This is going worse than I thought. The Hillbilly Imbecile got off of his plane today in Wisconsin, took a long walk across the tarmac to stare at Air Force Two, then turned to tell the unfortunate assembled reporters, I just wanted to take a look and see what my new ride in a few months looks like. You can’t buy this kind of stupid, it’s a gift from God.

Then he took a stage, and not only shot himself in the foot, the ricochet nicked Trump in the other year. He did the one thing that even a God, Guts, and Guns made America great redneck would never do. He attacked Walz on his military service.

Full credit. JD Vance, under whatever moniker he was using at the moment, joined the Marines and served a deployment in Iraq. As a Public Information Officer. English translation; Answer questions and hand out official communiques, most likely from the secure Green Zone.

Walz joined the US Army National Guard at the age of 17. Walz is 60, and Vance just survived his childhood diseases to hit 40, so we’re looking at two different eras. Walz stuck around for 24 years, obtaining the highest non commissioned officer rank in the army, Command Sargent Major. Beggar Vance tried to smear Walz for retiring from the military months before his unit was deployed overseas. Mark my words. That f*ck up is going to cost Trump and Vance dearly with active duty service personnel, as well as veterans.

I wrote earlier that the Trump campaign is committing a serious strategic error here. By allowing the Hillbilly Imbecile to either precede or follow Harris and Walz in the same local news cycle, the campaign is inviting a direct contrast in the media that they can’t win. Smart money would have had Vance in AZ and NV yesterday and today, followed by GA and NC, then loop back to PA, WI, and MI, so that the air could clear out his stench before the rock show came to town.

But this still begs the simple question, Where the HELL is Traitor Tot?! He had one public appearance last week, which he shared with his overexuberant puppy on a choker chain. Now he has Vance on the road performing comic relief for the Harris-Walz juggernaut, while he has an appearance in Bozeman, Montana on Friday, a state he already has in the bag. And as far as I know, he has no public appearances scheduled for next week.

Trump must be having to sleep with a boxers mouth guard to keep from grinding his molars to the gum. He looks around at his rallies and sees empty seats, while the fire marshals have to show up at Harris events to keep the crowds under safety limits. He has a misfit toy on the road for him, and he has no answer for the Harris-Walz carpetbombing that is flattening Mar-A-Slobo.

But here’s Trump’s grave miscalculation. As I’ve written, Trump’s drooling wrecks need their fix of his toxic brew. Worse yet for Trump, unless they’re involuntarily committed, there is no way His Lowness can keep them hermetically sealed. They go to work, they go out to lunch and dinner, they go to bars, and they visit friends. And there are televisions, and on those televisions, and in those conversations going on around them everywhere, they can hear their Lord and Master getting his fat ass kicked.

Where. Is. Their. Champion?! Come on, dude! Unlike Harris and Walz, Traitor Tot is not a joyful warrior. Their warrior is like the Blood God in Blade. He is a force of nature, and nothing can stand before him and survive. So where is he?

Nowhere to be found. And mark my words, if this sh*t keeps up, it is going to depress the Trump base. They don’t mind carrying the torch for him, but they still need him out there leading the way. And they don’t want some racist slop on Bullsh*t Social, they want their Blood God out there, swinging and slashing with his gory sword, smiting his enemies hip-and-jawbone.  After all, how do you rally around the flag when nobody is carrying the goddamn flag?!

Now we’re down to 90 days. And we all know that A month is a year in politics, which makes three months an eternity. But so far, Harris is running a clinically flawless campaign, and Booger Vance notwithstanding, Trump is running no campaign at all. Put the pedal to the metal, and let’s bring this puppy home.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. It’s obvious.

    Trump is too old, too infirm, too doddery, too senile to campaign, let alone govern.

    It’s time he retired and relaxes in his cell.

    • He’s not campaigning and only visiting states he knows he’ll win because it’s his PLAN to cheat. He’s already got ppl and plans in motion to both rig and then challenge any results he may be worried about or know he’s not going to win. Once a fraudster, always a fraudster. No surprise here, just typical Trumpet criminal behavior.

      • Spot on. Rachel Maddow on MSNBC has been raising this issue recently but mainstream media is, as usual, ignoring it in favor of more sensational (?) stories. The GOP believes the fix is in and if their plans work out, they’ll be proven right. Time for Kamala & Tim to start making loud noises about this and for the DOJ to get off its ass.

      • They are already planning to have their “poll.watchers” challenging votes,and demanding recounts and refusing to certify any vote flu t that goes,against them Anything to drag it out.

  2. Booger Vance. I love it. Even though it made me flash back to a certain scene from Caddyshack involving Judge Smail’s idiot nephew. Then again Trump and Vance are their own version of Judge Smails and his idiot nephew Spaulding:

  3. It wasn’t “most likely” — that is where the paper-pusher do their service, behind the lines, IF they are even in the country under fire. Information officers/noncompoops/whatever are not military journalists (not sure they even have those still). I.O.’s take information already gathered and decide, or bump it up to someone able to make that decision, how much to let the troops and public know.

    If hillbilly boy joined the marines and came out of training as an I.O., they obviously thought he’d shoot his own damned fool head off or worse, someone’s who is actually valuable. If he was an officer, he wasn’t even trusted to do officer shit with/for the troops. I suppose coming out of training as a clerk is below this, but not by much.

  4. Thereis no such thing as Air Force 2. Or Air Force 1. Or whatever it is they call the helicopters. Or rather, I probably should say any plane can be Air Force 1 or 2, but only while carryingthe President or Vice President. It’s not the same plane every time. And the same for helicopters. The military may be wasteful, but its nor wasteful enough to dedicate two planes and put them out of service except for whe the President or VP needs to go somewhere. (It’s really only wasteful on weapons and weappns development in my experience.At the junior levels it’s pretty frugal.)


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