There was a kid in the neighborhood growing up who used to throw tantrums. Tantrums in the street, tantrums in the supermarket, tantrums anywhere he could. He was babysitter-less because he was such a savage.

Then the 14-year-old me got hold of him for a night. He started the bullshit that had driven the others away. The potato chips were stale, he didn’t want Coke, he wanted Dr. Pepper, so on and so forth.

I completely ignored him. I not only ignored him, I said, “No audience, no show,” and went back to my book. That caused his eyes to pop open wide. I think the same thing may be happening to Donald Trump. He is screaming edicts in all caps and nobody is paying any attention, other than to repost his latest idiocy so we can all laugh and point.

Do you love it? Isn’t it sublime? All Trump wants is for the United States to default on its obligations and that would topple the global economy — which we are told “will be a beautiful and joyous thing for the people of our country to watch.” Oh, yes. Let’s see if we can reproduce the economic conditions of the Great Depression of the 1930’s, shall we?

And, here’s the howler, he wants Joe Biden to revise the role Kevin McCarthy perfected last weekend and cave in to the whims of every clown in Congress.

The comment is stupid and ill considered, like all of Trump’s comments, and the only wonder is that he keeps screaming all this into the ethernet. Nothing will happen today. The needle will not move a notch, just like Trump couldn’t get one freaking vote for McCarthy to change, even though McCarthy later drooled all over him and thanked him for the victory.

Trumpism has moved on. The MAGA baton has been passed.


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