We are on the brink of an era which is already being dubbed the New Cold War, which like the old Cold War will end up being a costly and protracted mess, not to mention a scary one. Vladimir Putin is nuts. He’s an incredibly powerful man who has lost touch with reality. Here is how his actions are being determined in the real world.

That gives you the flavor of the gravity of the situation. Compare and contrast that with this imbecile.

I have been writing about the unmeasurable idiocy of Donald Trump for five years now, but I confess, hearing him right here, in the mindset that I am in from reading serious political commentary on the gravity of this situation, is beyond stunning.

This clip illustrates the fact that the man has no intellect whatsoever, better than anything I have ever heard come out of his mouth. Context is everything. He doesn’t say anything here that is more stupid than anything else he’s ever said. The miraculously stunning part is that he’s saying this in the context of world events as they stand midday, February 22, 2022.

All I can do is fall to my knees and look heavenward and thank Almighty God, fate, blind luck, Universal Intelligence, whatever, that somehow the guardrails of democracy held and the American people did what was in their best interest and voted this bum out. Thank God  we don’t have this stupid mofo sullying the halls of the White House with his abysmally moronic presence. Thank God there is an adult in charge. We had a vacuum of leadership for four years.

And the GOP wants to restore this creature to power. Think about that.

I hope the Lincoln Project is going to take this clip of Trump’s and put it in context and use it for a killer political ad. If they do and I find it, you’ll see it immediately.

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  1. the orange shit gibbon enabled vlad “the poisoner” putin in this matter just as he enabled the future invasion of Taiwan.

    For the orange shit gibbon to congratulate “the poisoner” (sure hope that catches on) indicates how big of a traitor he is and that he should be imprisoned immediately. Russia has never been our friend. This invasion puts russia squarely in the enemy corner. Supporters of our enemies need to be put in prison or executed and frankly I do not give a shit which.

  2. Anyone surprised? Putin probably had someone write this up for 45. Talk about anti-America. When is enough – enough with the asshat?

  3. Rather than a new Cold War, Ursula, I see this as an extension of the old one. Putin never got over that loss and now is squandering his last bit of political and economic capital to “redo” the outcome. If Trump is endorsing it, it’s practically an anti-seal of approval: a terrible idea a smart villain would know has no chance of working.

    But in fairness, ALL of Putin’s available options suck. That he’d take the one that was one of the more active choices is therefore hardly a shock.

  4. The former guy has a lot of followers in Congress. You’d think they’d wake up and notice that what’s in *that* pot isn’t coffee.

    • They know. They just refuse to do anything about it in the vain hope of retaking power in November. And by “vain”, I mean it’s their vanity rather than love of country that drives them.



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