This is pure Trump folks. Trump recently appeared at a Sneaker convention to announce his latest hunk-of-junk for sale. In this case his very own brand of sneakers. He waved around a pair of them, and gold with a shiny finish, talking about how “great” they were of course. And that they “only” cost $399. He did everything but talk about how big strong men from workers to the world’s greatest athletes came up to him with tears in their eyes. Saying “Sir, these are the greatest sneakers ever made. I’ve never seen sneakers so wonderful. I’ll perform better than I ever dreamed wearing these sneakers you’ve created.” And thanking him. Of course. The reality is that the crowd wasn’t impressed. In fact they BOOED him. I wonder how much worse his reception would have been if he’d included a detail hidden in fine print on the website where folks order a set.

That detail? They won’t ship until July! That’s the gold ones he showed. The variation won’t ship until August. Regardless of which model, even those dates are a maybe!

I kid you not. You can read about it yourself in this article by Raw Story.  I’d read elsewhere that Trump claims they’d already sold out. Well, since this is Trump we’re talking about we’ll take that one with a grain of salt.  (In my case that grain is one of those big block of “salt-lick” we’d put out in the fields for the horses on the farm I looked after up in WV for years) What we DO know is that Trump has sold a product he can’t deliver. At least not for a while. Five months (at least) to put a fine point on it. The linked article quotes Trump’s website:

“Trump Sneakers are expected to start shipping July 2024 for the gold High-Tops, and the Potus 45 White Knit & Red Wave Knit are expected to ship in August 2024,” a statement on the website said.

If you think that’s good it gets better:

“Shipping and delivery dates are estimates only and cannot be guaranteed. We are not liable for any delays in shipments,” the fine print noted.

Things get really interesting, and evoke every thought you have of Trump as a con-man when you consider that not being liable for any delays language. The real kicker, the one that suggests the very real possibility that countless people will pay four hundred bucks for nothing is where the website also makes clear buyers are S.O.L. if they come to their senses and want their money back because it also says: “There are no refunds. All sales on are final.” (emphasis added)

Amazing isn’t it? Trump seems to have gone and sold a bunch of sneakers that haven’t even been manufactured yet. But hey MAGAs think, he’s Trump. He wouldn’t ever dream of screwing over THEM, much less actually do it.  I wonder how many hundreds of thousands, if not into the millions will never get their Trump Sneakers and accept some weak-ass excuse so they don’t have to pretend they allowed themselves to be suckered. CONNED. However even if some do get a set of these ugly ass shoes, enough that there will be posts online of them wearing them around to show them off you can be sure many times their numbers will be left with nothing. No sneakers. No nothing, except some excuse blaming Biden/Democrats for it all.

However, if your entertained by the notion of Trump hyping his sneakers and people finding out after shelling out four hundred bucks for them the earliest they’ll get them is mid to late summer (if then) you haven’t heard the best part. Like any good con-man (and let’s be honest, Trump IS one hell of a grifter) Trump knew to set up an excuse before people started to complain. And boy is it a doozy. The website explains WHY it’s going to take so long for them to be delivered:

“The Sneaker(s) are made to order,” the website claimed. “When you checkout you will be able to order any size that you want, meaning there is no chance a size can sell out unless the whole collection sells out. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.”

‘Made to order.” Really? Are you freaking kidding me? If you’re wondering why I chose the title image now you know. I’m sure anyone reading this has bought shoes. You go into a shoe store, look at styles and ask a sales clerk for this or that shoe you hold up in your size to try on. Once you reached adulthood you didn’t even need to have your feet measured by one of those devices like you see in the picture. You just tell them your size and they go in the back and bring out the box(s) with the shoes you want. You try them on and walk a few steps to make sure they feel okay. Did you ever once during that process think “special made for ME shoes?” Of course not. Shoe styles are manufactured in a range of sizes and shipped out.

The same is true for people who are collectors of designer, special edition shoes including sneakers. They are designed, and the amount ordered and in what sizes are manufactured. Again, that doesn’t make them “made to order” and buyers don’t think of them that way. Unless they are stupid like so many MAGAs are.

Sure, there’s the hype any person hawking something like this puts on a website about how “special” they are, calling attention to aspects of the design that make them unique to the famous person selling them. And touting the materials and craftmanship. Pretty boilerplate stuff actually. But citing the SIZE to claim the damned footwear is “custom made” for the buyer? Has anyone besides Trump ever tried to sling this particular piece of bullshit?

Well, there you have it. I can’t help but wonder if Trump might be so desperate for money at the moment he’s losing his touch for grifting. Sure, he needs money (lots of it) and fast but he also needs back in the WH to stay out of jail. MAGAs will get over there “What? I have to wait HOW long to get my four hundred dollar Trump shoes to show off to my friends?” disappointment in a couple of weeks or less. However, come the end of summer when their sneakers don’t arrive, and they complain then what? Like I said, I think most will accept whatever bullshit excuse Trump gives but he can’t afford to lose all that many MAGAs.

