Trump woke up with one thing on his mind this morning… HE DID NOTHING WRONG! Trust him. He wouldn’t lie about a matter like that.

Actually, under that cover, he did expand the framework into subcategories. But at every corner, in every way, he is the victim. Got it? Our alpha male is crying again, and it’s not fair that he got the mean special prosecutor and Biden got the nice one:

Page 1: What Biden did was wrong, but he was given a reasonable and stable Special Counsel who is sane, inclined not to make waves, friendly with RINOS, and is not known as a flame-throwing lunatic or a Biden hater. What I did was RIGHT, Secured documents in a secured place, lock on the doors, guards and Secret Service all around, security cameras working. Mar-a-Lago is essentially an armed fort, and was built that way in the 1920’s, with High Walls & structure to serve as the Southern W.H…

Let’s clean up a couple of things here. Mar-a-Lago is an armed fort to keep the riff-raff out. But if you have $200K for an entry fee and five-digit yearly fees, you can become a member who can come and go. In terms of movement around the documents, there would be far fewer around Joe Biden’s places.

More important, of course, is that a prosecutor is a prosecutor, and the fact that Merrick Garland appointed one immediately is almost embarrassing. Every legal analyst says that there must be some kind of “intent” to keep the documents to themselves, and given that Biden found them and is turning them over it’s hard to see any intent. As opposed to the guy who…


Maybe it all has an easy explanation, such as the fact that you’re an asshole, and so they put the stalking tiger on you? No?

No. Both will do almost the exact same thing and then add up the facts.

Page 2: I was President of the U.S. and covered and protected by the Presidential Records Act, which is not criminal and allows and encourages you to talk to the NARA, which we were, very nicely, until the FBI, who it is now learned has been after me for years without pause or question, RAIDED Mar-a-Lago, a stupid and probably Illegal thing to do. As President, I have the right to declassify documents, Biden did not. Special “Prosecutor” Jack Smith, however, is a Trump Hating political Thug…

The Presidential Records does have a criminal component, stuff about ripping and tearing paper, flushing them down the toilet, burning them in fireplaces, sh*t like that.

Trump’s attorneys have never claimed that the documents were declassified in a court filing. Not once. And that’s because of Rule 11, which requires an attorney to sign every document filed, attesting that the documents are filed in good faith and no false claims are made nor false assertions of law. If you recall, when the “Special Master” asked Trump’s attorneys to provide all evidence that the documents were “planted” (I guess that excuse is gone) or that Trump declassified them, Trump’s attorneys ran back into the loving arms of Judge Cannon who overruled the Special Master.

I love how Trump continues to use the present tense in describing himself “as president.”

And I especially love how he claims he was “working with” the National Archives. He knew that he ignored subpoenas, he knew that the matter had been referred to the FBI, and he continued to hold them anyway.

Biden has no justification for having those files unless they just traveled over to his office from sloppy staffing – and even then, he should have had them triple-checked. But he self-reported and continued to look and found more still. There are a lot of conspiracy theorists that believe the documents were planted. There is no evidence of such, but it’s not impossible. We know that Trump’s documents were not because he keeps claiming he declassified all this stuff and was “in talks with the National Archives…

Okay, last one:

Page 3: The Boxes Hoax Case against me should be dropped immediately. I have done nothing wrong!

Actually, he should have been indicted months ago.

Words cannot express how angry I am that Garland appointed special counsel for both of these cases. The DOJ is filled with lifelong attorneys that can be trusted to prosecute the cases. DOJ could have found an attorney that helped Trump in some way during his term and could also prosecute him, and the same with Biden. We were assured that Jack Smith wouldn’t delay the Trump case at all. With the subpoenas he is sending out, it feels like it’s been delayed.

Trump’s assertion that he declassified these documents wasn’t raised until after the FBI’s search. There is no such thing as looking at documents and declassifying them. Oh, and it’s fascinating that Trump possessed a TS-SCI document on China’s defense doctrine and yelled out that Joe likely showed China what they had, and he (Trump) would never do that!

He might have taken the “accuse your enemy of that which you’re guilty” a little too far with that one.

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    • True. But not everyone who went to law school believes that, either. Just saying that there are career FBI people that could do just as good a job as these guys brought in isn’t saying that there’s equal justice or something.

  1. The core problem with the law is the hypocrisy is backed by FORCE! I have a problem with religious hypocrisy also since they talk about mysteries as if they KNOW the facts. However, preachers, rabbis, etc. don’t send people with guns to your house if you don’t follow their rules, unless you live in countries like Iran. The law does. Therefore the LAW should be held to the HIGHEST standard. When you criminalize millions based on provable lies, like the cannabis laws, and let the real killers get rich, like the Sacklers, then you deserve NO RESPECT. You actually are evil and should be called out at every turn. Trump and his cult would have never come to power if the LAW had honored their motto. Career criminals like him should have been charged after all the laws he broke operating in NY. I saw Bragg’s interview the other night. Talk about making excuses. Cue up the apologists.

    • If dfg had been charged way back in the 1980s, we never would have been in the situation where he entered the White House. But he wasn’t and may never be. I’m willing to wait and see what happens. Hope springs eternal. It’s all I have some days.

  2. Trump is used to his threats of lawsuits, retaliation etc. bullying those who challenge him into submission. Like so many bullies, upon learning someone tough, tougher even than the bully himself is coming for him, that that person isn’t the least bit intimidated Trump is freaking out. He’s WHINING like a spoiled rich kid that some regular kid is coming to make him give back the lunch money he forced others to hand over to him! And that the folks in the Principal’s office won’t back him up! Even worse, living under serious threat is something Jack Smith (and his family) is used to. It has to suck for Smith that even back in the U.S. he needs the kind of protection he’s surely getting but it’s nothing new for him. Trump can threaten all he wants but Smith isn’t scared of him. He will recommend formal charges if and when he’s got the evidence cold. One can only hope Garland won’t be the one to cave.

  3. Yeah you can hope but why didn’t HE issue the subpoenas over the last 15 months that Jack just did? Timidity from a politician not a prosecutor.

  4. What stood out most to me in Trump’s rants was this:
    “They are GRILLING innocent people in Grand Juries for hours…”

    Who are the innocents being grilled? And are these the Special Counsel’s prosecutors who are doing the questioning? Does SC Jack Smith have Grand Juries up and running already? That’s what this complaint sounds like.

    It could be that he’s confusing a DoJ Grand Jury with the Grand Jury set up recently by the Special Counsel but I doubt it. Sounds like Jack Smith is fully up-to-date with all DoJ evidence files on the leading co-conspirators and is already in the Grand Jury phase.

  5. Mar a lardo was build as an armed fortress to be the southern white house? Really? way back then in the 1920s? Hmmmmmmmm…….. Dfg just makes up whatever “facts” he wants people to believe. Sadly, his base eats it all up with a giant rusty spoon. But the uneducated believe what they are told, without research nor investigation into what is fact, what is fiction. While I doubt the planted documents theory, it’s starting to seem very suspicious that more documents keep magically appearing, despite searches. But I’m a sceptic I guess. I just wish they would search every single place President, then Vice President, Biden has ever been and find everything and be done with it!! Just my thoughts…

  6. At least the files in Biden’s old office were locked up and he volunteered to have them picked up and they were not ” Highly ” classified like what Trump had .


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