I haven’t seen one of these pile ups in a while. Donald Trump is really uptight. Uptight, hell. He’s frayed, freaking, and ready to fly apart. The Worm Moon is waning, spring is coming and people all over the world are looking forward to some warm weather to rejuvenate their spirits as winter ends and the buds and crocuses offer new hope.  Not so with Trumpty Dumpty.

No, he’s huddled over his phone in a dark corner of Mar-a-Lago, flipping out and doing a series of Truth Social posts Thursday night.

He is obsessed and I mean, capital “O”, about the news that he might be indicted. Prosecutors offered Trump a chance to testify in front of the Manhattan grand jury that has been hearing evidence in the Stormy Daniels case, which is “the strongest indication yet that prosecutors are nearing an indictment of the former president.” And he knows it. He’s got to be afraid of it, or why else this avalanche of illuminated pixels, projectile vomited into the ethernet?

Look, if he “did absolutely nothing wrong,” why does he have to say it on social media? I did absolutely nothing wrong either (nothing illegal, in any event) and I’m not all over Twitter screaming, “I DID NOTHING WRONG!! WITCH HUNT!!”

Again, you don’t have to be Perry Mason to know that this is the raving of a guilty conscience.

And Trump won lawsuits? Since when?

He is really coming unglued over this! “Soros-backed?”

“Nobody had any idea” is Trump-speak for, “I thought I got rid of all this. Why is this happening to me? I thought Cy Vance told Bragg to fuggedaboutit?”

This is starting to get exhausting.

He has said absolutely nothing new here. As usual. The man is a broken record. But I would bet that somebody, one of his lawyers, came to tell him to shut up. Not in those words because Trump can’t handle direct reality. He needs it served on a silver platter along with his French fries.

Here’s what cooler heads think.

This is a good analysis. I believe Trump will be indicted. I believe what this analyst is saying will come to pass. And I believe that the indictment might, just might, be the tipping point to get Ron DeSantis the nomination over Trump.

Every day, run of the mill Republicans who are tired of Trump losing them elections begin to plot to somehow take back power in 2024. I don’t think they’ll be successful, but I think dumping Trump will be the first shot they take. And I think he knows it. He might have been in denial before, but I think he knows it now.

And Stormy Daniels will be a lot more than just a footnote in history. She’ll be a character. Her legend will endure. They may name ice cream parlors of the future after her, like they do Dolly Madison, in this century. Daniels is key to toppling the worst wanna be dictator in American history. Whudda thot? A game show host defeated the first woman candidate running for president representing a major political party and when he tried to run again, the integrity and decency of a porn star waylaid his careful plans.


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  1. A man has two heads. The one with ears can sometimes listen, ponder, and occasionally make a reasonable and rational decision. The one without ears is a fucking tyrant and never learns a goddamn thing. Once again we see this play out as it has in history over and over. Women have no 24/7 tyrant in their lives, unless they’re with a man.

    • On this occasion I’m going to disagree, Scott. Women also get into dalliances with guys, out of biological need, and live to regret it. Oh, believe me we do. And it’s not just biological, sometimes there is simply a human need to bond with somebody. I can’t tell you how many situations in my own life that I look back at and shake my head.

      And I used to talk to women in group therapy and many of them concurred with this. It’s not just isolated to men.

  2. The fatal flaw that has brought down more powerful men than him through out history will help bring him down. My sincere thanks to Stormy for persevering!

    • You’re going to hear a lotttt more bleating as these cases, plural, keep developing. He’s on a legal merry-go-round right now. Every which way he looks, there’s a lawsuit.

  3. Insufferable, yes (and when has he ever been otherwise?). But all his power will remain stuck within the GOP machinery. As was true last year, he’ll be doing far more damage to them than the rest of us. It’s why no one should EVER trust the Never Trumper crowd from now on. They want US to save THEIR skins. Given their role in getting us here, they can pound sand.

    The mistake Mueller, She Wrote is making on this–deliberate or otherwise–is in thinking the Republicans still want him around after costing them three straight election cycles. Yes, there have been local and state gains but that was mostly in spots they were already strong. Those new officeholders want what they think Trump had and are quite willing to shiv him over it. THEY’RE the real danger going forward…and that’s a longer list than DeathSantis.

    • It’s rock and a hard place time. Yes, the Paul Ryans and Ken Cuccinellis want Trump gone. But Trump won’t go gently into that dark night. No, he will go Independent and insure a GOP loss. I don’t see a conciliatory day where Candidate Trump holds up the hand of Candidate DeSantis in a victory salute and announces that DeSantis won fair and square and all the Republicans have to rally around him now.

  4. I would call Trump the second-worst wannabe dictator in American history. DeSantis is a far greater threat, if only because he isn’t batshit crazy.

  5. Actually, Ursula I completely agree with you. We all search for hearts of gold, sometimes in the wrong places, at the wrong time, the wrong way, and, certainly with the wrong people. Ha. It seems to come with the territory.


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