The body of groundbreaking lawyer Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female Supreme Court justice, is not yet cold and Donald Trump has already managed to make a mockery out of an otherwise solemn occasion. Trump is not having the best day today to begin with. He’s already taken to Truth Social to complain about how he deserves a mistrial in the Trump Organization fraud case. Then he decided to speak about Justice O’Connor.

The first thing out of his mouth is that he and Melania are saddened at O’Connor’s passing. Who wants to bet money Melania never heard of O’Connor and couldn’t pick her out of a lineup — even a lineup of judges, where she was the only female?

Trump’s tweet ends “another’s intellect and fairness, with Marianne receiving the Sandra Day O’Connor Medal of Honor. We send our deepest condolences and prayers to the entire O’Connor family.” Okay, we’re on a roll here. How many people want to bet that somebody else wrote this tweet for Trump?

Since Donald dragged Maryanne into it, let’s review what she had to say about her wonderful frere, shall we?

One thing is certain, although Donald hasn’t figured it out yet. If, in fact, O’Connor and Maryanne Trump Barry were besties, they both spoke about how utterly disgusting he was. I’m surprised he can’t figure that out.

And no, I don’t know if Melania or Trump are going to get invited to the funeral but in the event they do, can somebody tell Melanoma to put on a freaking black coat? If O’Connor’s family has read anything about Rosalynn Carter’s funeral, I’m sure they’ve gotten a heads up and they’ll save themselves the circus that the attendance of a Trump guarantees.


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  1. Tramp makes himself the victim of anything in the hopes his 15% will pity him and send him their welfare checks, social security checks or disability checks.

  2. The President could put forth Garland as a replacement who has been working hard
    and who got chumped the other time he couldn’t be confirmed because mcconnell.

    then get mueller to be the AG.🤷🏻‍♂️

    russia, russia, russia if you can hear this come get your boy.

  3. Did anyone else notice that the person who wrote #P01135809’s missive misspelled his sister’s name as Marianne instead of Maryanne? He certainly didn’t and I’m sure he doesn’t care! Way to go, Bro!


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