“Bunker Boy” Donald Trump went off on a tirade against state governors in a conference call Monday, the stated purpose of which was to gather information and discuss constructive measures to deal with racial protests and violence, now going on for a week in 75 cities nationwide. The commentary was vintage Trump. New York Times:

“You have to dominate,” he told governors on the call. “If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time — they’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks.”

The president continued: “You have to arrest people, and you have to try people, and they have to go jail for long periods of time.”

Mr. Trump, who has not addressed the nation since the unrest began, said he was putting Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “in charge,” but did not immediately specify what that meant or if he would deploy the military to quell the violence in the nation’s cities.

Beratng governors is an interesting move for a chief executive to take. Who is it now, that’s supposed to be running the federal government, exactlY? Business Insider:

“You’re making a mistake because you’re making yourselves look like fools. And some have done a great job. But a lot of you, it’s not — it’s not a great day for our country,” Trump said, according to the CBS reporter Ed O’Keefe. “You know, when other countries watch this, they’re watching this, the next day, wow, they’re really a pushover. And we can’t be a pushover.”

Here is Social Engineering 101, as taught by Professor Trump — not to be confused with Dr. Trump, the reknowned epidemiologist. It’s all very simple, you see, you just “round up thousands” and “put ’em in jail for ten years.” Why didn’t we think of this before? And of course the fact that this is coming from Bunker Boy himself, puts this beyond parody. And here’s my favorite: Trump is threatening to “activate” Bill Barr. You know the image I get? Remember “The Day The Earth Stood Still” where the robot, Gort, activates and a laser beam comes out of his face plate and he starts strolling round D.C. incinerating people and things? That’s what I see.

Hey, listen, if you hear Trump say, “Klaatu, barada nikto” I would run like hell if I were you, lest Bill Barr gives you a dirty look and vaporizes your ass. The comedy writers at SNL must be throwing their laptops out the window. You can’t make this up. No way.


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  1. Sure, they need to “dominate,” says the guy who likes to get his a** smacked with a rolled up magazine, that has his own image on it.

    • Guys like that always have serious power issues. They feel like they have to dominate but deep inside, what they want is someone more powerful to tell them what to do and it not hurt them. Trump broke bad on those rocks long ago and chose evil as a response.

  2. I have a feeling his supporters expected him to really shine in a time like this because he’s “so tough” (it looked wrong without the quotes)

  3. Another great piece Ursula! wonderful editorials! The earth is standing still in today’s reality of horror and the devil is trying to run the show.

  4. When I see this transcript, I flash back to a great retro animated short in which Batman is confronting a retro mad scientist who tells Bats, “You don’t scare me.” In both cases, it’s obvious that a) yeah, they’re scared and b) it’s the first smart thought they’ve had in a while.

    Glad Klaatu is out of the neighborhood right now or Goort would have made the WH a smoking crater!

  5. Aww…”The media could not be played.” It’s probably available elsewhere though. From this opinion/quotes here – we get the idea.

  6. OK you, of the laugh parade observer in California, a state of much concern to Trump, he knows, matter of factually, he is burnt toast there, so now and then his blurbs are somehow still directed at your good guy Governor, his almost direct connection to your state … making little-to-large put downs slamming vote-by-mail, like that would put SO MUCH more votes in the wave of his and the Nunes final plan for dominance of government, both houses and KING Donald … PHfffft!

    Trump, in his confused state of mind, finally seeing his giant foo-foo, Boo-Boo, letting everything Obama/Pandemic plans/materials/trained lab workers go, just because the importance of eliminating any spec of Obama’s smarter-better-wiser, stuff, from our government safety margins, and in his glorious dreams of his ultimate powers, there was no way he was going to let Obama be right about anything …. then, the BIG oops began, his plan of total control of everything and performing like a fish outta water, the virus seemed like he was going to succeed by just ignoring it, attacking other countries for their problems and threatening ours, his first plan, hide all the PPE’s, (killing front line workers), not ordering millions of test kits to be built, because, well, if there were no test kits, no one would notice how bad his performance actually was, no victim/death reports no problem …

    Oops, another problem, his total stupidity, lack of any knowledge in general, got him in one of his binds where the ultimate fix was down to handing off everything to your and everyone else’s Governor, he would NOT take any blame for anything, even though the full blame for everything, about the Trump virus is squarely on his padded suit coat shoulders …

    Carrying this load around by Trump was visibly wearing on him, although asked continuously what the long term plans were for solving the Trump virus were he NEVER had a reasonable answer … just talk to your Governors …

    NOW, in the typical fashion of a coward caught in his own web of lies and failures, Lock the doors, turn off the lights, He’ll be dammed if he is going to hand out any of that Halloween candy, (retire in absolute fail mode) …

    It’s amazing how loud his whines are, they can be heard all over the world !!

    Well, the best part for Trump is he has his Ivanka close for fatherly,(sic), admiration …

    A good thing, start a wave of concern for our country, who has Trump pissed off so bad they are threatening air strikes on the White House, absolutely the only reason to shut down the lights there, an old war plan, cloak targets in darkness, any one heard anything about military drones in the area?

    Maybe Trump can enlighten us for why he is hiding out like a giant coward?

    Maybe they moved the family out under cover of darkness?

  7. Unfortunately traitortrump can use the full weight of federal law enforcement to jail activists of every ethnicity for 20 years or more on fake trumped up charges. This was done before to Black and white political activists in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s. Some of these people are STILL in prison and are elders. I don’t take his threats lightly especially when he has fascists like Stephen Miller, Bill Barr and Jared Kushner whispering in his ear 24/7. The marches are NOT going to stop but all people of good will need to be marching behind the “banner” of an organization so that those who have come to cause mayhem and harm can be outed.

  8. I often think of those poor German citizens of a 90% Christian nation with a democratic government in 1933 when Hitler came to power. How long did it take for them to realize the unthinkable was exploding literally all around them, and what the hell were they going to do. If you love freedom, your children, the truth, the future of home sapiens, realize this is a fight whether we will be dragged into the future of Donald Trump’ s death cult, or STAND UP FOR LIFE! Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Ya know, if this is a guy who can (allegedly – IMO did it) rape a 13 year old girl and when she cries out asking him to stop, and he slaps her and says he can do what he wants – ya think anything anyone tells him will stop him? This is one sick motherfucker. He is not for the country, only for himself. Just like he didn’t give a flying fuck that girls age – it was all about him getting it off. This is how 45 rolls and we are in deep shit.

    • An assertion Tubby The Ewok is pushing back HARD on today, I understand. He senses the end in sight. And when the likes of Ann Coulter, as craven an opportunist as they come, has turned against you, it’s a reasonable conclusion.

  10. Let me see if I have this straight – the job of a governor is now to be a cop and arrest people, change his hat, split himself in 12 and be a jury and try people then magically recombine, become a judge and toss them in jail for 10 years. Even in Norn Iron under the Special Powers Act you only got 6 months for rioting. For those who don’t know it, the ‘Special Powers Act’ allowed the Minuster of Home Affairs to do what he liked (or in his absence, whoever he appointed could do what he liked for him) – Don John probably believes that’s the law in the US


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