Evidently Donald Trump thinks that the best defense in a criminal case is attacking the prosecutor or the judge, or sometimes both. In this case, Trump is attacking Judge Tanya Chutkan and has previously attacked Jack Smith, who brought the indictment against him for his activities in fomenting the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. He apparently thinks that what he shares here exonerates him. Wrong.

If he’s trying to make a case that the judge is biased, so that she’ll recuse herself, he can forget it. At least, if this is his best effort, he can forget it.

Maybe Trump is trying to bait the judge into revoking his bail and putting him behind bars, figuring that the MAGAs will go nuts and riot. That could be. It also could be that they won’t do a thing except weep and wail on RSBN and Newsmax about how awful it all is. That’s the gamble and evidently it’s one Trump is willing to take. Or, maybe they will take to the streets, then there will be more bloodshed and trials.

And cast your mind back a few days to Iowa. Trump was there with Matt Gaetz and Gaetz was saying that “force” should be used.

Sure sounds like a call to arms to me.

Here’s his most recent rant on Truth Social, about how unfair it all is.

Joe Biden isn’t doing it. The people are doing it. The rule of law is doing it. But that’s not the point. The point is that Trumpty degenerates into screaming in all-caps. Probably the phone rang and it was one of his lawyers.

It’s going to be a wild week and it’s still Monday morning, at least in the west.


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  1. His defense will be that he didn’t issue an explicit threat, and sadly people get away with that sh*t everywhere every single day. Especially women from guys they’ve rejected. Trump knows this and as I wrote recently some of what Roy Cohn (and others) taught him about pushing limits but staying just inside the lines has stuck with him. Even his nodding as the a-hat in Iowa ranted about using force is something even a hack lawyer can convince a court doesn’t rise to the level of a threat that’s actionable under the law.

    However, judge Chutkan has already laid down her marker and done so on the record. She said in open court that if Trump doesn’t tone down his rhetoric, and that if he or his lawyers attempt to try the case on the courthouse steps on in the news/social media it could have an adverse affect on witnesses who might reasonably feel threatened, and/or affect the jury pool. As such it would require moving UP Trump’s trial date instead of delaying it. It’s all part of the record and when Trump tries appealing as I said judge Chutkan will have laid the groundwork for the denial of Trump’s appeal(s). Swift denial. Those appelllate judges that oversee the DC Circuit are savvy, experienced and well versed in Trumpian delay tactics.

    Trump IS going to trial in DC in January, perhaps even before Christmas if they can get a jury picked before the middle of the month and leave a week’s worth of trial days before taking a week or so off for Christmas.

    If we’re lucky once Trump realizes his bid to intimidate the judge didn’t just fail but resulted in him having to face the music before the primaries even get ramped up too much, AND with a suddenly (again, thanks to his failed legal gambits) making Alvin Bragg’s case much stronger a state trial in NYC in March inevitable (and most likely as a convicted felon by then) he’ll lost it completely. And issue a direct threat – one that goes beyond “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” = a direct call for people, true supporters to take matters into their own hands and commit violence against judges, prosecutors, witnesses.

    And find himself locked up with no phone/internet privileges or even media interviews pending trial.

  2. It’s worked for him before. He’ll keep doing it until his arse is in jail. Fact. OK judge…are you Dean Weirmer from Faber College with your repeated verbal warnings, and double secret probation, or ARE YOU GOING TO BACK THE RULE OF LAW???? Just call me curious. And pissed.

  3. I’m starting to get the idea that he actually WANTS to be arrested and spend a short time (he hopes) in a jail cell, for contempt of court or some relatively minor offence.

    He wants to portray himself as a ‘martyr for the cause’ and running (or golf-carting) rould golf courses or flying into various ‘rallies’ isn’t real ‘martyr’ stuff, so a few deys in lock-up and he comes over as the guy who ‘went to jail for all you people’

    • As Aldo the Apache,(Brad Pitt), said to the nazi officer who chose death over helping the allied guerrillas behind the lines: “donny…this man wants to die for his country…OBLIGE HIM!!!” Let the cult scream…phuck them…give baby huey a taste of what is to come. There’s thousands of fathers in jail, as I type, who’ve committed no crime but being a daddy without a job. My sympathy is for the innocent, not this child murderer and rapist.

      • I would agree except for one point: he’ll use that sleepover in the lockup to get his sheeple to pay even more of whatever, remains of their savings.

        Besides that, he’s narcissistic enough to believe that the whole country will rise in protest about him being locked away (even if it’s just for a sleepover)

        My personal opinion? He did most of that stuff while he was Commander in Chief of the military – court martial him and toss him into Leavenworth.

  4. It’s his way of begging, and egging, to be incarcerated, on his terms. Remember he thinks he is the script writer, director and producer if this delusional side show. Wrong. He does not own it. It owns him. It is real, played in realtime. He has no control over it.

  5. Daithi. True but go ahead and let him continue to fleece them. Maybe when the coffers are bare and there’s no more money…they won’t have gas to go to the gun shows.

    • I’m sure I speak for countless people when I say to Fulton County DA Fani Willis “I just need you to get at least ONE felony conviction!”

  6. Proof Trump thinks he can whatever he wants. Antagonizing the judge isn’t bright. She will.likely fine him for contempt of court, then either raise the amount or proceed directly to house arrest. If he refuses to.sit down and shut up, he will be arrested and sent to jail and held until trial.
    I would bet that Donnie Donuts is incapable of not going on the attack. His entire life has been based on Roy Cohn’s dictate that if someone hits you, hit back 10 times harder. I think it would require him turning over his cell phone and ordering hi. not to comment on the case to anyone or on social media while on house arrest before he actually realizes that this isn’t going to work.


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