Well, House GOPers meekly did what Trump demanded they do. Every single one including those so-called “moderates” (defined as less bat-sh*t crazy than frothing at the mouth rabid MAGAs), and/or those in what are known as “Biden Districts” (where Biden won in 2020) did what the Orange Turd Emperor wanted them to do. It’s not the official vote we know is coming, the one where actual Articles of Impeachment will be voted out of the House and hand carried over to the Senate. With Gym “HE GROPED ME COACH” tap dancing every step of the way and throwing confetti. That’s yet to come. House GOPer have to make themselves look even more stupid and craven first. (Trust me when I say they can and will do so)

The only question is how long the impeachment trial in the Senate will take. No doubt the House Managers prosecuting the case will want to drag it out as long as possible. And yes, as I just said continue looking more stupid and cravenly subservient to Trump. Personally I think us normal folks will be the ones needing tinfoil hats, and a tanker truck full of Brain Bleach to get through it all. But everyone knows the Senate won’t convict. The only interesting part will be how many GOP Senators join Democrats in the “get that bullshit out of here” not-guilty votes.

If you think that will be the end of it oh my. Don’t think for one second Trump’s going to let it go. Not only no but HELL NO. This whole thing is about his butt-hurt feelings and not just getting even but one-upping the man who crushed him in 2020. You think Trump’s carried a grudge against Obama? That pales in comparison to the one he has against Biden who beat him like a drum. To the tune of about EIGHT MILLION votes. Also, keep in mind that in our history only three Presidents have had Articles of Impeachment against them voted out of the House forcing them to stand trial in the Senate. Trump not only bears (deservedly) that dubious distinction. He suffers an even worse historical marker.

He’s the ONLY President to have been impeached TWICE!

Does anyone think Trump doesn’t want the “distinction” of having been impeached more than any other President? If you think we’re about to see ugly (we are) just wait. The day after, if not the very evening Biden is acquitted in the Senate Trump will be Truth Socialing and summoning House Republicans to “Marmalado” demanding a second impeachment, And when THAT fails a third. Given the blowback Republicans, especially those in those “Biden Districts” but others in competitive seats (Cook Report estimates 50-60 of them) getting a second impeachment vote in the House might not be automatic no matter how much Trump stomps his feet and holds his breath and insults everyone who’s name he can remember. That should make for some interesting fireworks and investing in popcorn stocks would be wise.

But you heard it here first. Trump will demand a second, and then an third Biden impeachment just so HE doesn’t go down in history as the most impeached President.

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  1. It really saddens me that these blundering Republican fools have brought our so-called “government” down to this level. I think that generation after generation, administration after administration, Americans have justly considered their country the most civilized, the most generous, the most dignified & honest country on the planet, the one country of the world by which the rest of the civilized world could measure it ls level of human equality, human decency & fairness, in which truth always prevailed & where the rights & freedoms of our Constitution were deeply etched in our consciousness and who’s promises of liberty & the pursuit of happiness were inalienable right. Now we’re stick with a Republican majority in Congress who are wasting the taxpayers’ money, our gov’t’s time & space, by being under the spell of their dictator Donald Trump, while ignoring their oaths to our defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign & domestic & to their commitment to serve their country as patriots and defenders. The likes of Jum Jordan & James Comer are making our mockery of our whole system & using it to effect their own personal agendas of hatred & revenge. These Republicans have done nothing for their country; they haven’t proposed any meaningful legislation, much less gotten any legislations passed. These useless morons who spend their lives in a rage against President Biden & all Democrats, will continue to drag ou
    country down until the next election, when, please god, we can replace these worthless cowards with dedicated public servants who will take our country forward instead of backwards. That means Democrats only.

  2. It really saddens me that these blundering Republican fools have brought our so-called “government” down to this level. I think that generation after generation, administration after administration, Americans have justly considered their country the most civilized, the most generous, the most dignified & honest country on the planet, the one country of the world by which the rest of the civilized world could measure it ls level of human equality, human decency & fairness, in which truth always prevailed & where the rights & freedoms of our Constitution were deeply etched in our consciousness and who’s promises of liberty & the pursuit of happiness were inalienable rights. Now we’re stick with a Republican majority in Congress who are wasting the taxpayers’ money, our gov’t’s time & space, by being under the spell of their dictator Donald Trump, while ignoring their oaths to defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign & domestic & to their commitment to serve their country as patriots and defenders. The likes of Jim Jordan & James Comer are making our mockery of our whole system & using it to effect their own personal agendas of hatred & revenge. These Republicans have done nothing for their country; they haven’t proposed any meaningful legislation, much less gotten any legislations passed. These useless morons who spend their lives in a rage against President Biden & all Democrats, will continue to drag our
    country down until the next election, when, please god, we can replace these worthless cowards with dedicated public servants who will take our country forward instead of backwards. That means Democrats only.

  3. All they can do is to try to drag the whole world down to their level. But they forget how far down they’ve gone in their little bubble of lies and mis-truths.

    They’ve already forgotten how hugely it backfired on them with Bill Clinton, and they’re still learning that iDGT has no strategy other than revenge for the slightest slight, while they follow his merest whim.

    • It’s usually far easier to destroy than to build. Rather than put in the work to make/build something good or great some people will tear down something else or someone else so they can look better in comparison. Human nature can be both good and bad and what you see conservatives doing is the latter.

  4. The “moderate” ‘pubes, as you say the less frothing at the mouth ones, will have to answer to their constituents in November. If the dems trying to take their places play their cards right, they’ll hammer this stuff in every political ad they make. Every ‘pube from a swing district likely signed their very own retirement letters with this vote. Every one of them has now contributed to the large amount of absolutely nothing that will be accomplished next year because of this nonsense. I cannot believe how freaking stupid these “moderates” are-do they not have anyone advising them whether or not something might be detrimental to their political careers? Or is this one final Eff-You to congress, the w.h., their constituents….

    I guess they’re forgetting this will be their less-than-shining moment which will be recorded in any histories dealing with these times. I hope to f*ck their descendants are embarrassed to such an extent, they change their names and deny any and all relationships with these stupie f*cks.

  5. Woody…True enough but only through the privileged glasses of white Americans. The Native Americans never experienced the shining light on the hill…neither did the African Americans. The Japanese Americans found out in internment camps, having committed no crimes or treason. The workers who tried to organize in coal country found out also. So did the peasants in Central America as Reagan slaughtered them and supported coups. The list is endless. We’ve allowed evil to flourish in our name time and again. Trump is the boil coming to a head. When you don’t tell the truth and when you worship money over character, this is what you get. Even after ALL the evil of the last 7 years, tens of millions are FINE WITH IT. No. We’ve never been that true, good, or fair. It’s a cultural LIE that has led us here. If we don’t change our path next November…HELL COMETH HOME.


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