication of Birdbrain this morning.

I don’t see where Milley or Esper enter the conversation today, except as displaced aggression — and I’m keeping an eye out for Mary Trump to post on this. General Milley went on record last week and revealed that it had been necessary for him to take “adequate safety precautions” after the Mango Maniac talked about how he deserved to be executed for treason.

As for Mark Esper, I can only assume that this is Trump’s beef, what you’re about to see, if you didn’t see it when it aired four days ago.

General Milley is very respected and the Bulbous Buffoon is not going to be able to tarnish that respect, or the man’s illustrious career and service to his nation.

Here’s a short clip from the 60 Minutes interview with the general.

Trump’s criticism is directed at the military as an institution, as the general says. General Milley also says one key sentence in this tape, which should burn its way into the heart and mind of anybody running for public office and I mean any elected office, starting with the school board and, that is that he would “be willing to die for that document,” our Constitution. Contrast this with Donald Trump, who has never read the Constitution and who would suspend the Constitution in a heartbeat. He’s already talked about that very thing.

Also bear in mind Mitt Romney’s words, “a large portion of my party does not really believe in the Constitution.” Kudos to Romney for his honesty but given the nature of events right now, I’m not sure I think that him walking away from his post was such a great idea. I wish he had decided to run for reelection. God only knows what uber MAGA wreck we might see run for the Senate in Utah.

Trump is a buffoon, yes. All of us who are adults recognize that. But look at the damage he does with these off the wall allegations.

Here’s the rest of the asinine tweet: “…Sund and then President Trump of these violent threats, Milley failed to protect the public, police officers and lawmakers. This resulted in the deaths of four people, all Republicans.”

This is sheer fantasy. But this is an example of the propaganda translations that are made hundreds, if not thousands of times every single day by MAGA world.

Donald Trump is a propagandist and now he’s desperate. The wheels of justice are grinding towards him and he’s apparently decided to let off steam by lashing  out viciously at whomever he can.

I believe it’s displaced aggression, but aggression it is. Here’s another sample.

This tweet above is complete irony. You can’t get any more ironic than this. The MAGAs have been lied to and they are brainwashed. But the biggest lie of all is that it’s the yous and mes that have been lied to — by George Soros, the Deep State, Joe Biden, etc., et al., ad nauseum, and that we’re brainwashed.

This is the essence of the culture war, right there in a nutshell. Again, I’m opting for the opinion that Trump is displacing aggression and he decided to pick Esper and Milley as his targets, because he doesn’t want another gag order hearing in Georgia, in the election racketeering case. And he would be risking that if he said what he was really enraged about. So since he can’t lash out about what’s really bothering him, he lashes out at issues which should be settled and reopens old wounds.

“I’ve got adequate safety precautions, the general told O’Donnell. “I wish those comments had not been made, but they were, and we’ll take appropriate measures to ensure my safety and the safety of my family.”

It is a tragedy that the general has to take such measures. But this is the new normal. Trump has normalized violence in this country. He has excited the lunatic fringe because he is the lunatic fringe. And a crippled and fragmented GOP has jumped on board the Trump train because they don’t know what else to do and tragically they lack enough guts to do the right thing.

Mona Charen writes that the “MAGA movement has made political violence and intimidation a regular feature of our public life.”

The MAGA Republican party is less like the party that nominated Romney than it is like the party that nominated Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. And it’s a mistake, in my judgment, to minimize the role that fear now plays in assisting and enabling Trump’s continued dominance.

Romney is hardly alone among members of Congress in worrying about personal security. In the first year of Trump’ tenure, threats against members of Congress quadrupled from fewer than 900 to 3,930. Threats continued to rise throughout the Trump presidency, more than doubling by 2020. After January 6th, the Capitol Police estimated that there were more than 10,000 threats of violence or death against members.

This is who and what Donald Trump is. Evidently the GOP is prepared to ride the crazy train all the way to fascism. Again, I will quote David Frum, “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” That was written a scant five years ago, it seemed almost a radical concept at the time, a dystopian vision, but damned if we haven’t seen that it is exactly the truth and that’s what has happened.

Let’s hope that the courts can excise the cancerous, metastasizing tumor named Trump from our culture because the GOP cannot. It’s too sick itself. It’s been getting sick for the past four decades. Any real leaders are gone. John McCain is gone and Romney is leaving. So it’s decided to die an awful death with the likes of Donald Trump as its standard bearer.


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