Remember that great line from Men In Black? The redneck says to the space alien (not knowing he’s a space alien,) “Yew’ll get ma gun when yew pry it from ma cold, dead fingers.” And the alien says, “Your terms are acceptable,” and then blows his ass away?

That was a good movie. Now we have the same sentiment on the streets of New York, and we’ll soon see it burst forth from the ballrooms at Mar-a-Lago.

Yes, Trumpty Dumpty is going to climb the wall, one more time. Yes, he’s going to run for president for yet a third time. Yes, he’s going live forever, he’s going to learn how to fly, (just like the lyrics to the song Fame, says.) Righto.

As you heard, the clip ends with hate speech directed at Nancy Pelosi and her husband. This is how conspiracy theory works.

And of course this is going on. Can’t have a Trump rally without an anti-Trump rally, right?

“Trump Or Death” — but it’s not a cult, right?

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  1. Was just discussing this at work this A.M. My co-worker thought death sentence would get the magats in line. I figure their glued to former guy with super glue. It’ll be interesting to watch the two tear themselves and hopefully the party into tiny pieces. I’ll say this though: unless death sentence gets the trumpistas on his side, he’s toast. I am also hoping that when former guy loses the ‘pube nomination, I do figure that will happen, he will run as an indie or whatever.

    All of this rests on Garland not having gotten former guy indicted, etc. If that actually does happen, former guy will be too occupied trying to keep his ass out of prison.


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