In some states ten thousand or even less can make all the difference as we saw in 2020. If by the end of September these goobers realize they shelled out four hundred bucks on to be told two things they don’t want to hear: Sorry we don’t know when you’ll get your sneaker and NO you can’t get a refund they will look at Trump likely having at least one conviction under his belt. All manner of other financial WTF they hear about. Not on Fox or right wing radio of course but some of them (incredibly) have jobs so they’ll hear about Trump’s financial woes. Even if they won’t admit it to anyone else they’ll realized they got conned out of four hundred dollars (plus shipping and handling) and think “To hell with it. Ain’t no way I’m voting for a Democrat but I’m sure as hell not going to vote for Trump either. I’m just going to sit things out this time.”

The timing of reality setting in for some of these idiots couldn’t be worse for Trump. In the meantime our side, and perhaps Lincoln Project and The MeidasTouch Network can plant some seeds. And come September dump some Miracle Grow on the “where are my four hundred dollar sneaker” buds emerging from the political ground.

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  1. Maybe, just maybe some of the magas will wake up from their stupor. Similar to the J6 rioters who just KNEW tRump would pay their legal fees, etc.

      • Yep. I love the thought of some of them actually getting a pair of these things and having them come apart. In public where everyone can see the part of their “special” Trump sneakers in pieces on the ground. I’d point, and laugh and shout as loud as I could to get a crowd gathered to laugh. And take (and post) cell phone video of the MAGA trying to pick up (literally) the pieces of his dream of having his very own Trump “show off” item. And it said person took offense and said I was being mean? I’d respond “And just how many times have YOU said of people like me, liberals fuck their feelings? Fuck YOUR feelings.”

      • I expect whoever is running this little operation is currently looking for the cheapest labor obtainable from Asia and the cheapest materials possible. If a pair of these last more than one month I would be greatly surprised. Also, a good thing they’re not firm on delivery dates since it is possible he is going to get nailed over trademark infringement: the red soles are a shoe designer’s trademark apparently. Probably should have figured this would happen given the family’s disregard for such things.

  2. The one thing Dementia Donny loved about being president was Truman’s aphorism, “The Buck Stops Here’.

    But, of course he misunderstood it. He thought it meant the buck stopped with him and went into his pocket.

    He still thinks this.

  3. Couple of questions…are Trump steaks and trump vodka included along with a scholarship to Trump university? Are they being made in a sweatshop full of undocumented migrant kids? Finally, is a signed photo of a buffed Trump flying through the air like Jordan also included? If so, sounds like a deal.

    • where are these shoes actually being made? gina? obviously trump sold his name to someone for some quick cash. who is that person/company? enquiring minds want to know.

      • That’s an interesting question. Could he even produce a manufacturing contract with an actual company/facility capable of making the damned things? In court if ordered to? I wouldn’t bet on it. But the fact is he’s selling stuff he hasn’t had made yet and whether he intends to and where is something journalists should be making a BFD about.

    • If it hasn’t happened already Vega odds makers should have a betting line on whether the shoes ever go into mass production. Trump might as you say wind up declaring bankruptcy or because of the now two layers of financial monitoring not be able to get the funds for for start up payment. You can bet the financial oversight folks will take a hard look at any manufacturing contract and if anything is suspect (such as kickbacks) then all bets are off.

      But the website has a disclaimer that will, to the dismay of those who shelled out money hold up in court. It clearly states no refunds for any reason. As is usual Trump has made sure to cover his own ass and if those he made promises to but doesn’t fulfill get burned he doesn’t care.

      • I”m not too sure such a disclaimer stands up to the company not providing the product at all. Refunds and returns occur for multiple reasons – one reason being unable to provide the product ordered and I’ve never seen a case where the consumer isn’t offered a similar but different item or a complete refund. Now, when a product is actually in the consumer’s hands things could be subject to his disclaimer. If he takes money for a product and doesn’t provide the product, this is fraud and no disclaimer in the country will protect him. One could call this product offering and payment for said product a contract and in the U.S. no contract is valid when a crime has been committed–including or maybe especially when fraud is committed.

  4. Well, some people are so gullible that they’ll fall for any marketing ploy.

    Whether it’s our “sneakers are made to order” or “our app can measure you 20% more accurately than a professional tailor,” we just see evidence that P T Barnum was likely misjudging how quickly new suckers are born.

    (That “20% more accurately” claim IS actually a claim from the folks at “M-Tailor” which advertises jeans for men. Of course, no one really explains how taking a picture from your phone can possibly provide a greater measure of accuracy than a living, breathing real, live-in-person tailor who’s physically touching you during the measuring.)


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