(Cartoon by Rob Rogers)

Just minutes after Florida Judge Aileen Cannon let the greased pig squeeze through the pliant restraining bars of justice yet again, said porcine pustulence was loudly squealing about her “honor and courage” on his piss poor substitute for Twitter social media site:


“Former President Trump appeared to praise a federal judge Monday for agreeing to his demand for a special master in the investigation into mishandling of top secret documents.

Minutes after U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon issued the order, Trump mocked the Department of Justice and suggested his followers should fight the “totally corrupt” prosecutors.

“Remember, it takes courage and “guts” to fight a totally corrupt Department of ‘Justice’ and the FBI,” Trump wrote on his social media platform. “They are being pushed to do the wrong things by many sinister and evil outside sources.”

Although Trump did not mention Cannon by name, he suggested that she acted courageously to rein in the probe he derides as a partisan witch hunt.

“Until impartiality, wisdom, fairness, and courage are shown by them, our Country can never come back or recover,” Trump said. “It will be reduced to being a Third World Nation!””

No, Porky, third world nations would be those where completely unqualified mid-level law firm associates with no judicial experience are hand picked by vanquished, humiliated and servile former rivals of el Presidente, AKA Marco Rubio, to be helped onto the first rung of the federal judiciary ladder to be of future use… and we are already there, asshole…

Better view:

..including confirmation in a lame duck session after the pig (sorry about the mixed insults) had lost his re-election bid:

Helped along by 12 Democrats, the usual suspects I might add, to a 56-21 approval vote, with even 9 Republicans apparently unwilling to put their imprimatur on the shoddy sham for God and history and all to see:

The twelve Democratic votes:

Tom Carper of Delaware

Chris Coons of Delaware

Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada

Dianne Feinstein of California

Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire

Doug Jones of Alabama

Tim Kaine of Virginia

Patrick Leahy of Vermont

Joe Manchin of West Virginia
Chris Murphy of Connecticut

Jacky Rosen of Nevada

Mark Warner of Virginia

They voted for the aspiring autocrat’s champion after he had lost the election and called it rigged.

We have our own party to blame for the sorry outcome.

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  1. Let’s be clear about what happened – and what we should do:

    What happened is the GOP acted in LOCKSTEP to hold a SCOTUS seat (not to mention lots of other federal judgeships) open, refusing to consider a duly, TWICE elected (by margins Trump will envy till the day he dies!) for almost a year. But after getting HIS ass kicked and their own majority in a position to lose control of the Senate the GOP pushed through Aileen Cannon and other federal judges in a LAME DUCK session. Even six of their own refused to go along, but twelve, TWELVE of our people said “Sure. Why not? We have to be ‘Bi-partisan’!”

    What we SHOULD do is contact every single one of these twelve Democratic Senators and DEMAND a public apology for their weakness. Tell them to go to the WH and hang out with the President for a while, and maybe grow a fucking spine by doing so. And at the very least, the next time they feel a need to capitulate to some outrageous or even “only” unreasonable GOP demand in the name of “bi-partisanship” to smash their face into their bathroom mirror until it’s too bruised and bloodied to show up in public, say on the floor of the Senate until AFTER the vote is taken!

    • Sorry, denis, I got the math wrong and have since corrected, nine Republicans didn’t bother to vote since the 12 Dems had their back…

      • That doesn’t change the appalling fact that in a LAME DUCK session without a LOT more Democrats than Manchin this judge wouldn’t have been confirmed. And if questioned now about their vote and they bleat platitudes about “bi-partisanship” the response from the person(s) with the camera/microphone in their face SHOULD be “So where was that bi-partisanship when Mitch McConnell publicly stated his caucus wouldn’t even meet with, much less take up any nominee of then President Obama for the opening on SCOTUS when Scalia died? And, can you stand there WITH A STRAIGHT FACE and name one, just ONE Republican who will go on record with you that would, if it was a Democratic President and Senate in a lame duck session with a GOP President coming in that would even consider, much less confirm the outgoing (especially a defeated and about to be one-term) President’s nominees? Especially with the matter of who will control the new Senate in question?”

        There is NO fucking way the GOP would ever, EVER have done what these twelve Democrats did. Since most of our people still have a working gene for shame, I hope they are experiencing a fuckton of it every waking minute now!

  2. This judge MAY be impartial, but it is the APPEARANCE of imropriety and conflict of interest that rules here. She may be clean but unfortunately cannot prove it, and therefore MUST recuse herself.

    • Silly rabbit, don’t you know that recusal is ONLY for Democratic judges?

      GOP judges can be direct parties to cases and, as long as they pinky-swear that they’ll be totally, completely, 1000% impartial, they get to hear the case (regardless of the case’s final outcome).

      You constantly hear this. When a case comes before the Court, and a “liberal” Justice’s third cousin’s fourth grade math teacher’s spouse’s cousin’s garbageman’s doctor’s office manager’s child’s best friend’s aunt’s hairdresser’s college roommate’s ex-brother-in-law is representing one of the parties in front of the Court, right-wing media begins demanding the Justice recuse themselves. On the other hand, when a case comes before the Court, and the spouse or sibling or child of one of the “conservative” Justices is a partner in the law firm representing one of the parties (or is a member of the Board of a company that’s one of the parties in the case or has direct financial ties to one of the parties in the case), then the same right-wing media defends the Justice as “capable of being fully impartial in the case” because there’s no “real conflict of interest” and denounces any liberal/progressive calls for the Justice to recuse as nothing more than a “blatantly partisan attack on the good reputation of a fine Justice.”

    • She could have been impartial but she wasn’t. Her handling of this screams not only her ignorance but the fact she is trump’s bitch. Short of stating “I will support every case trump brings to me and rule in his favor”, I cannot think of anything that puts her up his ass more.

  3. Perhaps this “judge” in FL needs to be investigated–did she do a Ginny after the 2020 election? Her ruling is one of the stupider ones and that includes the one from the s.c. taking civil rights AWAY from women. If she wasn’t doing a Ginny, and I’d need PROOF she wasn’t, then she needs to be removed since she is obviously uneducated in the study of Law and more to the point she’s obviously paying former guy back for her seat on the bench: her impartiality must be questioned especially given this asinine ruling of hers.

    A.G. Garland–appeal at once. Oh, and when D.O.J./F.B.I. wins the appeal, and they will, immediately get going on the stolen documents found in Mar-a-lago. Enough time has been wasted and a traitor needs to be punished.



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