The First Rule of tactics that every great general learns, after It’s the ARMY, stupid!, is Don’t ever get yourself caught in a war on two fronts. From Alexander to Napoleon, from Kaiser Wilhelm to Adolf Hitler, they all learned that no matter how large and advanced your army is, it cannot conquer two complete armies on the other side of the map.
Trump is about to learn that the hard way, and the funny thing is that the silly bastard doesn’t even know he’s fighting a war on two fronts. Because in politics, it’s all the same sh*t to him. Say whatever you want, do whatever you want, and then try to bullsh*t out of it later, when it’s hip deep.
And if he’s not careful, he’ll find himself fighting a war on three fronts. He may be about to have a Goober Vance insurrection on his hands. According to reporting on CNN, the first anonymous GOP House member was grousing about Vance being the worst possible choice Trump could have made. Vance has to know he’s bombing, and yet he keeps on stepping in front of microphones, like the 5 year old kid running around the living room farting when you have the boss and his wife over for dinner.
Although the two directions are totally interchangeable, we’ll start with the left pincers. Since 2000, white women have voted for the GOP presidential candidate in every election. And last night, following up on the rabid success of the combination rallies/conference calls by black women’s grassroots organizations, a similar group of conservative white women voters held the same kind of thing.
They had more than 160,000 women tune in, had to call in tech support to keep the site from crashing, and hauled in more than $8.6 million for the Harris campaign. It was so successful that they’re planning another, even bigger one next week, presumably with tech support and a bigger platform. And they’re energized.
Make no mistake. These are not suburban GOP white women who went Independent in the age of Trump, nor are they Never Trumper’s. These are everyday white GOP women who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. And they have come to understand that they have too much personally at stake in this election to just follow the marching orders. So they’re voting with their feet, and their activism.
And on the right pincers, we have a group that is a totally Trump self induced gunshot wound. And not a foot shot either, he went straight for the nuts. I think you know what I’m talking about already.
NBC News is reporting that both polls and focus groups of confirmed Nikki Haley voters shows that, while they’re not quite ready to call the preacher yet, they like what they see enough to do a little deeper dive into her to make sure she’s not just trifling with their feelings. Trump is going to need a double scoop of vanilla ice cream for this dessert of humble pie.
Haley was Trump’s most serious threat in the primaries, and the only one who went right at him on not only his policies, but also on his age and mental fitness. Enraged, he banished both her as well as her supporters from MAGA world. Which was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Even after Haley actively left the race, she continued to draw a solid 20% of primary protest votes. Which only enraged Traitor Tot more.
Once she was gone, the smart move would have been to make moves to welcome her to the fold, give her a speaking slot at the RNC, and let save face before she fluffed him on national television, in the name of conciliation and party unity. Instead he made her prostrate herself in front of the graven idol, leaving her supporters see her as just another hypocritical political hack. They’re never coming back.
And these are base GOP voters. The kind that take the time and trouble to go out in the middle of the winter or early spring, line up in some high school gymnasium, and cast a vote that doesn’t actually elect anybody! Think about how many more silent Haley supporters out there that didn’t strain themselves to go through all that fuss and bother.
And now they’re seriously looking at Harris. This is the pot of gold at the end of the
Democratic rainbow. And in all honesty, it’s a pot of gold that my leprechaun brother President Biden could have walked off with. What those voters are looking for is youth, inspiration, and sincerity, all of which Harris has in spades. And consider this. Let’s say that Trump manages 1.5 million votes in a primary state. 20% of that would be 140,000 votes. Double that to include general election voters, and you’re looking at a minimum of 280,000 voters. That isn’t just enough to shift the balance in a close state, it’s enough to hammer the GOP in down ballot races. And they’re there for the picking.
And as long as we’re having so much fun, why go whole hog and talk about full encirclement. On Alex Wagner Tonight, in her A-Block Alex pointed out that as recently as a week ago, one of the dominant topics of conversation in the race was double haters. That’s the media coined term for disgruntled voters who hated both presidential candidates, Biden and Trump. These double haters were never going back to Trump, no matter how many ears he got winged in, and with what. The only question was whether or not they could be wooed back to Biden, a risky proposition since they indicated a willingness to vote third party.
But according to Wagner, in the space of a single week, the double haters category had all but disappeared. While El Pendejo ex Presidente may still be running, Biden is gone. And he’s been replaced with a younger, inspirational progressive candidate. Any bets on which trail most of these voters are hiking on?
One more thing before I close this up. In polling between Trump and Biden, most national polls showed Trump leading comfortably. But when the polls threw in a 3rd party candidate like RFK Jr., Biden chopped Trump’s lead in half. Despite the democrats worries, Trump was the one who was bleeding support to a 3rd party candidate. What happens now that there’s a younger, more energetic, inspirational candidate topping the ticket of one of the two national parties, what happens to that 3rd party protest vote that was going to Kennedy? Don’t touch that dial.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
like the 5 year old kid running around the living room farting when you have the boss and his wife over for dinner.
That is the funniest thing I’ve read in at least a few months Murf. I’m still laughing my butt off.
To the meat of your article–I’m still trying to figure out how von shitzi got any women voters in 2016 and I am bum-fuzzled he got a single female vote in 2020. They might not go over to the Harris camp, I’m not sure that is even reasonable to hope for, but they might stay home or just vote the down ballot races. Would matter tho’-he loses the white women (suburban I assume you mean) vote and he will be in some serious hurt.
White women are surely, are they not, aware of womens’ health and bodily freedom issues?
White evangelical women do what their preacher tells them. And white suburban women often vote for security (translation: the notion that PoC are all.criminals who will.invade their homes, steal.everything,and rape them) and tax breaks that are promised but never actually arrive unless hubby makes 200,000+.
Thank you, Murf, dear. Wonderful as always!
Whether pincers or a vise as I suggested earlier this evening Trumps shriveled, dried up balls are in one. And HE is the one who put them there, AND started applying pressure. I foresee every attempt he makes with those tiny little sharing hands to free his balls will only put the squeeze on tighter!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Right Natasha? ‘Bring me moose and squirrel’!!!!!