I don’t know where Traitor Tot got the divine intervention that told him he would be arrested three days ago. Probably from the same soothsayer who gave him his electoral landslide predictions.

But the result was predictable. Trump hysterically took to Bullshit Social to demand that his supporters protest to take your country back! That line is so transparent that they couldn’t even use as the shower curtain in the Psycho movie. Even my cats tipped to that one.

But what was the end result?

  • On the weekend there were a half a dozen or so pleasure boats that puttered up and down the causeway between land and Mar-A-Lago, tooting horns with Trump flags flying
  • On Tuesday where were about 4 dozen misfit toys parked along the side of the road that leads to the entrance of Mar-A-Lago, shuffling around with Trump flags and placards. They weren’t even making noise
  • On Monday there were a couple of mass demonstrations planned at the DA’s office and courthouse, which featured more reporters and camera crews than protesters
  • And on Tuesday there was one lousy Trump supporter wandering back and forth in front of the courthouse. There were more cops and city workers hauling portable barricades than Trump turned out for the three days total

But then the fun went out of it. Yesterday Emperor Numbus Nuttus angrily demanded that all four prosecutors investigating him be removed immediately. And today some flaming Trumptard sent Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg an envelope with what turned out to be innocuous white powder, and the typed note Alvin, I’m going to kill you.

Trump’s legal problems are crushing him as he stews in the first known example Motel 6 Golf Resort. His Florida lawyer Evan Corcoran testified to the DC grand jury today. And a judge rules that Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Meadows and Florida lawyer Jennifer Little must testify to his machinations in the stolen documents case. Little wonder Trump is struggling to see a way out.

In April of 1945, a desperate Hitler tried to motivate the citizens of Berlin to fight for him by making it about them. The Allies would kill them where they stood, so they may as well go down in glory, even 12-14 year old’s. And he promised death and destruction! from a nonexistent phantom Army of the West that was rushing to the Capitol to save them! Just hold on a little longer. Sound familiar?

I wrote previously that Trump motivated his crowd successfully on January 6th because he made it all about themThey’re stealing the election! They’re stealing your votes! They’re stealing your country away from you! The 2020 election was a perfect prop.

But how do you make it all about Trump supporters when they’re coming for you for having paid off a porn star you rolled around with while Melania was nursing your son so you could get elected in the first place? And try as he might, he can’t quite seem to square that circle.

Over the weekend he at least gave it the good old fashioned college-try, but even his heart didn’t seem in it. In a poorly lit room he sent out a video on Bullshit Social in which he dully intoned, They’re not coming for me, they’re coming for you. But I’m standing in their way, and I’ll always be standing in their way. Which begs the question, from even the dimmest sheep in Trump’s flock, OK, one more time, a little slower please. Why are they coming for me when it was you who boinked the porn star and paid her off? Prez?

I can’t see how The Trumpster Fire fires up another crowd under these circumstances, especially after being social media silent the last 2+ years. And he’s only making it worse by trying to whip them into a frenzy to go to the streets when nothing is happening. If Trump keeps calling the faithful out, and it keeps fizzling, it begs the natural question, Hell, if nobody else is showing up, why the hell should I?

Especially with everybody and their grandmother in law enforcement on high alert, I don’t see how FrankenTrump gets another large mob together with blood in their eye. The far more dangerous threat is the one we’ve already seen. Like that idjit who tried to bust into an FBI field office with a semi automatic weapon and a nail gun. Or the social troglodyte who sent DA Bragg a phony anthrax envelope. And those threats are going to be a whole lot harder to stop than an unruly mob whose asses you’re already to kick. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. What Trump’s been saying is something those of us paid attention in school during English recall well, and even Peter O’Toole’s memorable deliverance of the line: “Have none of you the courage that I lack? Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Priest.” Sadly for Trump he’s not got Shakespeare’s rhetorical gifts. But he’s saying what Henry did – will one of you (dammit!) please go kill this fucking Priest(s) already? The letter sent to Bragg is only the beginning. And there is of course a very reasonable fear that someone might be committed enough to make an actual attempt to murder some of these prosecutors. Or their family members. However, I don’t think it will cause the reaction Trump dreams of. No, even some of the Republicans who want their goddamned tax cuts more than anything else & don’t care about SCOTUS taking away reproductive rights (THEY of course can easily afford any medical “tourism” they want or need!) will join Independents and Democrats in recoiling in horror. Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.

    • Just a,reminder: The line uttered by Henry II to underlings about Beckett goes back far longer than the play. It is in every bio of jim,and there were 13 of them, a couple by eyewitnesses. We don’t have his exact words, but all.the biographies agreement thinking said something along those lines.

      Gotta,wonder how history will treat Trump. He isn’t a tragic hero because he,was never great nor good. More of a Willy Loman from Death of a,Salesman if he had I hearted millions and then became president. A blustery,vindictive, narcissistic psychopathic version of I
      King Lear.Could be a terrific role for an actor.
      Or maybe an opera,,with a fat tenor as,Trump. It would take a, Pavarotti for girth and range to portray him. A,soprano for Melania who mostly stands to one side and sings about how much she hates this life as First Lady and especially being expected to do anything with Christmas. And a nice,,small contralto role for Stormy Daniels. A chorus of male singers as,Congressional enablers. But who will play Giuliani? And how could they reenact 1/6? A,platform for Trump in the White House, gazing down on his people breaking into the White House? Maybe just run video of that day and the male Congressmen fleeing can sing. AOC and Pelosi get arias,,and Pence gets,ages bits. Then Trump again watching his fans being g led off to jail, and maybe Guilty in lights…

  2. Personally, I think Trump-O the Assclown has done the impossible……..he has fixed stupid!!!

    In reading comments from the MAGAt faithful, many comments reflect their disappointment and disbelief that the orange and vanilla dreamsicle God didn’t pay for their lawyers and pardon them as promised, but left them holding the bag and don’t trust him anymore.

    ……so, it appears you really CAN fix stupid.


  3. Maybe karma travels by word of mouth! All I can say to Mr magoo is: you gotta walk that lonesome valley. You gotta walk it by yourself. Nobody else can walk it for you. You gotta walk it by yourself. A song we’ve all heard.

  4. I think he will hole-up at the club indefinitely. If trump travels outside the state, he’ll be detained at an airport and transported to NY for processing. They won’t release him. He’ll be sent to Riker’s to await trial. Bragg could prosecute trump in abstentia if it came to that, and if he were convicted he would become a fugitive from justice and could be apprehended by state or federal authorities at any time. DeSantis will look at all this and laugh, knowing he has the spray-tanned psycho-chimp’s fate in his hands.

  5. Trump is hosting a rally in Waco today. I would love to see him arrested after the rally but that probably won’t happen. Bragg doesn’t have jurisdiction in Abbot country.


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